April 10th (UTC) Routine Maintenance and Update

Hello. This is BrownDust2.

Routine maintenance and update are scheduled for April 10th (UTC).
Please refer to the details below.

■ Maintenance Schedule: April 10th 11:50 pm – April 11th 3:00 am (3 hrs 10 mins) (UTC)
■ Effect: Game access unavailable
■ Details:

■ New Content and Feature Improvements Guide

1. Season event '[Rerun] Windy Cat' update
- The new season event 'Windy Cat' will be updated.
- 'Windy Cat' Season Event Period: After April 10th maintenance - Before April 24th maintenance (UTC)
- You can proceed with the '[Rerun] Windy Cat' season event by touching the season event logo on the right side of the home menu.
- 'Windy Cat' season event consists of 'Event Story / Normal Battle / Challenge Battle / Field Quest / Fiend Hunter / Event Shop'.

Here's the information on when each content starts:
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- You can purchase various items at the event shop with event currency acquired from each content.

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1) 'Windy Cat' event story information
The leader of the Flying Blades, the Sword King Lucius, was defeated, and the everyday life was restored in the Westwind and Terrorfiend village.
In the midst of peace, Yuri, feeling relaxed, made a habit of skipping Sylvia's training and running away.
Determined to correct her disciple's behavior once and for all, Sylvia visits the Terrorfiend Village to find Yuri.
There, she encounters a mysterious sage who is seeking the traces of the sealed Great Terrorfiend...

- All stories will be revealed from the first day of the Season Event.
- Earn event currency and diamonds each time you enjoy the story.

2) 'Windy Cat' Event Battle Guide
- Event battles are divided into normal battles that anyone can easily challenge, and challenge battles that require growth and strategy.
- Upon entering the battle screen, you can check the recommended combat power for each stage, your current account's combat power, challenge objectives, and rewards for completing objectives.
- Use the buttons at the bottom of the battle entry menu to check monster information or enter the battle.
- Clearing each stage and achieving challenge objectives per battle rewards a certain amount of event currency.
- Entering a battle requires AP. Free AP is charged every day at 9 AM (KST), and you can purchase additional premium AP with diamonds in the event shop.
- Winning a battle reduces AP by 1 and grants rewards. If you lose or give up, AP is not consumed.
- If you complete all challenges in a battle on a specific stage, you can use the quick battle function in that stage, and during a quick battle, you will immediately receive the reward for that battle. 
- In won battle stages, you can proceed with repeat battles, gaining rewards with each victory.

3) Windy Cat Field Quest Guide
- You can participate in the field quest "Break the Jars!"
- Breaking the jars using Dash will reward you with the event currency, Terrorfiend Dice.
- If you touch the Will-o'-the-wisp, you will receive knockback damage, so avoid the Will-o'-the-wisp or dash into it to destroy it.

4) Fiend Hunter Guide
- [Rerun] Fiery Tiger - YuKwang (Water) hunting preparation period will open.
- You can enter by touching 'Fiend Hunter' at the bottom of the UI of the season event main screen.
- Fiend Hunter Hunting Preparation Period: After April 10th maintenance - Before April 17th maintenance (UTC)
- Fiend Hunter Hunting Period: After April 17th maintenance - April 24th, 2:59 PM (UTC)

[Rerun] Fiery Tiger - YuKwang (Water)
The long-standing war between Terrorfiends and humans. Amongst the passing years, there was a great Terrorfiend hailed as a hero.
However, heroes eventually grow weary within the endless cycle of hatred and vengeance.
In order to end the war, it was concluded that everything must be burned to ashes and rebuilt.
To confront the greatest hero turned into the greatest villain, humans and Terrorfiends joined hands for the first time.
With the sealing of the great Terrorfiend, the long war came to an end. However, now the tale, once a legend, meets its conclusion with these words: Someday, when this world is filled with strife again, the great Terrorfiend will break free from its seal, and will burn down the entire world....

5) 'Windy Cat' Event Store Information
- You can purchase various items at the event shop with event currency (Terrorfiend Dice) acquired from each content.
- Key items available in the event shop include the following:

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* In addition to the above products, various items necessary for growth will be sold.

