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Genshin Impact: Challenger: Series X Achievement Guide

Challenger: Series X is the new achievement series in version 5.3. You need to defeat various bosses under certain conditions to get the achievement!

This content is created with the Creator Experience Server.

All Achievements in Challenger: Series X

1) "The Bomber Will Not Always Get Through"

Destroy "Flamewind Feathers" launched by the Goldflame Qucusaur Tyrant twice during a single challenge.

First of all, wait until the Qucusaur enter the Golden Flame form (the smaller version). Then, just stay put until it fires barrages of feathers ending with a Flamewind Feather. Destroy that feather using Hydro and do this twice to get the achievement. You don't have to complete the battle to get this achievement.

2) Deep-Fried… Ice Cream?

Use an exploding Flamegranate to trigger the Melt reaction on the Gluttonous Yumkasaur Mountain King.

Wait until the Yumkasaur summons three Flamegranate on the ground. Then, use a Cryo attack on the Yumkasaur before attacking the Flamegranate with Pyro to explode it and deal Pyro DMG to the boss, triggering the Melt reaction.

3) "This Flamegranate Isn't Just for Show!"

Use an exploding Flamegranate to defeat the Gluttonous Yumkasaur Mountain King.

Attack the Yumkasaur boss until it has very little HP left and wait until it summons more Flamegranate. Once it did, use a Pyro attack on the Flamegranate and let it explode to deal the finishing blow on the boss.

4) "It Is Too Late for You, Inorganics."

Defeat the Secret Source Automaton: Configuration Device while it is stunned.

Attack the boss until it have around 20% HP left and wait until it begin charging for its Ultimate attack (Boltsphere Cannon). If you feel like it didn't trigger the Ult for a long time, use Natlan character's Nightsoul Blessing to fill the Adaptive Countermeasure gauge to instantly trigger its Ult.
Once the two Phlogiston pillars appear, climb it and destroy the 2 mechanisms on top of the pillars to stun the boss.

5) Specially-Shaped Saurian…

Defeat the Tenebrous Papilla while it is replicating the forms of a Primo Geovishap, a Jadeplume Terrorshroom, and the Millennial Pearl Seahorse respectively.

Step 1: Defeat Jadeplume Terrorshroom
Step 2: Primo Geovishap
Step 3: Defeat Millenial Pearl Seahorse

Okay there's a lot to unpack here. First of all, Tenebrous Papilla has 3 forms and each form will let the boss transforms to different bosses. When you're battling this boss in one battle, only one form will appear throughout the whole battle!
Type I: Aeonblight Drake, Jadeplume Terrorshroom, Cryo Regisvine, Electro Regisvine, Pyro Regisvine
Type II: Maguu Kenki, Primo Geovishap, Cryo Hypostasis, Electro Hypostasis, Hydro Hypostasis
Type III: "Statue of Marble and Brass", Millennial Pearl Seahorse, Kongamato.

As you can see above, the boss that this achievement wants belong to different types. So what you need to do is: Defeat the Tenebrous Papilla when it first transform to Primo Geovishap in Type 2 > then during Jadeplume Terrorshroom Type 1 > finally Millenial Pearl Seahorse in Type 3
Note: When the Tenebrous Papilla is defeated, it will become a different variant upon respawning.

6) Good Thing I'm a Cut Above

Destroy a total of 8 Radiant Reflections created by the Wayward Hermetic Spiritspeaker during a single challenge.

In the battle, there will be a time where the Hermetic Hermit summon 4 shadow version of herself and hide amongst them. What you need to do is destroy those shadows (using Pyro attack for the most effectiveness) 8 times. If you feel like the shadows move too much, you can use Citlali or Ororon's Aimed Normal ATK to pause their movement for a short time.

7) Die, or Go Parry II

Defeat the Lord of Eroded Primal Fire when the battlefield has been reduced to its smallest size.

Certain attack of the Abyss Dragon can cut the platform. You can see it when its Pyro sword is burning brightly.

To get this achievement, wait until the dragon cut the platform 3 times (until the platform looks like a triangle) and only after that should you defeat the boss. It took quite a long time for this enemy to cut the platform 3 times - for me it took 10 minutes - if you're lucky, it may trigger this attack faster.


Drowning myself in gacha games.

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