Hello, this is Brown Dust 2.
We want to let you know about the issues identified on August 29th (UTC).
Please refer to the information below.
[Known Issues]
- An issue where the app force closes when attempting to 'Continue' a battle.
- An issue where defeated monsters are reappearing in the formation when progressing ‘Continue’ a battle.
ㄴ The defeated monsters appear to be revived but are actually still in a defeated state.
- An issue where Beach Vacation Morpeah's summons are being summoned abnormally under certain conditions.
- An issue where tapping the Michaela Pickup banner at the top right of the home menu redirects to the Teresse Pickup screen.
- An issue where the Eclipse Pickup banner is displayed on the top right banner of the home menu.
- An issue where Parakyr Rex's skill description is displayed abnormally.
We will strive to fix these identified issues as quickly as possible.
Thank you.