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Mualani is a Hydro DMG dealer with high mobility.
When unleashing her Elemental Skill, Mualani will enter the Nightsoul's Blessing state and use her surfboard to move swiftly until Nightsoul points are depleted. When Nightsoul points are insufficient, she will consume Phlogiston to maintain the state.
During this period, if Mualani collides with enemies, she will apply a mark to them and gain a special Energy recharge to increase the DMG of her Normal Attacks against marked enemies. After Normal Attack hits, she will launch missiles at all marked enemies.
Mualani's Elemental Burst fires off a Super Shark Missile, dealing AoE Hydro DMG.
This guide is based on the Community Character Builds by the Genshin Helper Team.
Skills Overview
Normal Attack: Cooling Treatment

Normal Attack
Performs up to 3 attacks that deal Hydro DMG.
Charged Attack
Consumes a certain amount of Stamina to smack a Pufferball into the air that deals AoE Hydro DMG upon landing.
Plunging Attack
Gathers the power of Hydro and plunges towards the ground from mid-air, damaging all opponents in her path. Deals AoE Hydro DMG upon impact with the ground.
Elemental Skill: Surfshark Wavebreaker

Combining her mastery of speed and the waves and water, Mualani can surf anytime, anywhere.
After using this skill, Mualani will gain 60 Nightsoul points and enter the Nightsoul's Blessing state.
Nightsoul's Blessing: Mualani
Continuously consume Nightsoul points. When they are depleted or when the skill is used again, Mualani's Nightsoul's Blessing will end. The state itself has the following traits:
Sharky's Bite CD: 1.8s
Nightsoul Point Limit: 60
CD: 6s
- Mualani mounts her Sharky Surfboard, increasing Mualani's Movement SPD and interruption resistance. Mualani can move on water and liquid Phlogiston while this state is active, and she will take no DMG from the latter.
- Normal Attacks will be converted to Sharky's Bites, dealing Nightsoul-aligned Hydro DMG based on Mualani's Max HP. Sharky's Bites can be used in mid-air. DMG dealt this way is considered Normal Attack DMG.
- When she makes contact with opponents in this state, Mualani applies "Marked as Prey" to them and gains 1 Wave Momentum stack. Max 3 stacks. 1 stack can be gained from the same opponent every 0.7s.

Wave Momentum and Marked as Prey
When Mualani uses Sharky's Bite, her DMG dealt increases based on Wave Momentum stacks. When she has 3 stacks, a Normal Attack will use Sharky's Surging Bite instead, further increasing her DMG and removing all her stacks afterward.
When Sharky's Bites hit opponents Marked as Prey, that mark is removed, and she will fire Shark Missiles at up to 5 nearby opponents Marked as Prey, dealing DMG to them equal to this Sharky's Bite instance and clearing their Marks. If more than 1 opponent is the target of Sharky's Bite and Shark Missiles, the DMG dealt will decrease, with 28% being the maximum decrease when at least 3 opponents are targeted.
Elemental Burst: Boomsharka-laka

Fires a Super Shark Missile that can track opponents, dealing Nightsoul-aligned AoE Hydro DMG based on Mualani's Max HP.
CD: 15s
Energy Cost: 60
Ascension 1: Heat-Resistant Freshwater Floater

When Sharky's Surging Bite hits an opponent, a Puffer will be generated nearby. Mualani will restore 20 Nightsoul points when she picks up a Puffer. Only 2 such Puffers can be created in this way during a single instance of being in Nightsoul's Blessing (in Elemental Skill state).
Ascension 4: Natlan's Greatest Guide

When a nearby party member triggers a Nightsoul Burst, Mualani will gain 1 stack of Wavechaser's Exploits, which lasts for 20s. Max 3 stacks. When she uses Boomsharka-laka, Mualani will clear all Wavechaser's Exploits stacks and increase the DMG of this Boomsharka-laka by 15%/30%/45% of her Max HP based on the number of stacks cleared.
Night Realm's Gift Passive Talent: Crests and Troughs

After her Nightsoul points are depleted, Mualani will switch to consuming Phlogiston to maintain her Nightsoul's Blessing (This only works in the Natlan region).

