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PVE | PVP | Fiend Hunt/Guild Raid |
B | S | C |
Last Night | Tower of Pride | Tower of Salvation |
C | S | B |
+ Extremely good in PVP at +5 full potential
+Can be used for full score clears in Tower of Pride dark floors when paired with BA.Teresse
+ Long lasting property damage buff, which greatly enhances the power of Justia's other costumes against dark types in PVE
- Very weak at low levels, requires a lot of investment
- PVE damage is not still not quite as good as other light attackers who can crit.
- In PVP, BG.Justia struggles with high HP tanks.
Damage analysis
Damage scaling from +0 to +5
First up, let's take a look at how the new Blood Glutton Justia performs in terms of PVE damage against dark types.
As a baseline, let's assume our Justia has 3000 ATK and 50% base Light damage. This should be comfortably achievable with a Justia that is fully geared, bonded and engraved (though you can go even further with awakening and optimizing gear substats).
BG Justia's property damage buff is added on top of her base Light damage (not multiplied).
Therefore, ignoring chains, a 3000 ATK BG.Justia at +0 deals 3000 x 150% x 350% = 15,750 fixed damage against dark types.
On the other hand, 3000 ATK BG.Justia at +5 full potential deals 3000 x 340% x 550% = 56,100 fixed damage against dark types.
You can see that there is a huge damage difference between +0 and +5 full potential (over 4 times increase in power). At lower costume levels, BG.Justia feels very weak. You really need to invest a lot in BG.Justia to make her reach high fixed damage.
Comparison with other Light attackers
Secondly, let's look at how BG.Justia performs in terms of PVE damage. In summary, BG.Justia allows Justia to deal a lot more damage in PVE (even though she can't crit), but Justia is still not as good as other light attackers like Yuri, Michaela and Sacred Justia (who can crit). Maths reasons below.
As stated above, a 3000 ATK BG.Justia at +5 full potential deals 3000 x 340% x 550% = 56,100 fixed damage against dark types. On its own, this is not very strong. However, it becomes a lot more powerful when used as part of a combo with other Justia costumes, because:
- Blood Glutton's 400% property damage buff lasts 8 turns (so it can buff your next 3 attacks), and
- You can also use Pool Party before Blood Glutton, which gives Justia a further 300% ATK buff for 12 turns.
Therefore, the Pool Party + Blood Glutton combo gives the following approximate damage stats to Justia's other costumes (against dark types):
Costume | ATK | Light dmg | Skill dmg | Total dmg |
Kendo Club | 400% | 550% | 759% | 500,940 |
Knight of Blood | 400% | 550% | 660% | 435,600 |
White Reaper | 400% | 550% | 625% | 412,500 |
Although it's very difficult to give exact damage comparisons, we can do a rough comparison against the following light attackers:
- CI Yuri (buffed by WB Yuri): assume baseline 2000 ATK, 500% crit damage, 50% Light damage. The two costume combo gives a 110% attack buff and 100% crit buff.
- QOS Michaela: assume 1800 M.ATK, 600% crit damage, 50% light damage.
- Sacred Justia: assume 1750 ATK, 600% crit damage, 50% light damage. Assume also that she hits 7 enemies (1000% skill damage).
The table below gives a rough idea of how those costumes measure up against Justia in terms of raw damage (before applying any external buffers).
Costume | ATK | Light dmg | Crit dmg | Skill dmg | Total dmg |
CI Yuri | 210% | 150% | 600% | 780% | 294,840 |
QOS Michaela | 100% | 150% | 600% | 1287% | 231,660 |
Sacred Justia | 100% | 150% | 600% | 1000% | 180,000 |
Just looking at these raw numbers, it seems like Justia is the winner. However, this is before taking into account the effect of external buffs. After taking into account the effect of external buffers, Justia becomes a lot weaker in comparison. This is because having multiple buffs of the same kind (i.e. multiple ATK buffs, or multiple property buffs) gives you diminishing returns. To illustrate this, see how adding AOTU.Diana's buff (220% property damage) changes things:
- For BG.Justia, going from a 550% property damage multiplier to 770% represents 40% increase in damage by adding Diana.
