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![]() | Exclusive Gear |
PVE | PVP | Fiend Hunt/Guild Raid |
C | B+ | D |
Last Night | Tower of Pride | Tower of Salvation |
F | D | B |
+ Cheapest taunt in the game
+ Very high HP
+ New Seir costume coming soon
- Unlike other tanks, Seir has no offensive abilities
- Pure defensive tanks have very little use in most PVE game modes
- Justia exists as a hard counter to Seir in PVP
Seir for PVE
DD.Seir is a great tank, no doubt about it. With 85% damage reduction, taunt and self-heal, she is very hard to kill. In fact, she can be near unkillable against PVE enemies that do not have fixed/pure damage or buff removal. She excels when tanking against multi-hit skills, since she can often heal faster than the enemy can deal damage.
However DD.Seir's biggest problem is that, in PVE, you hardly ever need to use a tank. This is an issue with the way the game is designed, rather than any flaw in DD.Seir's kit itself.
First of all, in most normal PVE battles, the aim is to close out the battle as soon as possible, preferably in a single turn. For these kinds of quick battles, it's better to put everything into offense, so no tank is required.
Secondly, once your team is able to build gears to achieve 90% DEF or 90% M.RES, your units will already be hard to kill, even without a dedicated tank. If you need more staying power though, using energy guard buffers like Red Hat Rou and Anti-Dystopia Diana are usually better choices than using a dedicated tank like Seir. Not only do they protect your entire team, they also bring other utility effects to the table: e.g. Red Hat Rou comes with a 50% crit rate buff and other offensive costumes, and AOTU.Diana is one of the best offensive buffers in the game. Seir, on the other hand, takes up a valuable team slot, but does nothing other than tank.
Thirdly, in the rare case that you really do need a tank, 4-star Loyal Butler Andrew is usually sufficient to get the job done. Andrew is a good choice for beginners as he has both taunt and evasion. Since he is an evasion-based tank, he can tank against enemies of pretty much any power level, and is not held back by his lower 4-star stats. Although Andrew's evasion is luck-based and not guaranteed to proc, this is not a big deal in PVE where you can always retry easily if he misses on his evasion. Since Andrew exists as a readily available F2P resource, this reduces the need for a 5-star tank like Seir.
Seir for PVP
On its face, it seems that Seir has all the right ingredients for a great PVP tank. With her potential upgrades, she is the cheapest taunt in the game, costing only 2 SP, which is a big advantage in PVP. She has very high HP for tanking, and also has a good followup costume with B-Rank Idol.
So why isn't Seir more popular in PVP? There are 2 main reasons.
The first main reason is that Justia exists. Justia is consistently one of the most popular units in PVP, and unfortunately, also a hard counter to Seir. Not only is Justia light-type (effective against Seir's dark-type), Justia also has fixed damage on all of her skills, which completely bypasses Seir's damage reduction ability. Blood Glutton Justia, one of the most popular Justia openers, also has bonus property damage against dark types, so it is a pretty much guaranteed lethal hit against even the best equipped Seir.
So long as Justia remains popular in PVP, it is not likely that Seir will have much room to breathe in the same meta.
The second main reason is that, compared to other popular tanks, Seir offers no offensive capabilities whatsoever. For example, Android Queen Lecliss is not just very tanky, she has a very powerful counterattack which can win games on its own. Glacia can deal respectable fixed damage with her Disciplinary Committee costume. Granhildr of course has the advantage of being pre-emptive on her Comeback Idol costume, but also has The Void for counterattacks.
In comparison, Seir has self-heal on her Demon's Daughter costume and SP recharge on her B-Rank Idol costume. None of those abilities are likely to meaningfully turn the tides of battle in PVP.
Finally, it's worth noting that Seir's stats are not quite as good as other popular tanks. The below table compares Seir's defensive stats with her competitors (at Lv 100 base):
Character | HP | DEF | M.RES |
Seir | 4368 | 0% | 0% |
Glacia | 4473 | 0% | 20% |
Granhildr | 4767 | 0% | 0% |
Lecliss | 4515 | 10% | 0% |
Although Seir's stats are comparable to other popular tanks, she still comes out slightly lower than the others.
On its own, Demon's Daughter is not a good value pull to spend tickets on. However, the devs have hinted in their recent update announcement that there will be a new Seir costume banner soon. If you're thinking about investing, you might want to hold back until the details about the next Seir costume are announced.
Edit: Details of the new Seir costume (New Hire) can be found here. TL;DR: the taunt from Demon's Daughter has nice synergy with the New Hire costume, but is by no means a must-have to make New Hire work.