🎁Brown Dust 2 Cutscene Award🏆 – Finals results

Hello, this is Brown Dust 2.

First of all, thank you to everyone who participated in the event!
Nightmare Bunny Eclipse costume has won the first place! 👏

Moreover, it is confirmed that more than 1,000 people participated in voting.
Please note that the reward will be distributed as follows.

[🎁Brown Dust 2 Cutscene Award🏆 - Finals Reward]

■ Reward Claimable Period: April 9 - April 12 until 2:59 PM (UTC) (once per account)
■ Reward: 1 Draw Ticket

Additionally, among the users who guessed the cutscenes that advanced to the finals, 10 people have been selected, and we will give Draw Tickets as rewards!

[🎁Brown Dust 2 Cutscene Award🏆 - Draw Reward]
■ Reward: 10 Draw Tickets
■ Event Winners:

2024-04-09 17 30 43.png

※ Notice
- If you can not see the reward in your mailbox, please reconnect and check.

Thank you.


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