- Paid AP sold at the event store will be reset when the season event ends. Please use all remaining AP before it is reset.
- The event store will be open for 7 days after the Windy Cat season event ends, and items can be purchased using the remaining Terrorfiend Dice.

* The store for the currently ongoing Operation M.O.E season event will also remain open for 7 days after the event ends.
You can receive rewards using your remaining MOE Collectible Card during this period.

6) Season Event Bonus Costume Guide
- If you possess the designated event costume for each season event, you can earn additional event currency at a certain rate in [Normal Battles / Challenge Battles / Field Quests] during the season event.
- The costumes eligible for receiving bonuses during the season event running from after April 10th maintenance until before April 24th (UTC) maintenance are as follows:

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- If you possess multiple event costumes, the additional acquisition amount of event currency will be combined and applied.

2. Tower of Wrath / Tower of Envy Update
- New PVE content Evil Castle - Tower of Wrath / Tower of Envy will be updated.

Just as the Tower of Desire was named after Dominus Octo "Night of Desire" Asmod,
Tower of Wrath was named after Dominus Octo "Night of Wrath" Seto,
and Tower of Envy was named after Dominus Octo "Night of Envy" Levia.
The distinguishing feature of these towers is the strong manifestation of the abilities of the Dominus Octo symbolizing each tower. To put it simply, the creatures in the Tower of Wrath possess powerful physical strength and defensive abilities, while the creatures in the Tower of Envy possess formidable magical power and magical resistance.
Therefore, to conquer each tower, it is necessary to possess powers opposite to those symbolized by the tower. But be cautious. The malice harbored within the towers is not the only danger they hold.

- Tower of Wrath / Tower of Envy is a permanent content provided without ranking or season schedule, so you can freely challenge it without any entry restrictions.
- With the addition of the new tower, the movement magic circles in the Evil Castle safe area are integrated into one, and each content in the Evil Castle can be selected when entering the movement magic circle.

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* It is still under development and may change during updates.

1.) Rules for the Tower of Wrath / Tower of Envy
- The Tower of Wrath / Tower of Envy consists of 50 floors each.
- Rewards can be obtained based on achievement and clearance of challenge tasks.
- You can challenge cleared floors again, but rewards already obtained cannot be acquired again.
- Intermediate bosses appear every 5 floors, and final bosses appear every 10 floors, while regular monsters appear on other floors.

2) Tower of Wrath / Tower of Envy Battle Guide
- Physical / Magical Damage Immunity
Monsters appearing in the Tower of Wrath / Tower of Envy are immune to physical / magical attacks, respectively.
Tower of Wrath: Monsters are immune to physical damage. It is advisable to attack with magical characters.
Tower of Envy: Monsters are immune to magical damage. It is advisable to attack with physical characters.

- Neutral Element
All monsters appearing in the Tower of Wrath / Tower of Envy do not possess properties and are not affected by property damage and resistance.

- Battle environment effects
Each floor of the Tower of Wrath / Tower of Envy has special battle environment effects.
These effects provide various buffs/debuffs to enemies or allies.
Consider these effects to devise the optimal strategy.
Touch the 'Battle Information' tab at the bottom of each floor's main screen to check the applied battle environment effects.

3.) Reward Information
- The rewards for each floor of the Tower of Wrath / Tower of Envy are as follows.

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3. Fiend Hunter Practice Battle Update
- A practice battle feature will be added where players can experience the patterns of giant fiends in advance during the Fiend Hunter hunting preparation period.
- By touching the second tab on the left side of the Fiend Hunter main screen, players can access the practice battles.


* It is still under development and may change during updates.

- Practice battles can be conducted under the same rules as regular Fiend Hunter battles and will be available continuously from the preparation period to the end of the hunting period.
- In practice battles, players can select the level of the giant fiend up to level 15. The level can be chosen right above the giant fiend's HP bar on the main screen of the practice battle.
- Depending on the selected level of the giant fiend, additional teams will be automatically unlocked.
- Example: Setting the fiend level to 6 during practice battle will automatically unlock 2 teams.