While in an area with Phlogiston Mechanics within Natlan, she can use Nightsoul Transmission: Mualani. When the active character is currently sprinting, swimming, in a movement mode caused by certain Talents, or at a certain height in the air, the following will trigger when switching to Mualani: Mualani will enter the Nightsoul's Blessing state and gain 40 Nightsoul points. Nightsoul Transmission can be triggered once every 10s by your own team.
Additionally, Mualani's Nightsoul point or Phlogiston consumption while moving on water and Liquid Phlogiston during Nightsoul's Blessing is decreased by 75% while in Natlan, and her Nightsoul point consumption is decreased by 35% while doing the same outside Natlan.
Passive Talent: The Trick Is to Keep Smiling!
While in an area with Phlogiston Mechanics within Natlan, 15 Phlogiston will be restored when interacting with some harvestable items. Additionally, the location of nearby resources unique to Natlan will appear on your mini-map.
TLDR / Rotation
Mualani's big damage comes from her Elemental Skill (and Elemental Burst), but mostly from her Skill. Ignore her Normal Attack and let's dive deep into her Skill.

First of all, when she uses her Skill, Mualani will enter Nightsoul's Blessing state. In this state, she will use her surfboard, and the duration to stay in that state depends on the Nightsoul points.
IF YOU'RE IN NATLAN, once the Nightsoul Points are finished, Mualani will then consume Phlogiston to extend her state.

Now that you're on the surfboard, this is where her damage comes from! With the surfboard, control Mualani to collide with enemies to mark them with Prey and gain a maximum of 3 Wave Momentum stacks. After that, tap her Normal ATK (which will be converted to Sharky's Bites in the Nightsoul's Blessing state) to deal damage.
The higher the Wave Momentum stacks, the higher the damage Mualani will provide.

Here's an example on how you should collide enemies to gain Wave Momentum stacks and use Normal Attack to unleash damage. And this is without any support buff.
In Natlan, you can get many 3-stacks of Momentum Wave for Sharky's Bites in one use of her Elemental Skill because we have the Phlogiston bar.
But if we exclude Natlan in the calculation (like in Spiral Abyss), we can only get the following number in one use of her Skill =
3x 3-stacks of Momentum Waves is the standard combo for C0 Mualani
4x 3-stacks are only possible for C0 Mualani if there are many enemies (AoE enemies) so Mualani can get stacks much easier
5x 3-stacks are only possible for C2 Mualani and AoE enemies

To further increase her damage, make sure to use support characters first before switching to Mualani and using her Skill. Once you use her Skill, there's no chance for other characters to swap in until she ends her Nightsoul's Blessing state.
In short, her rotation should be:
All your supports' Skill and Burst > Switch to Mualani and use her Skill > Collide with enemies to gain 3 Wave Momentum stacks and inflict enemies with Prey > Use Normal Attack to unleash Sharky's Bites (Do this until Skill ends) > Burst if available > Repeat.
Talent Priorities

Skill > Burst
"Isn't Sharky's Bite considered a Normal Attack? Why not upgrade it?"
> Although Mualani’s Sharky Bite is considered Normal Attack DMG, its multiplier scales with her Skill Talent, so her Normal Attack doesn’t need to be leveled.

Best Constellations: C1, C2, C3 & C6
C1: The Leisurely "Meztli"… ⭐
The DMG dealt by the first Sharky's Surging Bite after Mualani enters Nightsoul's Blessing and the Shark Missiles it triggers is increased by 66% of Mualani's Max HP. This instance of increased DMG is subject to the diminishing DMG rules of Surfshark Wavebreaker.
In addition, while out of combat, Mualani's Nightsoul's Blessing state consumes 30% less Phlogiston and Nightsoul points.
C2: Mualani, Going All Out! ⭐
Mualani gains 2 of Surfshark Wavebreaker's Wave Momentum stacks when she enters Nightsoul's Blessing. She will gain 1 stack when obtaining a Puffer.
In addition, whenever Mualani obtains 2 Puffers within a single instance of the Nightsoul's Blessing state, she will recover an additional 12 Nightsoul points over 2s. This effect requires the Passive Talent "Heat-Resistant Freshwater Puffer" to be unlocked first.
C3: Surfing Atop Joyous Seas ⭐
Increases the Level of Surfshark Wavebreaker by 3.
Maximum upgrade level is 15.
C4: Sharky Eats Puffies
Mualani regenerates 8 Energy when obtaining a Puffer. Must first unlock the Passive Talent "Heat-Resistant Freshwater Puffer."
Additionally, Boomsharka-laka deals 75% increased DMG.
C5: Same Style of Surfboard on Sale!
Increases the Level of Boomsharka-laka by 3.
Maximum upgrade level is 15.
C6: Spirit of the Springs' People ⭐
The DMG increase from the Constellation "The Leisurely 'Meztli'…" is no longer limited to being triggered once every Nightsoul's Blessing.
Recommended Weapons
- Surf's Up (5⭐)
- Sacrificial Jade (4⭐)*
~= A Thousand Floating Dreams (5⭐) - Tome of the Eternal Flow (5⭐)
- Ring of Yaxche (4⭐) [R5]

