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Genshin Impact: Feline Fortress Furrdyssey Event Guide

Your recent travels have seen you and Paimon encounter all manner of strange creatures, but owing to various factors, Paimon would still like to have some fun with cats. As such, you intend to return to Mondstadt and drop by The Cat's Tail...

Your recent travels have seen you and Paimon encounter all manner of strange creatures, but owing to various factors, Paimon would still like to have some fun with cats. As such, you intend to return to Mondstadt and drop by The Cat's Tail...

Gameplay Overview

Event Gameplay Duration:
➥ 2024/04/08 10:00:00 – 2024/04/18 03:59:59

➥ Adventure Rank 20 or above
➥ And complete Archon Quest Prologue: Act III “Song of the Dragon and Freedom”
※ Complete Archon Quest Chapter IV: Act II “As Light Rain Falls Without Reason” and World Quest “A Teapot to Call Home: Part I” first to get the best experience from this event.

Event Overview:
➥ From the first day of the event, a new stage will unlock every day. A total of five stages will be unlocked.
➥ Each stage consists of setting up a “Fluffy Feline Home” and playing with the cat at the “Throne of Meower.”
➥ You must take various requirements into consideration when setting up your “Fluffy Feline Home.” You are required to select suitable furnishings in such a way that the overall area fits the attribute requirements exactly, no more and no less. After you have completed your setup, you can place food into the cat food bowl to be acknowledged by them.
➥ After you have fed a cat, you can call the corresponding cat at the “Throne of Meower” or invite it to play directly. You can touch different parts of the cats to pet them and raise their friendliness.

Gameplay Tutorial

(1) Furry Feline Home Gameplay

You must take various requirements into consideration when setting up your Fluffy Feline Home.
There are three attributes in this event: Comfiness, Durability, and Aesthetics. You are required to select 1 suitable furnishing of each type in such a way that the overall area fits the three attribute requirements exactly, no more and no less.

The icon of the furnishing's primary attribute will be displayed in the upper left corner of the interface. In addition to the main attribute, it will also provide a small amount of other attributes.
There is only one unique combination of furnishings that furnishes the attributes needed to complete the challenge, and the furnishings that comprise that combination have appearances that complement each other the best.

After you have completed your Fluffy Feline Home setup, you can place food into the cat food bowl to be acknowledged by them. After you have fed a cat, you can call the corresponding cat at the Throne of Meower or invite it to play directly.

(2) Feline Favor Gameplay

You can select a cat from the Throne of Meower, or directly invite a cat to come and play.
The cat's Friendship levels are as follows: Trusted, Cherished, Inseparable.

The 8 points where you can pet the cat are the right ear, left ear, face, lower body, upper body, tail, right paw, and left paw. Different cats have their own preferences for where they wish to be petted.

Press in order to pet the cat. If you pet right where the cat likes it, its friendliness to you will increase, but this value will remain the same or even decrease should you pet a spot that displeases the feline.

Repeatedly petting the same part of a cat will cause friendliness to increase by less and less, until it no longer increases at all. As such, you must adjust your approach and pet the cat in different spots.
After you have switched up the places you are petting it a certain number of times, this cat's rate of friendliness increase will reset across all the body parts it likes to be petted.

Once a cat's Friendship level has increased to the next stageareas where it did not enjoy being petted may change, and it may now permit you to pet it in new places.
Use your keen observation and get along with them, now!

Feline Fortress Furrdyssey

Stage 1 - Snowball's Warm Little Den

Choose the following furniture to reach all the requirements (Options 2 > 2 > 1 > 2):
Accessories: Teatime
Ornaments: Comforting
Seats: Lunch Break
Cabinets: Overflowing

Follow the directions below to get to 'Inseparable' rate:
• Click on the Face x4
• Click on Upper body x3
• Click on Right paw x3
• Click on Left paw x3
• Click on Lower body x3
• Click on Right ear 1x

Stage 2 - Bunny's Hopping Home

Choose the following furniture to reach all the requirements (Options 3 > 3 > 2 > 2):
Accessories: Gilded Cra..
Flowers and Plants: Calming Bl...
Seats: Philosophy...
Cabinets: Bedtime St..

Follow the directions below to get to 'Inseparable' rate:
• Click on the Upper body x3
• Click on Left ear x2
• Click on Right ear x2
• Click on Face x3
• Click on Tail x2
• Click on Face 1x
• Click on Left ear x1
• Click on Right ear x2
• Click on Left ear x1

Stage 3 - Dustball's Relaxing Room

Choose the following furniture to reach all the requirements (Options 1 > 2 > 1 > 1 > 1):
Ornaments: Precise an..
Stools: Outspoken...
Cabinets: Leisure Re...
Carpets: Resplende..
Toys: Rose's Man..

Follow the directions below to get to 'Inseparable' rate:
• Click on the Tail x2
• Click on Left paw x3
• Click on Right paw x3
• Click on Upper body x3
• Click on Face x2
• Click on Lower body x1
• Click on Tail x1

Stage 4 - Dopey's Fantasy Paradise

Choose the following furniture to reach all the requirements (Options 1 > 2 > 1 > 3 > 3):
Sofas: Rich Valbe..
Accessories: Teatime R...
Lights: Pleasing St...
Seats: Cornucopi..
Cabinets Tremendo..

Follow the directions below to get to 'Inseparable' rate:
• Click on the Tail x3
• Click on Left ear x2
• Click on Right ear x2
• Click on Lower body x3
• Click on Upper body x3
• Click on Tail x1

Stage 5 - Fantastic Felines' Forbidding Fortress

Choose the following furniture to reach all the requirements (Options 2 > 1 > 2 > 3 > 1):
Stools: Assembled..
Sofas: Carefree A...
Round Tables: Standing S...
Flowers and Plants: Flowing W..
Cabinets: Gently Lit..

Follow the directions below to get to 'Inseparable' rate:
• Click on the Left ear x2
• Click on Right ear x2
• Click on Left paw x3
• Click on Right paw x2
• Click on Lower body x3
• Click on Upper body x2
• Click on Right paw x2

Gameplay Rewards

➥ Don’t forget to manually claim your rewards from the event page. By completing all the event challenges, you will get the following rewards:

  • Primogem x 420
  • Mora x 220000
  • Guide to Freedom x 6
  • Guide to Resistance x 6
  • Guide to Ballad x 6
  • Hero's Wit x 21
  • Throne of Meower (Furniture) x 1
  • Sir Pouncelot (Indoor Furniture) x 1

Drowning myself in gacha games.

Articles: 366