- For everyone else, going from 150% property damage to 370% property damage represents a 147% increase in damage by adding Diana.
So, let's assume that you buff each of the above attackers with a B.Helena or DS.Liberta (115% ATK/M.ATK) and a AOTU.Diana (220% property damage). Now the total damage becomes as follows:
Costume | ATK | Light dmg | Crit dmg | Skill dmg | Total dmg |
Kendo Club | 515% | 770% | N/A | 759% | 902,944 |
Knight of Blood | 515% | 770% | N/A | 660% | 785,169 |
White Reaper | 515% | 770% | N/A | 625% | 743,531 |
Yuri - Comeback Idol | 325% | 370% | 600% | 780% | 1,125,540 |
QOS Michaela | 215% | 370% | 600% | 1287% | 1,228,570 |
Sacred Justia | 215% | 370% | 600% | 1000% | 954,600 |
In PVE, you are almost always using multiple buffers to maximize damage. As you can see, when used with other buffers, Justia is good, but just not as good as other light attackers with crit damage.
Justia for PVE
What the above analysis tells us is that Justia is not the best Light attacker for PVE in terms of damage. She also requires 2 player turns to set up the Pool Party + Blood Glutton buffs, which limits her utility in short PVE battles.
For long battles such as fiend hunts and guild raids. Justia is also hard to use because her skills (other than Blood Glutton) have a relatively small AOE, and it's hard to consistently hit weak spots because the areas of the White Reaper, Knight of Blood and Kendo Club skills don't line up at all.
Overall, this means that Justia is not bad for long PVE battles if you have all her costumes (including Pool Party and Blood Glutton), but she is still a lot worse than other strong light attackers that can crit. You should not invest in Justia expecting a top tier PVE attacker.
Note: One area where BG.Justia excels in PVE is Tower of Pride. There are 3 floors out of 6 with dark enemies. If you have BA.Teresse, you can pair her with BG.Justia for easy perfect clears on the dark floors.
Justia for PVP
Whilst Justia is not the best for PVE, Justia is one of the best for PVP thanks to her low cost, fixed damage skills that bypass DEF and M.RES.
Blood Glutton is one of Justia's best costumes for PVP. One big reason is that Blood Glutton is the only attack costume in the game that hits in a 3x3 AOE for only 2 SP. The fact that she can deal fixed damage in such a large area for such a low cost makes her outstanding value.
The main drawback to BG.Justia, though, is the relatively low damage. A BG.Justia +5 full potential with 3000 ATK does 10,200 fixed damage against non-dark enemies. This is enough to kill most low HP enemies, but not tankier enemies with high base HP or HP gearing. With a DS.Liberta ATK buff, BG.Justia's damage increases to 21,930 fixed damage: enough to take out most enemies, but again not quite enough to clear tanks or enemies guarded by RH.Rou or AD.Diana. With a Pool Party Justia ATK buff, she can take out pretty much anything.
Since BG.Justia's damage is relatively low even at max power, it's pretty much essential to have Blood Glutton at +5 full potential in order to work well in PVP. You also need strong ATK gearing or else you run the risk of having not enough damage and missing lethal. BG.Justia at lower costume levels is significantly worse, so low costume levels of BG.Justia are not recommended for PVP. E.g. at +1 no potential, BG.Justia deals only 3,750 fixed damage, which would usually not be enough to deal lethal damage.
Exclusive Gear
Having Justia's exclusive weapon is recommended. The most important stat for Justia is ATK, and her exclusive weapon gives her more of it. Tune stats and substats to ATK or ATK% where you can.
Blood Glutton Justia is primarily a PVP costume, who is very effective thanks to her big AOE, small cost and fixed damage that ignores all DEF and M.RES. In PVP, she is strong against low HP/high resistance enemies and dark enemies (like Seir). She is weak against enemies with evasion and enemies with energy guards (like RH.Rou).
Pull only if you are interested in running Justia on your PVP team, and already have other Justia costumes at a high level. If you plan on using BG.Justia in high ranking PVP battles, you need to have her at +5 full potential or you risk falling short on damage, since her skill damage is relatively low compared to other Justia costumes.