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There are a total of 8 Lost Grimoires and 8 mysterious bookshelves in the Faded Castle. Once you collect all of them and return the grimoires to the bookshelves, you will get an achievement called Loved by Books.
All 8 Lost Grimoires in Genshin Impact

Let's start with the Lost Grimoires first because you can't really open the bookshelves' paths if you don't have the grimores.

Teleport to waypoint #1 and keep walking up the stairs until you see a sofa beside a mysterious bookshelf. Wait until you see a grimoire floating around you and tap E (symphony power, not Elemental Skill) to capture that book.

After that, go up the stairs again and you will see another grimoire in front of a musical instrument (i don't know what it's called, a harp iirc). Anyway! Just take the book.

Teleport to waypoint #2 and jump off the balcony until you're facing the huge stage (that leads to the Sea of Bygone Eras. Turn around and you will see a pond of water. The 3rd Lost Grimoire is just beside the pool.

From the previous spot at the 3rd grimoire, look to your left and you will see a set of stairs. Go up there and you will see another Lost Grimoire. This book is directly opposite of a mysterious bookshelf.

Teleport to waypoint #2, turn around, and walk forward until you see a path on your left. Keep walking that path until you see a library/office. The 5th grimoire is just there near the reading area.

Keep walking up the stairs and you will see a crystal (that changes color blue-orange). Ignore the crystal for now and look across it to find a bookshelf. The 6th grimoire is just in front of that bookshelf.

Now, go back to the crystal and hit it until it turns orange so numerous waterplanks will spawn. Climb on top of those waterplanks and just wait until you reach another crystal.

Keep going up until you see a bookshelf. There's a Lost Grimoire right in front of that library.

Now for the last one, teleport to waypoint #8 and turn around. Keep walking until you see the small while crystal. Follow that crystal until the end and an Exquisite Chest will spawn. Not only that, there will also be a Lost Grimoire at the other end of the cave (see image above).
All 8 Mysterious Bookshelves in Genshin Impact

Now that you have found all the Grimoires, time to find the bookshelves. It doesn't have to be in any order (any grimoire can fit on any bookshelves). Once you give the book to the bookshelf, you don't need to enter the path inside it to get the Loved by Books achievement. But there are many loots inside those paths so might as well check them.

First of all, teleport to waypoint #1 and walk forward until you see a lots of floating books. Once you walk past those books, look to your left and you will see the first bookshelf.

Then, walk towards the stairs and keep walking there until you see a comfy looking sofa. There's a bookshelf just beside it.

Walk up the stairs again until you reach the highest point of this castle and you will see another bookshelf. There's a Golem inside it.

Teleport to waypoint #2 and jump off the balcony until you're facing the huge stage (that leads to the Sea of Bygone Eras. Turn around and you will see a pond of water. The 4th bookshelf is just beside the pool.

Teleport to waypoint #2, turn around and walk forward until you see a path on your left. Keep walking that path until you see a library/office. The 5th library is just there above the steps.

Inside the same room, go up the stairs and you will see another bookshelf. It's really near the previous one so keep looking to your left.

Once again, keep walking up the stairs in the same room and you will see a crystal (that changes color blue-orange). Ignore the crystal for now and look across it to find the 7th bookshelf. There is a path on the left of this crystal so you can walk there to reach the bookshelf.

Now, go back to the crystal and hit it until it turns orange so numerous waterplanks will spawn. Climb on top of those waterplanks and just wait until you reach another crystal.

Hit that one crystal to spawn a teleport bubble. Enter that bubble and it will transport you to the last mysterious bookshelf.
Now, if you're looking for the locations of each Mysterious Grimores, most of them are near each bookshelves, but there are also some that are pretty far. I'm gonna cover it in another post because this one is too long. You can find it here: