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Mysterious statues have suddenly appeared in Dadaupa Gorge, and in their villages, the hilichurl tribes are behaving strangely. There must be some secret in the depths of these places for adventurers to discover...
Gameplay Overview
Event Gameplay Duration:
➥ 2024/02/29 10:00:00 – 2024/03/11 03:59:59
➥ Adventure Rank 20 or above
➥ Complete Archon Quest Prologue: Act III “Song of the Dragon and Freedom”
Event Overview:
➥ This event is divided into two types of gameplay: “Exploratory Journey” and “Hilinigmatic Duel.”
➥ After the event begins, new challenges will unlock with time. Complete Exploratory Journeys to unlock the subsequent Hilinigmatic Duels.
➥ In the “Exploratory Journey” gameplay, Travelers must use the Eye of Upano and plan the route wisely to infiltrate the hilichurl camps and conduct secret investigations.
➥ In the “Hilinigmatic Duel” gameplay, Travelers can challenge formidable opponents within the Domain. Take advantage of the opponents’ attacks and make use of stage effects to complete the challenge faster.
➥ The “Exploratory Journey” gameplay can only be completed in Single-Player Mode, whereas the “Hilinigmatic Duel” gameplay can be done in Co-Op Mode.
Gameplay Tutorial

The Eye of Upano takes the shape of a floating mask and comes from moving components of the Strange Samachurl Statues. It can remotely transmit images of what it is seeing back.
The Eye of Upano can bind itself to a targeted hilichurl or Anemo Slime and move along with them while remaining undetected.
However, samachurls seem capable of seeing through this disguise…

The Eye of Upano can affect certain objects from a certain range, such as Sunsettias, smoke launchers, Hydro Ambers, and bonfires.
Use this ability well to access the deepest parts of the camp more easily…

For some unknown reason, all samachurls are capable of detecting the Eye of Upano and chasing it far away. As such, you must avoid their line of sight.
Use smoke launchers to block their line of sight.

Use the Eye of Upano to infiltrate the hilichurl camps and search for the target in the deepest reaches and search for similar Strange Samachurl Statues. You may be able to find key clues this way…
Journey Through Hilinigmatic Terrain
There are many methods to win each stage as many Hilichurls are loitering around in the area so you don't have to follow the guide to a T. But some may get confused with the terrains so just follow the guide to complete it in one go.
Stage 1 (Part 1)

- Go to the hilichurl in front of you.
- Drop the fruit on top of the sleeping hilichurl.
- Go to the now awaken hilichurl.

4. Go to the 2 hilichurls in front of you.
5. When near the Samachurl, interact with the smoke launcher beside it.
6. Go to the hilichurl that will walk behind the samachurl.

7. Interact with the Hydro Ambers to make the sitting hilichurl stand.
8. Go to the now-standing hilichurl and then to the hilichurl walking near the obstacle.

At this point, there will be many routes you can go, but I'll just write the one I used:
9. Go to the 2 hilichurls on your right side.
10. Then interact with the bonfire to ignite the fire.

11. Go to the hilichurl that walk near the bonfire.
12. Interact with the fruit to wake the sleeping hilichurl.
13. Latch to the now awakened hilichurl.

14. Interact with the Hydro Amber to make the hilichurl beside the Amber to get near platform on the right.
15. Go to the hilichurl on top of the platform.

16. After that, just go in a straight line and hold your [Left-Mouse Button] until the circle bar is filled.
Stage 1 (Part 2)

The Mystifying Megachurl will use Sextuple-Sized Sunsettias to attack in battle.
However, after you use Normal Attacks or Charged Attacks to burst these large fruits, juice will be left on the ground, and this juice can be used to cause the Mystifying Megachurl to slip and fall.

- Climb on the hill on top of the strange hilichurl statue to find a new domain (will be available only after you completed the previous stage (part 1).

