June 13th (UTC) Non-Maintenance Update Notice

Hello. This is BrownDust2.

Non-Maintenance Update is scheduled for June 13th (UTC).
Please refer to the details below.

■ Update Schedule: June 13th 12:00 am (UTC)

■ Details:

1. Fiend Hunter Hunting Period
- The hunting period for the giant fiend Berserker will begin.
- Fiend Hunter Hunting Period: June 13th 12:00 am - June 19th 2:59 pm, 2024 (UTC)
- When you enter the Fiend Hunter from the Scarlet Sword event and touch the [Go to Battle] button, you can immediately enter the battle.

■ Pick-up information
- Code Name O Elise costume and Elise's exclusive gear, Rose Selection will appear in the pickup.

1) Code Name O Elise Costume: June 13th 12:00 am - June 26th 11:59 pm (UTC)

2024-06-11 13 30 00.png
엘리제 잠재력.png


※ For more detailed abilities and information, please check the in-game Collection menu.
※ Code Name O Elise Costume will be added to the Powder of Hope Shop after July 3rd maintenance (UTC).

2) Rose Selection: June 13th 12:00 am - June 26th 11:59 pm (UTC)
엘리제.png로즈 셀렉션 장비 능력.png
※ The above information is based on the ability value of UR Rose Selection at the time of initial acquisition.
※ For more detailed stats and information, please check the collection menu in the game.

Thank you.


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