April 24th (UTC) Routine Maintenance and Update

Hello. This is BrownDust2.

Routine maintenance and update are scheduled for April 24th (UTC).
Please refer to the details below.

■ Maintenance Schedule: April 24th 11:50 pm – April 25th 3:00 am (3 hrs 10 mins) (UTC)
■ Effect: Game access unavailable
■ Details:

■ New Content and Feature Improvements Guide

1. Season event 'MARRY ME!' update
- The new season event 'MARRY ME!' will be updated.
- 'MARRY ME!' Season Event Period: After April 24th maintenance - Before May 8th maintenance (UTC)
- You can proceed with the 'MARRY ME!' season event by touching the season event logo on the right side of the home menu.
- 'MARRY ME!' season event consists of 'Event Story / Normal Battle / Challenge Battle / Field Quest / Fiend Hunter Preparation Period / Event Shop'.

Here's the information on when each content starts:

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- You can purchase various items at the event shop with event currency acquired from each content.


1) 'MARRY ME' Event Story Information
Refithea, who visited the fairytale village to make friends, encounters Rou in her dreams. Refithea, having befriended Rou, seizes the opportunity to introduce her to Rou's companions...
But Rou's companions are nowhere to be found in the fairytale village. Confused and at a loss for words, Refithea and Rou are startled by the unsettling words of a doll with an excessively long nose.
"I witnessed... last night... the village girls bound by green roots and dragged into the forest...!"
With these ominous words ringing in their ears, Refithea and Rou embark on a journey to rescue the girls of the village from the forest...
Will they succeed in rescuing the village girls and friends safely...?

- All stories will be revealed from the first day of the Season Event, and you must check the previous story to check the next story.
- Earn event currency and diamonds each time you enjoy the story.

2) 'Marry Me' Event Battle Guide
- Event battles are divided into normal battles that anyone can easily challenge, and challenge battles that require growth and strategy.
- Upon entering the battle screen, you can check the recommended combat power for each stage, your current account's combat power, challenge objectives, and rewards for completing objectives.
- Use the buttons at the bottom of the battle entry menu to check monster information or enter the battle.
- Clearing each stage and achieving challenge objectives per battle rewards a certain amount of event currency.
- Entering a battle requires AP. Free AP is charged every day at 9 AM (KST), and you can purchase additional premium AP with diamonds in the event shop.
- Winning a battle reduces AP by 1 and grants rewards. If you lose or give up, AP is not consumed.
- If you complete all challenges in a battle on a specific stage, you can use the quick battle function in that stage, and during a quick battle, you will immediately receive the reward for that battle. 
- In won battle stages, you can proceed with repeat battles, gaining rewards with each victory.

3) 'Marry Me' Field Quest Guide
- You can participate in the field quest "Bride in the Maze"
- Collect coins dropped throughout the maze within the time limit and try to achieve the highest score. You can earn event currency equal to the highest score you achieve.
- In Marry Me Field Quest, you can only use Search/Stealth/Danger Detection/Dash/Swift.
* When using a talent skill in a field quest, the Ability Pill is not consumed and talent skill EXP cannot be obtained.
- Reward acquisition records are reset every day at 09:00 AM (KST).

4) Fiend Hunter Guide
- Blue Beard hunting preparation period will open.
- You can enter by touching 'Fiend Hunter' at the bottom of the UI of the season event main screen.
- Fiend Hunter Hunting Preparation Period: After April 24th maintenance - Before May 1st maintenance (UTC)
- Fiend Hunter Hunting Period: After May 1st maintenance - May 8th, 2:59 PM (UTC)

Blue Beard
Blue Beard was once called the Tree of Wisdom.
but time caused people to forget his existence.
Having spent many lonely years, he became engulfed in darkness and began to resent those who had forgotten him,
and he started searching for a companion to be with him forever.

So, traveler, heed my advice and do not tread lightly into the deep forest.
If you disregard this warning and venture into the deep woods, pray that the branches of Blue Beard, stained as they are, do not ensnare you...

5) 'Marry Me' Event Store Information
- You can purchase various items at the event shop with event currency (Blue Wedding Invitation) acquired from each content.
- Key items available in the event shop include the following:

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* In addition to the above products, various items necessary for growth will be sold.

- Paid AP sold at the event store will be reset when the season event ends. Please use all remaining AP before it is reset.
- The event store will be open for 7 days after the Marry Me season event ends, and items can be purchased using the remaining Blue Wedding Invitation.

* The store for the currently ongoing Windy Cat season event will also remain open for 7 days after the event ends.
You can receive rewards using your remaining Terrorfiend Dice during this period.

6) My Room Furniture Update Notice
- Some of the Wedding Hall furniture set will be updated.
- The furniture for the Wedding Hall Set will be sold at the Marry Me event store and the next season's event store.
The types of furniture sold at each event store are as follows.

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*Furniture sold at the season event store can be purchased with Dias at the My Room store after the season event ends.


