πŸ“’ Notice Regarding the Abnormal Summoning Issue of Morphea

Hello, this is Brown Dust 2.

First, we apologize for the inconvenience caused by issues related to Beach Vacation Morphea's Summons. We would like to inform you of the measures we are taking to address the problems.


1. An issue regarding Morphea's Preemptive Skill Activation

We have identified a problem where Morphea's Beach Vacation Preemptive Skill allows for more Summons under certain conditions.

We are currently preparing a new build that addresses this issue. 

Our goal is to submit the app for review today and, once it is approved, to update the app across all platforms (AOS, iOS, Windows) on August 23rd (Fri) at 00:00. (UTC)

Since a simultaneous update is required across all platforms, if we are unable to proceed with the app update at that time, we will temporarily suspend the affected content, Fiend Hunter.

Please note that we will check the content status tomorrow morning and provide a prior notice if there are any changes.

Additionally, if any players are found to be abusing this error in Fiend Hunter to achieve higher scores after this notice has been issued, we will take action according to our operation policies. We kindly ask you to refrain from using abnormal summons.

2. Discrepancies in Fiend Hunter End-of-Battle Scores

We are also addressing the issue where the achieved score at the end of the battle differs from the score displayed on the results screen.
We are working quickly to fix this to prevent any further confusion.

As an apology for the inconvenience caused by the skill operation error of the newly released character and the ongoing issues in Fiend Hunter, we will be providing 10 Draw Tickets.

The compensation will be provided once the new build is distributed.


1. An issue regarding Morphea's Preemptive Skill Activation
The issue will be fixed through a new app update (24/08/23 00:00, UTC)
Temporary suspension of Fiend Hunter if the app update cannot proceed.
β€» The app will be forcibly restarted on August 23rd (Friday) at 00:00 for a simultaneous app update, so please take this into consideration when using the game.

2. Discrepancies in Fiend Hunter End-of-Battle Scores
Currently being fixed

[Apology Compensation]
10 Draw Tickets will be provided upon the new app update distribution

We are aware that frequent issues have been causing fatigue among our users, and we sincerely apologize for that. We will repeatedly check to ensure that no inconvenience occurs while using Brown Dust 2.
We ask for the understanding of all our users.

We are truly apologize for any inconvenience.



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