🔔Developer Notes Additional Surprise Gift🎁

Hello, this is Brown Dust 2.

We would like to inform you of a Developer Notes additional surprise gift!

If you log in to the game during the event period, you can receive a gift🎁, so don't miss it!

[Developer Notes Additional Surprise Gift]

■ Event period: May 18 - May 22, 2024 / Everyday from 8:00 AM - Next day 7:59 AM (UTC)
■ Details: If you log in to the game during the event period, you can obtain up to 10 Draw Tickets.
■ Gift details: 2 🎫Draw Tickets given once a day

※ Rewards will be sent to your mailbox.
※ If the reward is not seen, please check upon reconnection!

We ask for your continuous interest and support for Brown Dust 2.

thank you.


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