📢New Version (1.73.11) Update Notice (AOS/iOS/PC)

Hello, this is the Brown Dust 2.
A new Version (1.73.11) which fixed the known issue is available (AOS/iOS/PC).

[Applied Changes]
- Fixed an issue where the app freezes during Quick Battles in the Tower of Salvation in Evil Castle.
- Fixed an issue where an error message is displayed when attempting to switch to a particular step in the Last Night replacement screen, resulting in the deployment of 21 costumes.
- Fixed an issue where the app crashes when trying to load a formation used in Guild Raid as a preset.
- Fixed an issue where the number of draw tickets you received as a reward is shown as 20 when clearing a pack through the quick battle function. 
ㄴIn reality, 10 draw tickets are correctly received, but the app crashes if you attempt to use those tickets.

If you are experiencing the issue mentioned above, please update the App to version 1.73.11 for your convenience.

We will quickly address the remaining issues and provide additional notices, so please bear with us a little longer.

Thank you.


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