Brown Dust 2 Mirror Wars (PvP) Tier List – March 2025

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Meta Report March 2025: Liberta arrives

Since the end of the new year event, the new costume release schedule has been slow. We've had several re-run banners and the new costumes have mostly been of low relevance to PVP.

The biggest change to the PVP meta in the last 3 months is the recent release of Dark Saintess Liberta, which is the physical equivalent of B-Rank Idol Helena. Although physical teams already have access to Homunculus Lathel, Liberta unlocks much better damage for physical teams thanks to her 50% crit rate boost, which allows for powerful crit damage based builds in physical teams.

It's also worth noting that Liberta also comes with the bonus of being much tankier than Lathel: She has base 3885 HP vs Lathel's 2877 HP, and her awakening, potential upgrade stats and exclusive gear all give her more stats to make her even tankier.

There are a few costumes that stand to benefit a lot from Liberta. For example:

  • A fully geared PMB.Eleaneer (with crit build) buffed by Liberta is now capable of knocking out Granhildr without any help from Zenith. Currently PP.Schera is a more popular opener than PMB.Eleaneer in attack teams, but Liberta's arrival is likely to drive some increase in Eleaneer's popularity.
  • B-Rank Manager Gray now also emerges as a viable 2 SP Granhildr killer. With 50% DEF shred, a fully geared Gray buffed by Liberta can brute force through Granhildr's energy guard.
  • Sword Queen Sylvia is now back on the menu as a competitive attack team opener. Sylvia really relies on crit to deal lethal damage. With Liberta, a fully geared Sylvia becomes an extremely reliable 1 SP killer, though she still struggles against Lecliss as one of her biggest challenges.
  • White Cat Rou's burn damage is now more reliable if she has both the ATK buff and the crit rate boost.
  • Empress Rubia is a menace on defense if you can manage to buff her with Liberta. Maid Rubia is also very strong now that she can consistently crit.
  • Zenith's biggest weakness is her low offensive powers, but Liberta now gives Zenith good odds at lethal damage against low DEF enemies.

Overall expect to see more physical teams emerging in the meta in the next few months.

How to use this tier list

Brown Dust 2 is a unique game because each character has multiple costumes, which are used together in PVP. Some costumes are not great on their own, but better when paired with other costumes on the same character. Further, the power level of each costume changes significantly with duplicates (up to +5 costume level). Therefore, there are some important things to note when using this tier list.

+5 costumes and full potential are assumed

All of the ratings compare power levels at the +5 version of the costume with full potential (where applicable). You should know that a +5 costume on your roster may be better in PVP than a +0 costume from a higher tier in the tier list. Full potential upgrades are usually worth around 2-3 costume levels.

Note also that for a lot of costumes, SP cost reduces at with costume levels and/or with potential upgrades, which makes a big difference in PVP. If you don't have the fully reduced SP version of the costume, it will not perform at the stated tier level.

Attack tier and defense tier

Each costume is rated based on how good it is for attack teams and defense teams.

Ratings explained

Tier ratings are given on the following basis:

  • S: The best at what they do.
  • A: Better than average.
  • B: Average, but not bad.
  • C: Worse than average.
  • D: Not recommended.

The Mirror Wars (PVP) Tier List - March 2025