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Genshin Impact: Imaginarium Theater 5.0 September Guide

The third season of Imaginarium Theater is here, released on version 5.0 In this Season's Rules, only Pyro, Hydro, and Dendro characters, as well as Special Guest Stars, may perform in this season's show. Here's a simple guide on which characters to bring, and which events you should choose in the Imaginarium Theater challenge.

Imaginarium Theater Version 5.0 Schedule









Season 3 of Imaginarium Theater version 5.0 lasts for a month from September 1, 2024 to October 30, 2024. You can refer to the countdown above to see when this season ends.

Elements for Imaginarium Theater Version 5.0

The elements for season 3 of Imaginarium Theater are Pyro, Hydro, and Dendro. Remember that you can only bring characters with the elements mentioned above, with the exception of Special Guests.
With these elements, the reactions you can get
(1) Vaporize
(2) Burning
(3) Bloom
(4) Burgeon

Fantastical Blessings for Imaginarium Theater V5.0

After unlocking the Imaginarium Theater, the Fantastical Blessing available will refresh each season, offering buffs for the Opening Characters. These buffs will be effective both during Imaginarium Theater challenges and in your adventures outside the theater.
Remember that only the above-mentioned characters will get the buffs!

After the above characters (Dehya, Xiangling, Mualani, Candace, Emilie, and Yaoyao) join your party, Max HP, ATK, and DEF are increased by 20%

Opening Characters and Special Guests

Opening Characters are the first 6 characters that you will get when you start the Imaginarium Theater. You can either use the Trial Characters given or use your own characters if they are built even better than the Trial Characters and have higher constellations. The Opening Characters in version 5.0 are (C0 for every character):
(1) Dehya
(2) Xiangling
(3) Mualani
(4) Candace
(5) Emilie
(6) Yaoyao

Special Characters are the units that can be brought along in the roster who do not meet the Elemental requirements for that season. However, there are no trial characters for Special Guest Stars!
If you do not own said character or the level that does not meet the requirement, you will not be able to bring them along. The Special Guest Stars are:
(1) Kaedehara Kazuha
(2) Clorinde
(3) Raiden Shogun
(4) Kachina

Recommended Characters for Imaginarium Theater 5.0

DifficultyRequired Number of Characters
EasyMinimum: 8
Maximum: 10
Must be above Level 60
NormalMinimum: 12
Maximum: 14
Must be above Level 60
HardMinimum: 16
Maximum: 20
Must be above Level 70
VisionaryMinimum: 22
Maximum: 26
Must be above Level 70

Buff based on the number of extra members
- Gain 30/60/90/120 Fantasia Flowers
- Gain 2/4/6/8 Blessing Levels
- Max HP increases by 1600/3200/4800/6400, ATK by 100/200/300/400, DEF by 100/200/300/400, and EM by 40/80/120/160

Please note that although you bring the exact same characters as recommended, it will be challenging to create a team because the characters you get are randomized.
And remember that you can use (maximum 1) character from your Friend's Supporting Cast.

  • Kazuha - Anemo CC (Excellent in Act 4)
  • Clorinde - Main DPS
  • Raiden Shogun - Main DPS/Support
  • Arlecchino - Main DPS
  • Yoimiya - Main DPS
  • Hu Tao - Main DPS
  • Chevreuse - Overload Team buffer (Only if you bring Clorinde and/or Raiden)
  • Bennett - Healer + Buffer
  • Thoma - Great for the Burgeon team
  • Furina - Main DPS/Sub-DPS
  • Neuvillette - Main DPS
  • Nilou - Excellent for Bloom team
  • Kamisato Ayato - Main DPS
  • Yelan - Sub-DPS
  • Sangonomiya Kokomi - Healer
  • Mona - Support
  • Tartaglia - Main DPS
  • Xingqiu - Sub-DPS
  • Barbara - Healer
  • Baizhu - Healer + Shielder
  • Alhaitham - Main DPS
  • Nahida - Sub-DPS
  • Dendro MC - Sub-DPS
  • Collei - Support
  • Kirara - Shielder

Imaginarium Theater Season 3 Guide

First of all! There's a new mechanic in the Theater. When you first start the challenge, you can see the reaction level at the top. By picking up the Brilliant Blessings event, you can choose to upgrade the reactions provided. Of course, the reactions are randomized so you can't upgrade every reactions willy-nilly.

This is an example of a Brilliant Blessing event. You can use 60 Fantasia Flowers to upgrade a reaction. Don't underestimate it because these reactions will save your day, especially against bosses!

