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Genshin Impact: Will This Really Work? Achievement Guide (Iridescent Inscription Fragments Locations)

There are a total of 4 Iridescent Inscription Fragments you can collect by opening treasure chests in Natlan. Of course, there are some uses for them, which is, giving them to a certain NPC in exchange for a Luxurious Chest and the achievement Will This Really Work? Here are the location for all Iridescent Inscription Fragments and the location of the NPC.

All Iridescent Inscription Fragments

Iridescent Inscription Fragments Location #1

The first Iridescent Inscription Fragments can be obtained by completing the Peace to the Slumbering Quest (part of Shadows of the Mountain Quest Chain).

By the end of the quest where you defeat the elite enemies, a Luxurious Chest will spawn. Inside that chest is the first Iridescent Inscription Fragments.

Iridescent Inscription Fragments Location #2

The second Iridescent Inscription Fragments can be obtained by completing Seeker No Finding Quest (part of Tale of Dreams Plucked From Fire Quest Chain).

After you complete the quest, not only will you unlock a hidden area called The Upper Sanctum, part of the rewards is also the Iridescent Inscription Fragments.

Iridescent Inscription Fragments Location #3

The third Iridescent Inscription Fragments is also from another quest which is Revelations from the Past Quest. Once you complete the Rite of the Bold Quest, you will immediately get the Revelation from the Past quest. All of these quests are from the Between Pledge and Forgettance Quest Chain.

This is the quest that put you and your Saurian on a test. By the end, you will be teleported to a secret area with 3 treasure chests. One of the chest - the Luxurious Chest - hides the third Iridescent Inscription Fragments.

Iridescent Inscription Fragments Location #4

For the last one, it's by exploration of the Firethief's Secret Isle. By completing all 4 Time-Trial Challenges on this island, you will get a Luxurious Chest with the Iridescent Inscription Fragments in it and the island will then appear on your map.

Location of Chuno for Iridescent Inscription Fragments

After you have all 4 Iridescent Inscription Fragments, teleport to the waypoint northeast of Stadium of the Sacred Flame and head north to find Chuno.

You can give him all the fragments and he will you give a Luxurious Chest and the achievement Will This Really Work?


Drowning myself in gacha games.

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