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Almost 2 weeks before the official launch, Devs in the Suitcase is here to give you an update on the optimizations that will come into effect for Version 1.0, as well as the news about Version 1.1.
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Dear Players,
Exactly 16 days before the official launch of Reverse: 1999, Devs in the Suitcase is here to give you an update of all the optimizations to be implemented in the official launch (Version 1.0), including a shortened starter tutorial, added language options, a handier PC version, more accessible texts and interactive elements, a higher Cellular Activity limit, and exclusive news about Version 1.1.
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Q. The mandatory starter tutorial can be tedious. Is there a way to get around this so I can start playing ASAP?
A. We received feedback on the long starter tutorial and made the following improvements for the official launch:
- Added a feature to skip each chapter in the Prologue. Now you can simply tap the [Skip] button to view chapters' summary.
- Moved the Battle Speed feature to an earlier stage. In the CBT, you must clear stage 1ST-06 to unlock the feature, whereas in the official launch, this feature becomes available once you start stage 1ST-01.
- Moved the end of mandatory tutorial to an earlier stage. In the CBT, you must clear stage 1ST-04 before you can perform any operations as you want. For the official launch, this has been improved, and you can start doing anything you like after you clear stage 1ST-01.
- Moved the availability of the homepage event, character, and summon systems to after you've cleared stage 1ST-01, so that you can have a glimpse of the features beyond the main story earlier. track of the refresh time. This feature will become available in the official launch.
Q. What text languages and voice acting language will I be getting for the official launch? During the CBT, voice acting language options are Japanese and English only. Will there be other options?
A. The official launch includes the following language packs: Japanese, English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, and Korean. Voice acting languages are: Japanese, English, Chinese, and Korean.
You can also download language packs of your choice in the official launch. In addition to the default English language pack, you can download other language resources when you start the game for the first time. Once downloaded, you can also choose the default voice acting language.
We also optimized in-game language display logic. When you start the game for the official launch, the game will automatically switch to the language that matches your system/device language. Currently, the game supports these languages: English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Japanese, and Korean.
Q. What optimizations have been included for PC version?
A. In response to the feedback on PC version during the CBT, we will
be releasing these optimizations with the official launch:
- When you launch the PC version for the first time, you can adjust resolution, and graphics and enable video compatibility once the hotfix resources are downloaded.
- [Exit] and [Settings] buttons have been added to the login page. You can tap the [Settings] button to adjust the graphics.
- In the combat screen, you can right click the skill card to view the card details, and right click the enemies to view their details. In the item selection screen, you can right click the item icon to view the item details.
- In the story UI, you can roll the mouse wheel to review the story, and press the spacebar to move to the next line.
- In the settings UI, you can choose to mute or play the game audio when the game is running in the background.
Q. Some interactive elements in the main story map can lead to a part of the story, but there're no hints for them. Can you make the trails and elements more obvious?
A. In the official launch, interactive elements in the main story map will have a highlighted display, helping you find these clues easier.
Q. Some pieces of text are not displayed in full. I know I can scroll down to read the entire thing, but there's no prompt.
A. We reviewed all the pages that require scrolling to read the entire text and added an arrow icon below such text to avoid confusion.
Q. Cellular Activity limit is too low, and I must log into the game frequently to deplete it. I face the same trouble in Wilderness that I have to claim the Bond too often.
A. For the official launch, Cellular Activity limit will be raised by 69. For example, if you're a level 10 Timekeeper, your max Activity will be raised from 101 to 170, and it will continue to rise until the upper limit 200 as you level up. Character Bond storage limit is also changed from 8 hours to 20 hours, allowing you to plan your schedule comfortably.
Q. I can't play other music or video apps in the background when playing the game on a mobile device.
A. We fixed the issue where other music or video apps can't be played in the background when running the game. This will no longer be an issue during the official launch.
Q. Are there any future updates in the works?
A. The dev team is constantly coming up with and testing new content. It is our sincere wish that everyone enjoys quality contents during the official launch. After repeated testing and feedback, we arrived at the following decisions:
Version 1.1 will be released on November 9. A number of event tasks and schedules have been optimized accordingly. This version will be active for 28 days. From version 1.2 onwards, version durations will be adjusted to 42 days.
We are working on new event modes and stories that will be rolled out gradually in the future, and we'll keep you posted about the latest changes in the upcoming volumes of Devs in the Suitcase.
Thank you for your continued support, love, and patience!
We look forward to braving the "Storm" with you on Oct 26th.
Reverse: 1999 Operations Team