1) Surf's Up (ATK: 542 • CRIT DMG: 88.2%)
Max HP increased by 20~40%. Once every 15s, for the 14s after using an Elemental Skill: Gain 4 Scorching Summer stacks. Each stack increases Normal Attack DMG by 12~24%. For the duration of the effect, every 1.5s, lose 1 stack after a Normal Attack hits an opponent; once every 1.5s, gain 1 stack after triggering a Vaporize reaction on an opponent. Max 4 Scorching Summer stacks.

2) Sacrificial Jade (ATK: 454 • CRIT Rate: 36.8%)
When not on the field for more than 5s, Max HP will be increased by 32~64% and Elemental Mastery will be increased by 40~80. These effects will be canceled after the wielder has been on the field for 10s.
Note: When paired with Obsidian Codex or Marechaussee Hunter, Crit Rate substats are no longer desirable.

3) Tome of the Eternal Flow (ATK: 542 • CRIT DMG: 88.2%)
HP is increased by 16~32%. When current HP increases or decreases, Charged Attack DMG will be increased by 14~30% for 4s. Max 3 stacks, can be triggered once every 0.3s. When you have 3 stacks or refresh a third stack's duration, 8~12 Energy will be restored. This Energy restoration effect can be triggered once every 12s.

4) Ring of Yaxche (ATK: 510 • HP: 41.3%)
Using an Elemental Skill grants the Jade-Forged Crown effect: Every 1,000 Max HP will increase the Normal Attack DMG dealt by the equipping character by 0.6~1% for 10s. Normal Attack DMG can be increased this way by a maximum of 16~32%.
Recommended Artifacts
- Obsidian Codex (4)
- Heart of Depth (4)
- +20% HP set (2) / +15% Hydro DMG set / +80 EM set (2) / Marechaussee Hunter (2) [Choose Two]
- Marechaussee Hunter (4)*

1) Obsidian Codex
2 Piece: While the equipping character is in Nightsoul's Blessing and is on the field, their DMG dealt is increased by 15%.
4 Piece: After the equipping character consumes 1 Nightsoul point while on the field, CRIT Rate increases by 40% for 6s. This effect can trigger once every second.

2) Heart of Depth
2 Piece: Hydro DMG Bonus +15%
4 Piece: After using an Elemental Skill, increases Normal Attack and Charged Attack DMG by 30% for 15s.

3) +20% HP set (2) / +15% Hydro DMG set / +80 EM set (2) / Marechaussee Hunter (2) [Choose Two]

4) Marechaussee Hunter
2 Piece: Normal and Charged Attack DMG +15%.
4 Piece: When current HP increases or decreases, CRIT Rate will be increased by 12% for 5s. Max 3 stacks.
Note: Only to be used when paired with Furina. Worse than Obsidian Codex (4).
Main & Sub Stats Priority
Artifact Main Stats | Artifact Sub Stats |
Sands - HP%/Elemental Mastery Goblet - Hydro DMG Circlet - Crit Rate/DMG | Crit Rate/DMG Elemental Mastery HP% Flat HP |
Team Compositions
Vaporize Team
Unfortunately, Mualani only has one recommendable playstyle, which is in the Vaporize team. The non-Vaporize team deals lower damage.

Mualani: Main DPS
Nahida / Emilie: Dendro Application for Burning || Kazuha / Sucrose: Anemo CC for RES Shred from VV set
Xiangling / Dehya: Pyro Application
Zhongli: Shielder || Kachina with Scroll of the Hero set: Buffer