Act 1 - 3 | Perpetual Mechanical Array

In Act 1 and 2, you will get 6 Starting Characters. Right now, choose one reaction you want to focus (to upgrade). That reaction will be the main team for fighting bosses!
Select the Brilliant Blessing event that will upgrade that reaction. You can Refresh Events on the bottom right if you don't get any Brilliant Blessing event. After that, choose a Companion event for some characters.

Now that you upgrade reactions and choose more characters, pick a Battle. In this third season of Imaginarium Theater, it's much easier to get the Star because the objective is just time-challenge, and not requirement like 'defeat an enemy with Charged ATK twice.' Although the Star is just for flexing and doesn't affect rewards.

When choosing any Battle, READ the performance and opponents' details and check whether your team have the synergy to fight the battle. The more Fantasia Flowers you get, the better since you can get more characters/buffs from the events.

Team example for Act 1
Team example for Act 2

Now for the battle themselves, make sure to save the best characters (the characters for the reactions you've been upgrading) for the 1st boss battle and use other characters first.
For example, if you upgrade Vaporize reaction, make sure the Main DPS and Support have at least 1 Vigor to fight in the boss battle (aka Mualani and Xiangling). For Act 1 and 2 battles, use other teams and reactions like Burning.

1Select a reaction you want to be using the most when facing bosses
(Vaporize / Burning / Bloom) - Vaporize is the most recommended against the Perpetual Array boss.
Upgrade said reactions when you have the events.
2Spend the remaining Fantasia Flowers on Companion event so you'll more characters in the roster.
3Save the Main DPS and Support/Sub-DPS at least 1 Vigor for the boss battle in Act 3
TLDR for Act 1 and Act 2
Team example for Act 3

Now for Act 3, you will be facing Perpetual Mechanical Array. Bring along the Main DPS and Support you have been saving for the reactions you upgraded. In my case, the Vaporize reaction. Honestly, Mualani and Xiangling should have been enough because the buffs are pretty nice and is helpful in the battle.

During boss fight, you have plenty of window to attack the boss because it takes a few second for it to start attacking. And once they did, you also have an easy time to avoid the incoming attacks. Keep spamming attack until it reach less than half of its HP to enter the second phase.

In the second phase, the Perpetual Array boss will enter Defensive Mode and summon four Ruin Sentinels: Scout, Defender, Destroyer, and Cruiser. Attack only the highlighted Sentinel (even better if you can bait the highlighted Sentinel to get near the boss)! Do not attack any other because it will be a very waste of your time.

Once you defeat the highlighted Sentinel, the big boss will be paralyzed for quite a while and all resistance will be lowered. This is the perfect time to use all your Skills and Bursts. When the boss recovers from the paralyzed state, it will become invincible for a few seconds before resetting its state and using its normal attack patterns again. But hopefully you can be done with it before it can recovers.

Act 4 - 6 | Maguu Kenki Trio

Now starting in Act 4 and Act 5, you need to think who's the best character and team for boss battle in Act 6 because you'll be facing 3 Maguu Kenki. Obviously, it's best if you have an AoE DPS for the boss battle. Thus, choose Companion event until you have one Main DPS you deem suitable for the battle. You can also start upgrading other reactions if you see fit. I recommend upgrading Bloom reaction for AoE against the 3 bosses in Act 6.

Team example for Act 4
Team example for Act 5

In Act 4, there is only Monolith Defense battle like the one in Spiral Abyss. Let me warn you beforehand that bringing a Bloom team is a bad idea because most enemies will crowd against the Monolith (trust me I already tried). And when you trigger Bloom near them, the explosion will also deplete the Monilith's HP. Since the Special Guest has Kazuha in it, if you have him, please bring him along in this Act as he makes everything much easier.
If you don't have Kazuha, try choosing the Battle with the least opponents (as in they spawn 1-3 enemies per wave and not 5 enemies per wave). This way, you can focus on defending the Monolith by defeating the enemy one by one.

1Choose Companion event until you have that one Main DPS for boss battle Maguu Kenki.
2If you already have the DPS you want, spend Fantasia Flowers for either more characters or upgrade other reactions you want. Personally, I recommend Bloom reaction for AoE DMG in the boss battle.
3Save the Main DPS and Support/Sub-DPS at least 1 Vigor for the boss battle in Act 6
TLDR for Act 5 and Act 6
Team example for Act 6

In Act 6 - the boss battle - you'll be facing 3 Maguu Kenki. As I said before, I recommend using Bloom team here because of the AoE explosion from the Dendro Cores. Of course, other reactions are also okay, just make sure your team can survive the whole battle and within the time limit too.

