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Genshin Impact: Ripe For Trouble Quest Guide

In this quest, you need to help Poca search for Tisoc who has gone missing inside an underground cave. After finding him, you need to solve another problem regarding Flamegranate Tree Roots. Give-or-take, this quest only needs 10-15 minutes to complete and you will get an achievement "For the Fairest."

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How to Start Ripe For Trouble Quest

Teleport to Statue of the Seven north of the "Scions of the Canopy" and head east toward the camp in between the S7 and Weapon Domain. At the camp, you can pick up a piece of paper on top of the box as it's the item you need to start the quest: Green-Edged Paper Slip.

Now that you have the paper slip, teleport to the Weapon Domain and head north toward a canyon. There's an NPC just below the canyon and you can talk to her to start the Ripe For Trouble quest. After that, keep following the quest navigation to head further inside the cave until you reach an open area with huge tree roots.

Tisoc is laying down on the tree root so just approach him to get the next task. You need to explore the roots of the Flamegranate Tree so keep following the quest navigation until you reach even further inside the cave.

When you reach a cracked rock, you need to use Yumkasaurus and use its Skill to take and throw the Flamegranate to blow up the cracked rock. You can throw them from afar and the Flamegranate will still reach the cracked rock to blow up and open a passage.

Keep following the passage until you reach another cracked rock. Unfortunately, there's no Yumkasaurus near the cracked rock so you need to indwell it on the previous area and use the mechanism to create a bridge for the Yumkasaurus to cross and reach this cracked rock.

First mechanism

Here's the Yumkasaurus and you can use it to pull the mechanism just beside it to create a bridge for Yumkasaurus to cross. Be careful when jumping on the bridge as one swim to the water and the Yumkasaurus will die and you need to restart all over again.

Second mechanism
Third mechanism

Then, keep pulling the mechanism to keep creating bridges until you reach the area with the Ruin Guard.

There's a Pyro bomb beside the Ruin Guard so use Yumkasaurus to pick it up and throw it to the craked stone with the shining spot like in the image above. Enter the path and interact with the switch inside it to open the gate for the room below. Then, get out using the hole you created just now.

Interact with the mechanism inside the now unlocked room and infuse with Phlogiston to create Coilgrass Sigils for Yumkasaurus to use and cross the waters.

Once you reach the cracked rock, use Yumkasaurus to pick Flamegranate up and throw it to the cracked rock. There are two of them so do this twice. After that, just follow the quest navigation until you reach the lower levels of the Flamegranate's roots.

When the quest navigation tells you to go even lower, just take a roundabout way around the lava to reach that area. There's another cracked rock so do the usual thing with Yumkasaurus.

The lava level will rise rapidly after the cracked rock explodes so you need to flee quickly using Yumkasaurus' Skill - is what I said when I failed on the first try. Although after I died, the game still counts as successful and continues with the quest (kinda hilarious not gonna lie).

Once you finish talking to Tisoc and complete the quest, teleport to the Weapon Domain and head to the Mother Flamegrnate Tree (north of the Weapon Domain) to get extra rewards from Poca.


Drowning myself in gacha games.

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