Brown Dust 2 Mirror Wars (PvP) Tier List – December 2024

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Meta Report - December 2024: The Great Rebalancing

Merry Christmas all!

With the latest rebalancing update announcement, it's also time for an update to the PVP Tier List. This rebalancing update only affects a few costumes that are popular in PVP, but the impact on the meta will be significant.

The biggest winners are Killer Doll Lecliss and Demon's Daughter Seir. Both of them are taunt tanks. The rebalancing update reduces their SP costs to only 1 SP after potential upgrades.

This makes Lecliss and Seir almost like "Granhildr for attack teams". E.g. with Lecliss, for only 1 SP an attacking team effectively get a pre-emptive taunter that has massive HP and 85% damage reduction. What's more, the taunt lasts for 4 turns (2 defense team turns). This makes the battle even more skewed towards attacking teams: if the defending team doesn't have an answer to Lecliss, or if their way of dealing with Lecliss is knocked out on Turn 1, it's game over for the defending team.

As a result, buff removers like Schera seem to be increasing in popularity in PVP defense teams. Beach Angel Teresse is also seeing more defense team play, as she has good survivability due to her tanky stats, and can buff your allies to have enough damage to overcome Lecliss or Seir.

Of course, Lecliss and Seir are also being used effectively as cheap taunters in defense teams, but that does not affect meta builds so much because buff removers are already staples in most attack teams.

On the other hand, Glacia is both a winner and loser from the rebalancing update. On the winning side, Disciplinary Committee Glacia received a serious boost, gaining both better damage and removed cooldown. She is terrifying when paired with B.Helena, reliably dealing 25k+ fixed damage every turn. On the losing side, Alice Glacia is now the least attractive taunting tank of the "big 3" because she costs 3 SP (instead of 1 SP like Lecliss and Glacia). Moving forward, it seems that Glacia's main role will be as a tough fixed damage machine gun rather than as a taunting tank.

Other minor winners include Elise, who has received significant damage improvements on both her costumes, and Sage Olstein, who can now remove evasion with multi-hits in addition to crippling ATK/M.ATK stats. These will probably see more play than they did before.

For those who want the full list of balance changes, click below.

Balance changes details (click to expand)

How to use this tier list

Brown Dust 2 is a unique game because each character has multiple costumes, which are used together in PVP. Some costumes are not great on their own, but better when paired with other costumes on the same character. Further, the power level of each costume changes significantly with duplicates (up to +5 costume level). Therefore, there are some important things to note when using this tier list.

+5 costumes and full potential are assumed

All of the ratings compare power levels at the +5 version of the costume with full potential (where applicable). You should know that a +5 costume on your roster may be better in PVP than a +0 costume from a higher tier in the tier list. Full potential upgrades are usually worth around 2-3 costume levels.

Note also that for a lot of costumes, SP cost reduces at with costume levels and/or with potential upgrades, which makes a big difference in PVP. If you don't have the fully reduced SP version of the costume, it will not perform at the stated tier level.

Attack tier and defense tier

Each costume is rated based on how good it is for attack teams and defense teams.

Ratings explained

Tier ratings are given on the following basis:

  • S: The best at what they do.
  • A: Better than average.
  • B: Average, but not bad.
  • C: Worse than average.
  • D: Not recommended.

The Mirror Wars (PVP) Tier List - December 2024