Get close to any of the Maguu Kenki, preferably the original Maguu Kenki, and the other dopplegangers will usually chase after you. In addition, try to line all the Maguu Kenki in one straight line so your AoE DPS have a better chance to deal damage to all of them. Although among all 3 of Maguu Kenki, I believe the Galloping Frost is the most dangerous one because it can slow us down and the Cryo field it create is a dangerous trap to free you if you bring along a Hydro character that can inflict Hydro on self like Barbara or Xingqiu.

When any of the Maguu Kenki is going to use their 'Ultimate' attack, you can use Elemental Burst to i-frame through their attack, which saves you some time and your confidence in case you're not that good in dodging.

Act 7 - 8 | Primordial Bathysmal Vishap

In Act 7, make sure to try getting at least 1 Dendro character if your current roster does not have them. This is because you'll need it for the boss battle in Act 8. Aside from the Companion event, you can also try for Mystery Caches event to get some of your previous characters (with 0 Vigor) back.

Team example for Act 7

In addition to that, it's also recommended to upgrade the Burning reaction (if you haven't already) since this reaction is the best against the Primordial Vishap. For the battle itself, it's normal combat battle and there's no special mechanic so just choose any Battle you deem is best for your current roster.

1Select Companion event to get at least 1 Dendro character.
2Upgrade Burning reaction as it's the best one for the boss battle in Act 8. Bloom reaction is also okay if you already upgraded it and you can save more Fantasia Flowers for better characters.
3Save the Main DPS and Support/Sub-DPS at least 1 Vigor for the boss battle in Act 8.
TLDR for Act 7
Team example for Act 8

For boss battle in Act 8, the unique thing about the Vishap here is how it will have a Hydro shield later on. And the best way you can remove it is by using Dendro character. Other than that, this boss is just like any other Vishap with its Cleansing Shower attack that deplete your Elemental Energy and how easy to stagger it is.

When the battle starts, it's only a matter of attacking it until it creates the Hydro shield. Once the shield is up, immediately switch to your Dendro character and spam Dendro attacks to remove that shield. From my observation, looks like the Hydro shield is created once its HP goes below 50%.
Keep in mind that while the Hydro shield is up, you can see a small AoE circle around the boss. When your character is inside this circle when the Hydro shield is still available, their Energy will be depleted as long as you're standing inside that circle.

Act 9 - 10 | Iniquitous Baptist

In Act 9, focus on creating the best team for Act 10. This is because the boss in the last stage - Iniquitous Baptist - can create 3 kind of elemental shields, which are Electro > Pyro > Hydro (in this order). Try to get at least a Dendro character here because this element is great against the Electro and Hydro shield. Then, a Hydro character for the Pyro shield.
Essentially, you would want a Main DPS + Dendro + Hydro + Any.

Team example for Act 9

Once you create a team for Act 10, use the remaining character to form a team in Act 9. If you don't have a great synergy among the remaining character, try using the Companion event for a chance of getting a better character. If you have enough characters already, then use the remaining Fantasia Flowers for buffs.

For Act 9, remember that you need to defeat the Bounty opponent, and not target all enemies! If you defeat the mobs and not the Bounty opponent, you would get nothing except wasting your time so look at the Opposing Lineup first and remember who's the Bounty opponent is. During the battle, the Bounty opponent will be marked with an exclamation icon on top of their head but I don't think anyone would be looking for that.

1Create the team for Act 10 beforehand. Then, use the leftover characters for Act 9.
2If you don't have the right DPS for Act 9, use Companion event to try and get a better character.
3Once you have the right Main DPS (and team) for both Act 9 and 10, use the remaining Fantasia Flowers on Blessing event to upgrade reactions that you want to focus on in Act 10 (if said reaction is not at Level 4 yet).
TLDR for Acts 9 and 10

For the last battle in Act 10, you're facing the boss of shields - the Iniquitous Baptist. Right from the start, the boss will create a shield. Once you destroy that shield, another one will appear after a few seconds. The pattern for the elemental shield is Electro > Pyro > Hydro. While that shield is up, the boss takes little to no damage so you would want to destroy the shield as fast as possible.

Every time each of the elemental shields is down, you will gain a few seconds' windows (around 3 seconds) to deal damage as the Baptist will stand there paralyzed. After that, a few seconds will pass, and the next elemental shield will be created. This will be repeated until all 3 elementals have their shield down for good before it paralyzes the boss for a longer duration (around 13 seconds). This is the best moment to unleash absolutely everything before it can come back up and start the shield swap rotation again.


Drowning myself in gacha games.

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