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Genshin Impact: Autoharmonic Music Box All Score Locations

There are 6 musical scores you can find in the new Fontaine of version 4.6, and by going through the area of those scores, you can get lots of treasure chests and achievements.

There are 6 musical scores you can find in the new Fontaine of version 4.6, and by going through the area of those scores, you can get lots of treasure chests and achievements. But first, make sure to complete the Canticles of Harmony chain quest to obtain the Autoharmonic Music Box quest item and 2 of the musical scores.

All 6 Scores for Autoharmonic Music Box

Score #1: Locus Amoenus

The first music score can be obtained while completing the main quest chain 'Canticles of Harmony' in version 4.6.

Score #2: Tuba Mirum

Teleport to the waypoint near the red circle (southeast of Faded Castle word) and once you arrive, jump down the balcony and you will reach the stage. Interact with the mechanism in front of the Luxurious Chest to load a Blank Score and activate a performance. Once you complete the challenge, your second score will be completed + unlock 1 Luxurious Chest and 2 Precious Chests.

For the challenge, you need to collect the Note Bubbles in each wave. You need to collect a certain number of Note Bubbles each wave or the challenge will fail. You can use the power of symphony (tap T to switch your Elemental Skill to the power of symphony and tap E to use the symphony) to cause the Note Bubbles to stop. It will be easier for you to catch the notes this way.

Score #3: Rex Tremendae

Go to the spot above in the Portus Anticus (you had reached this location before in the Canticles of Harmony quest). If you use the teleport waypoint in this cave, once you arrive, keep walking forward until you see the purple Viewpoint. Upon seeing that, keep walking and you will see a Golem guarding the musical note. Defeat the Golem and extract the musical score.

Score #4: Dies Irae

Teleport to the underground waypoint near Caesareum Palace and walk forward until you see a statue in front of the huge blue gate. All you have to do is interact with the statue and complete the challenges (defeat all enemies) to unlock the blue gate and get all the treasure chests + musical score inside it.

The music score is on top of a small bump near the Luxurious Chest and a tomb. Just look up and you will see it.

If you haven't unlocked the waypoint in the Caesareum Palace yet, teleport to the waypoint I circled above. Then, swim in the direction of the arrow I made and you will see an Autoharmonic Reed Pipes stuck on the ground. Once you see that mechanism, look south and you will see an entrance to the Caesareum Palace (There is a Hydroculus just at the entrance).

Score #5: Confutatis

The fifth score is inside Capitolium: Old Palace. If you already unlocked the waypoint here, teleport there, defeat Cineas (Local Legend) and you can get the musical score just ahead of Cineas' arena.

If you never stepped to this place yet, teleport to the waypoint I circled above and swim in the direction of the arrow. Before the entrance, you should see lots of pink coral reef to your left. Once you see a patch of pink ground, go there and you will reach the entrance. After that, just keep walking and you can reach the teleport waypoint in there.

Score #6: Lacrimosa

The last music score can be obtained by completing the main quest chain 'Canticles of Harmony' in version 4.6.


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