📢 Evil Castle – Tower of Pride Season 29 and 30 Score Reset Schedule Adjustment Notice

Hello, this is Brown Dust 2.

We would like to inform you about a correction regarding the score reset timing for Season 29 of the Evil Castle - Tower of Pride.

It was previously announced that the play records of the current Season 29 would be reset upon the start of Season 30. However, we would like to clarify that the clear scores from Season 29 will be retained until the end of Season 30, allowing you to receive rewards immediately.

The score reset for the Tower of Pride will take place at the beginning of Season 31. Please refer to the updated schedule below for details on the progression of Season 29 and 30.

[Evil Castle - Tower of Pride Season 29 and 30 Schedule Notice]

■ Season 29 Duration: September 26, 2024 (Thu) after maintenance ~ October 1, 2024 (Tue) 02:59 PM (UTC)
■ Season 30 Duration: October 2, 2024 (Wed) after maintenance ~ October 16, 2024 (Wed) 02:59 PM (UTC)

※ The play records from Season 29 will be retained through the entirety of Season 30.

Thank you.


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