- In this stage, the Megachurl will have the ability to summon huge Sunsettias. Hit the Sunsettia with a Normal or Charged Attack to explode it and leave the juice behind.
- Then, lure the Megachurl on top of the juice to make it slip.
- After that, spam attacks until it comes back up and repeats this method.
Stage 2 (Part 1)

1. Go to the first Hilichurl right in front of you and it will start moving in one direction.

2. Go to the Hilichurl on top of a box and look to your right.
3. Drop the Sunsettia on top of the sleeping Hilichurl and go to him after that. It will walk in one direction.

4. Go to the Hilichurl that is hitting a rock to the ground and wait for an Anemo Slime to float down.
5. Go to the Anemo Slime and then to the Hilichurl to your right.

6. Go to the Hilichurls in front of you until the one in front of the boar. Wait until a walking Hilichurl passes by.
7. Latch to the walking Hilichurl and wait until it gets near an Anemo Slime that was spinning around the pole.

8. Go to the (slowly) walking Hilichurl and wait for the first Anemo Slime to float down before you latch onto it.
9. From the first Slime, go to the second Slime that will stay floating in the air.

10. On the Slime, wait until a running Hilichurl comes by.
11. After that, wait until this Hilichurl runs around this area until it reaches a Hilichurl by the 'gate.' There will be a Samachurl here but you don't have to do anything since the Hilichurl is walking pretty fast.

12. After that, just keep choosing the Hilichurl in front of you until you reach the strange statue.
Stage 2 (Part 2)

The Mystifying Megachurl will summon plummeting Cabbaes to strike its foes. However, Normal Attacks or Charged Attacks can be used to deflect the Cabbages back at it and knock it down.

- Teleport to the same domain as the previous stage and choose to enter stage 2 "Domu a dada!"
- In this stage, the Megachurl will summon Cabbages from the sky while also making the platforms drop. You need to quickly use Normal or Charged Attacks to deflect the cabbages back to the Megachurl and knock it down. Once it's knocked, all the platforms will rise back up so you can hit it peacefully.
Stage 3 (Part 1)

1. Go to the walking Hilichurl in front of you, then the one on top of the box.
2. Hit the Sunsettia to wake up the Hilichurl under the tree and hitch a hike from that Hilichurl.

3. Go to the red Hilichurl on top of the platform before waiting for the Slime to get within your reach.

4. Go to the purple Hilichurl on top of the platform, then activate the smoke machine beside the Samachurl.
5. Go to the 2 walking Hilichurls and look to your left.

6. Go to the Hilichurl beside the box before hitting the Hydro Amber to make it rain.
7. Latch onto the Hilichurl digging near the carrots and it will stand and walk to the group in the pond.

8. Look to your right and go to the floating Slime above before going to the Hilichurl on top of the box.

9. Destroy the Hydro Amber and wait until the Hilichurl walks to the other side.
10. Then, just keep latching until you reach the Hilichurl beside the barrel.

11. Light up the torch and wait until the Hilichurl walks near the fire.
12. Go to the Hilichurl walking back and fro near the boxes.

13. Go to the Hilichurl near the Hydro Amber and destroy said amber to make the Hilichurl move. It will move towards the strange statue so just keep moving to nearby Hilichurl until you reach it.
Stage 3 (Part 2)

The Mystifying Megachurl has come up with a way to summon the winds and generating large Wind Currents in the Domain.
When it is generating Wind Currents, use shockwaves from Plunging Attacks to more easily defeat the Megachurl.

- In the Domain, wait until the Megachurl has a red shield around it before you do the plunge attack and inflict damage to said shield. Once it's down, spam all your attacks until it stands back up.
Gameplay Rewards

➥ Don’t forget to manually claim your rewards from the event page. By completing all the event challenges, you will get the following rewards:
- Primogem x420
- Mora x330000
- Debris of Decarabian's City x6
- Boreal Wolf's Cracked Tooth x6
- Chains of the Dandelion Gladiator x6
- Hero's Wit x20
- Mystic Enhancement Ore x20
- Mega Mystifying Samachurl Statue x1