4. Ranking of popular costumes by content update
- A feature to view the rankings of costumes frequently used in Mirror Wars, Evil Castle, and Last Night will be added.
- Touch the "Popular Costumes" tab on the left side of the home menu to check the rankings.
- The rankings will be refreshed every Friday at midnight (KST), displaying the usage rate of each costume over a two-week period.
- Mirror War rankings will provide information from Diamond III to Challenger tiers, and you can check costume rankings for each tier through tier-specific filters.


* It is still under development and may change during updates.

5. Combat Improvements
1) Skill Tooltip Enhancement
- Detailed tooltips explaining the functions and terms of skills will be added.
- Touch the text highlighted in sky blue within the skill tooltip to view explanations for the corresponding terms.
Explanations will be displayed wherever skill text is exposed.
- Examples) Skill tooltips during battles, costume information screen, costume enhancement screen, costume enhancement preview screen, costumes available in the store.


* It is still under development and may change during updates.

- With the addition of tooltips to skill tooltips, some skill descriptions will be simplified. Detailed explanations can be found in the tooltips.
- Example: Provoke
- Before Simplification: Applies Provocation effect to oneself for n turns. While the Provocation effect persists, enemy attacks are focused on oneself.
- After Simplification: Applies Provocation effect to oneself for n turns. (Additional explanations are removed and can be found in the tooltip.)
- Improved skill information display to show the direction of the character's knockback attack where skill information is output.

2) Automatic battle Improvements
- The way auto battle skills are used will be improved.
- Before Change: If you have multiple costumes, you will not use the skills of other costumes even if SP remains after using the skills of the costume you are currently wearing.
- After Change: If you have multiple costumes, the skills of your costumes will be used sequentially.

3) Immune status display Improvements
- If the monster is immune to the effect of a skill, knockback, etc., an immunity icon will be displayed next to the damage.

4) Automatic skill button
- An automatic skill activation icon will be added next to the battle start button on the battle screen.
- When you turn on the automatic skill, the skill is automatically reserved based on the costume you are wearing.
- If the skill of the costume you are wearing is on cooldown time, the skill of another costume is automatically reserved.
- If you turn off automatic skills, all costume skill reservations will be cancelled.

5) Other battle-related changes
- The layout will be improved so that you can view the character's battle stat information more intuitively during battle.
* You can check a character's battle stat information by touching the character's portrait during battle and touching the + button next to the character name.
- When forming a formation, an exit without saving button has been added.
- When changing costumes on the battle screen, the effect will be displayed on the floor line and character where the character being replaced is standing.
- The battle screen zoom ratio has been expanded.
* Before Change: 80 to 109%
* After Change: 80 to 140%

6. Other improvements and changes
1) Some characters' potential is unlocked.

April 10th Potential applied characters
Gray / Lecliss / Lisianne / Bernie / Kry / Fred / Gynt / Remnant / Carlson / Lydia / Rigenette / Julie / Elpis
* The potential of every costume for each character is unlocked.

2) My Room Furniture Update
- Character Pack 5 Rou's Labyrinth My Room object will be added.
* You can check it in the Edit My Room or My Room Shop.

■ New Pickup

- Angel of Destruction Teresse Costume and Teresse's Exclusive Gear, Gravior will appear in the pickup.

1) Angel of Destruction Teresse Costume: After April 10th maintenance - Before April 24th maintenance (UTC)

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※ For more detailed abilities and information, please check the in-game collection menu.
※ Angel of Destruction Teresse Costume will be added to the Powder of Hope Shop after April 24th maintenance (UTC).

2) Gravior: After April 10th maintenance - Before April 24th maintenance (UTC)
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※ The above information is based on the ability value of UR Gravior at the time of initial acquisition.
※ For more detailed stats and information, please check the collection menu in the game.

- [Rerun] Bright Moon Dalvi Costume and Dalvi's Exclusive Gear, Thousand-year-old Hairpin will appear in the pickup.