7) Season Event Bonus Costume
- If you possess the event costume designated for each season event, you can obtain additional event currency at a certain rate from the [Normal Battle / Challenge Battle / Field Quest] content of the season event.
- The costumes that can receive bonuses in the season event that runs from after April 24 maintenance to May 8 (UTC) are as follows.

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- If you own multiple event costumes, the amount of additional event currency acquired is added together.

Example) If Refithea, The Gluttonous, is added after May 1st maintenance (UTC), the appearance bonus overlap effect will be applied along with April Bride Refithea, Red Riding Hood Rou, and Pool Party Angelica.

2. New talent skill 'Assemble' update
- A new talent skill 'Assemble' will be added to the new character Refithea.
- Using the 'Assemble' skill, you can assemble all Twing Glutti on the current map and receive rewards.
- The number of daily uses and Ability Pill consumption according to talent skill level are as follows.
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3. PC client payment function addition
- A payment function through GOOGLE PLAY will be added so that payments can be made on PC clients as well.
- Users who previously used the PC client will be redirected to the GOOGLE PLAY site and can download a new launcher from that site.

4. Beginner welcome ★5 costume guaranteed draw added
- For users who are new to Brown Dust 2, a beginner welcome ★5 guaranteed draw banner will be added for a limited time.
[Beginner Welcome ★5 Guaranteed Draw Rules]
- You can draw by selecting 3 costumes you want to pick up. When participating in the draw, you will be guaranteed to obtain one of the three selected costumes.
- You can draw 10 times by consuming 2000 paid Dias, and you can draw 10 times up to 3 times (30 draws).
* One-time drawing is not supported.
- It’s available for 2 weeks after creating an account.
- For existing accounts, you can proceed for 2 weeks from the time you first log in after the update on April 24th (UTC).
- Powder of Hope conversion and ★5 guaranteed draw counts cannot be obtained.
- Limited costumes and costumes that are currently being picked up cannot be acquired.
- Costumes that were included in the regular draw pool until the maintenance on April 24th will appear.
- Costumes added afterward will not be added to the pool for the Beginner Welcome ★5 Costume Guaranteed Draw.

5. Other improvements and changes information

1) The potential of some characters will be unlocked.
4/24 Characters with potential applied
Lathel / Helena / Yuri / Refithea / Layla / Lucrezia / Jayden/ Andrew / Beatrice / Maria / Arines
* The potential of every costume for each character is unlocked.

2) My Room furniture update information
- Character Pack 6 “Tales of Sword” My Room object has been added.

■ New Pickup and New Character
- Pure White Blessing Refithea costume and Refithea's Exclusive Gear, Little Fairy will appear in the pickup.

1) Pure White Blessing Refithea Costume: After April 24th maintenance - Before May 8th maintenance (UTC)
Pure White Blessing 레피테아 스펙.png

※ The above information may change upon update.
※ For more detailed abilities and information, please check the in-game Collection menu.
※ The Pure White Blessing Refithea Costume will be added to the Powder of Hope Shop and Selective Draw after May 8th maintenance (UTC).

2) Little Fairy: After April 24th maintenance - Before May 8th maintenance (UTC)
리틀 페어리.png

※ The above information is based on the ability value of UR Little Fairy at the time of initial acquisition.
※ For more detailed stats and information, please check the collection menu in the game.

- [Rerun] Red Riding Hood Rou costume and Rou's Exclusive Gear, Dark Restraint will appear in the pickup.

1) [Rerun] Red Riding Hood Rou Costume: After April 24th maintenance - Before May 8th maintenance (UTC)
빨간모자 루 스펙.png

※ For more detailed abilities and information, please check the in-game Collection menu.
※ [Rerun] Red Riding Hood Rou Costume will be added to the Powder of Hope Shop after May 8th maintenance (UTC).

2) Dark Restraint: After April 24th maintenance - Before May 8th maintenance (UTC)
어둠의 봉인구 스펙.png

※ The above information is based on the ability value of UR Dark Restraint at the time of initial acquisition.
※ For more detailed stats and information, please check the collection menu in the game.

- The Gluttonous Refithea costume and Refithea's exclusive gear, Little Fairy will appear in the pickup.
1) The Gluttonous Refithea Costume: After May 1st maintenance - Before May 15th maintenance (UTC)
2) Little Fairy: After May 1st maintenance - Before May 15th maintenance (UTC)
※ The Gluttonous Refithea Costume will be added to the Powder of Hope Shop and Selective Draw after May 22nd maintenance (UTC).
※ The Gluttonous Refithea appears randomly in story packs 1 to 13 pubs or inns after the May 1st maintenance (UTC), and can be recruited using the ★5 R. Contract.

■ Schedule for Costume and Exclusive Gear Additions
- Costumes and Exclusive Gears will be added according to the schedule below.
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■ Issue Fixation
- The issue where the effect was overly exposed in the Nightmare Bunny Eclipse skill cutscene will be fixed.


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