Mirror War/Evil Castle Experience Season Notice

Our long-awaited second story.
High-end 2D graphic RPG, BrownDust2.

Here is the information on the Mirror War/Evil Castle Experience Season.

■ Event period: June 22, 2023 2:00 am - July 6, 2023 before maintenance (UTC)

■ Evil Castle Experience Season
- It can be entered after clearing Story Pack 4
- Go up the Evil Castle and participate in the rankings with the other captains.
- The faster you clear a stage, the higher your score will be.
- Rankings will be tallied at the end of the season, and you will not be able to participate in competitions during the tallying period.

■ Mirror War Experience Season
- It can be entered after clearing Story Pack 3
- Achieve a higher grade through battles with other captains in the Mirror War
- Rankings will be tallied at the end of the season, and you will not be able to participate in competitions during the tallying period.

Thank you.


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