April 11th Known Issue Notice

Hello, This is BrownDust 2.

We will inform you of the known issues of April 11th (UTC).

Please refer to the details below.

[Known issue]
- Inability to proceed with [Field Quest] within the season event
* We are preparing a new build to fix this issue and will notify you once it is complete.
* In response to the inability to proceed with field quests until the problem is corrected, event currency that can be obtained per day will be sent to your mailbox every day. (200 Terrorfiend Dice)
- A red dot notification is displayed on the event icon even if there is no reward to receive.
- A red dot notification is displayed during the Fiend Hunter hunting preparation period.

We will strive to quickly fix identified issue.
We will try to provide a more stable service environment.

Thank you.


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