1) [Rerun] Bright Moon Dalvi Costume: After April 10th maintenance - Before April 24th maintenance (UTC)

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※ For more detailed abilities and information, please check the in-game collection menu.
※ Bright Moon Dalvi Costume will be added to the Powder of Hope Shop after April 24th maintenance (UTC).

2) Thousand-year-old Hairpin: After April 10th maintenance - Before April 24th maintenance (UTC)
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※ The above information is based on the ability value of UR Thousand-year-old Hairpin at the time of initial acquisition.
※ For more detailed stats and information, please check the collection menu in the game.

- Hand of Salvation Elpis Costume and Elpis' Exclusive Gear, Arkrasion will appear in the pickup.

1) Hand of Salvation Elpis Costume: After April 10th maintenance - Before April 24th maintenance (UTC)

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※ The above information may change upon update.
※ For more detailed abilities and information, please check the in-game collection menu.

2) Arkrasion: After April 10th maintenance - Before April 24th maintenance (UTC)
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※ The above information is based on the ability value of UR Arkrasion at the time of initial acquisition.
※ For more detailed stats and information, please check the collection menu in the game.

- [Rerun] Pool Party Angelica Costume and Angelica's Exclusive Gear, Magic Sword Jormun will appear in the pickup.

1) [Rerun] Pool Party Angelica Costume: After April 17th maintenance - Before May 1st maintenance (UTC)
2) Magic Sword Jormun: After April 17th maintenance - Before May 1st maintenance (UTC)
※ Pool Party Angelica Costume will be added to the Powder of Hope Shop after May 8th maintenance (UTC).

■ Schedule for Costume and Exclusive Gear Additions
- Costumes and Exclusive Gears will be added according to the schedule below.

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■ Issue Fixation
- An issue where sound effects were not played when touching the in-game menu will be fixed.
- An issue where the UI is displayed abnormally when canceling a replay from the Mirror War battle preparation screen has been fixed.
- An issue where the Fiend Hunter Trophy is being sold incorrectly in the My Room store will be fixed.
- An issue where pop-up windows are displayed abnormally intermittently when quickly touching gear disassembly in certain environments has been fixed.
- The guidance text in the error pop-up displayed when setting more than 10 home screen presentations has been corrected to display correct content.
- An issue where some objects in the Story Pack 12 Inn behave abnormally has been fixed.
- When fighting a monster that uses a preemptive skill, an issue where the monster's preemptive skill is ignored if the automatic battle is canceled has been fixed.
- An issue where the damage dealt each turn was incorrectly displayed as magic damage in Vanguard Gray's skill text description has been fixed.
- When using another continuous talent skill after using talent skill suppression, the talent skill UI in use is modified so that it does not disappear.
- When using Bright Moon Dalvi's transformation skill during battle, Dalvi's portrait will be changed to a transformed portrait.
- An issue where the battle statistics button is not displayed on the Monster Tracker battle results screen will be fixed.
- An issue where an error occurred repeatedly on certain accounts during the Mirror War battle will be fixed.
- An issue where the animation appears slowly when the main quest animation is automatically performed after setting the Japanese voice will be fixed.
- An issue where it appears that the field character's stamina is not recovered when recovering with a recovery pot has been fixed.
- An issue where filters in gear and costume inventory operate abnormally has been fixed.
- An issue where the Mirror War store is not immediately updated when you change to a different account and log in after purchasing the Mirror War costume product has been fixed.
- An issue where the stealth icon is not removed even after the talent skill stealth effect ends in certain situations has been fixed.
- When the costume set as a field character becomes fatigue, it will be modified to be excluded from the field character settings.
- When entering a Fiend Hunter battle, the loading screen will be modified so that it does not blink.
- An issue where the number of APs appears to be restored when re-entering the hunting request screen after going back in the middle of a hunting request Cooke Rice deduction production has been fixed.
- Modifications will be made to allow movement to the magic circle inside the Today Quest range marker.
- In-game reward type information, such as finds, search finds, stealing, and monster drops, will be modified to match the actual rewards obtained.
- An issue where the UI disappears after strengthening and refining gears in some accounts will be fixed.


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