Bunny Bunny

Bunny Bunny

Nasty Wound

Psychube Recommendations

6 Star: His Bounden Duty
5 Star: Yearning Desire

Bunny Bunny Skills

Custom Bottle

Level 1 / 3

1-target attack. Deals 160% Reality DMG. This attack enjoys Critical Rate and Critical DMG +25%.

Sweet Gloves

Level 1 / 3

1-target attack. Deals 200% Reality DMG.

Bunny Medal Cert

Mass healing. Purifies [Stats Down], [Neg Status], and [Control] statuses for all allies and HP +(the caster's ATK x200%) for them.

Bunny Bunny Inheritances

Best Employee

Inflicts [Gracious Host] on all enemies for 2 rounds when the caster enters battle (only triggers 1 time).

Best Employee โ…ก

Critical DMG +15% when the caster enters battle.

Bunny Bunny Portrays

โ–ฉ3%s's effect changes to: HP +(the caster's ATK x220%) for all allies.
โ–ฉ1%s's effect changes to: this attack enjoys Critical Rate +30%, Critical DMG +30%.
โ–ฉ2%s's effect changes to: deals 220/280/450% Reality DMG.
โ–ฉ3%s's effect changes to: HP +(the caster's ATK x240%) for all allies.
โ–ฉ3%s's effect changes to: HP +(the caster's ATK x260%) for all allies.