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Role & Strengths Analysis
Role positioning: Mavuika is a versatile Pyro DMG dealer who can switch between dealing DMG on or off the field by using her Elemental Skill. Meanwhile, her Elemental Burst deals huge damage (her best damage output) but heavily depends on Natlan character to fill the Fighting Spirit as she doesn't rely on Energy.

Output method 1 (via Skill): Tap Elemental Skill to create a Ring of Searing Radiance. After activating the ring, you can switch to other characters as the Ring follows them to attack opponents dealing Pyro DMG. This mode is perfect if you have Natlan's Main DPS like Mualani and Kinich. Just tap E for Mavuika and swap characters to other DPS and cue the many Pyro reactions!
Note: The Ring's Attack Interval is 2 seconds. It's not that fast but enough for most teams.

Output method 2 (via Skill): Hold Elemental Skill to ride the Flamestrider. After riding the motorbike, her Normal/Charge/Plunge ATK will be converted to deal Pyro DMG that cannot be overridden.
This mode is for those who want to use Mavuika as the Main DPS. You can either Tap + Tap Skill once again or just Hold Skill to ride the bike.
Note: If you Hold Elemental Skill, you will automatically activate the Ring of Searing Radiance so don't worry about the extra damage from the Ring!

Output method 3 (via Burst): Insane Burst damage continued by Mavuika entering Nightsoul's Blessing state where she can ride her bike Flamestrider to deal AoE Pyro DMG for 7 seconds.
What's special about Mavuika is she did not use Energy but Fighting Spirit instead. There are 2 methods to fill her Fighting Spirit:
1) Nightsoul points consumed by party members aka need Natlan characters in the party. This is why Natlan characters are important to the party, and you should at least bring 1 of them
2) Party members Normal ATK hit opponents- Mavuika gains 1.5 Fighting Spirit, triggered every 0.1s

After using her Elemental Burst, Mavuika's Talent will provide DMG boost to the active character, up to 40% DMG Bonus. But this also relies on how many Fighting Spirit does she have prior to using the Elemental Burst, which further emphasizes the importance of Natlan characters in the team where they can provide Fighting Spirit faster than the Normal ATK of non-Natlan characters.
Pulling Recommendations

Pro (Strength)
● Versatile as both the Main DPS with the right support and Sub-DPS for many teams.
● Unleashes massive Pyro damage from her Burst and provide team damage bonuses.
● Future-proof investment. You bet she'll be in the meta for a long time!
Con (Drawback)
● Her Burst (which can provide DMG boost to active character and deals huge damage) relies heavily on Natlan's characters to fill the Fighting Spirit fast. Yes yes, Normal ATK damage will also fill her Fighting Spirit but not nearly as fast as when Natlan units in your team.
● Crucible of Death of Life duration - the state she enters after using Burst - is short (7 seconds) but her Burst cooldown is a bit long (18 seconds).
Should you pull for Mavuika?
● Yes, if you're a true Mavuika or Archon fans.
● Yes, if you're a Traveler that need a Pyro Main DPS for their team setup, especially if you have Natlan support like Citlali/Xilonen for her premium team. Ororon and Kachina is okay but expect her damage to go down a little bit.
● Yes, if you're a Traveler with Natlan Main DPS such as Mualani and Kinich. Tap E Skill and change your active character to Natlan DPS and enjoy Pyro off-field applications and reactions.
● No, if you're a Traveler that aren’t interested in Mavuika. Rule of thumb, only pull for the characters you like.
● No, if you're a Traveler that don’t need of a Pyro DPS or Sub-DPS. Maybe you're loyal to Bennett or Xiangling and don't want the real Archon, so don't pull for Mavuika.
Should you pull for her weapon?

If you have leftover Primogems, I'll say give it a go. This weapon is perfect for Mavuika as it can increase Crit Rate, Crit DMG, and ATK (the holy trio). The effect for those bonuses are further increased if the wielder is in Nightsoul's Blessing aka Natlan characters aka Mavuika, and it works even when the wielder is off-field!
How many constellations should you go for?

If you're F2P, C0 is enough. Even with C0, you can still enjoy huge Burst damage and DMG Bonus from her Ultimate.
But if you're willing to spend some cash (or just extremely lucky), C2 is a great point to stop.
C1: Increase Nightsoul points to 120, and she gain Fighting Spirit more efficiently (easier and faster to trigger Burst). Mavuika will also gain 40% ATK after gaining Fighting Spirit.
C2: Increased Base ATK after entering Nightsoul's Blessing state (by using Burst) and obtain the following buffs - Ring of Searing Radiance now decreased opponent's DEF by 20% & Her damage after using Burst will also increased. Overall it's just a great cons.
C0R1 or C1/C2R0 or Teammates?

Both C1 and C2 are great, even better if you're willing to go for C2. With C1, you can stay on her bike much longer making her on-field DPS and she can gain Fighting Spirit faster (making it's comfortable for Mavuika without non-Natlan in the team - although it's still best if you bring at least 1 Natlan unit in the team). With C2, you got loads of ATK while also decreasing enemies' DEF. If you're confused whether to pull for weapon/constellation/teammates, look at the team you prepared for Mavuika:
● You don't have good teammates for Mavuika but not willing to go for C1? Go for her teammates aka Citlali or wait for Xilonen's rerun banner
● You already have a good claymore (WGS/Serpent Spine/Verdict/etc) for her? Go for C1 and push for C2 if possible because that con is just that good.
● You have good teammates but don't have any other suitable claymore for Mavuika? Go for her sig weapon.
Personal opinion but I think it's better if you choose Citlali/Xilonen > Constellation 1 and 2 > Weapon.