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- Very high base ATK
- Good AOE and damage for clearing mobs (after potential upgrade)
- Long lasting ATK boost from +3 onwards
- One of only two 5-star physical wind attackers (the other one being Gray)
- As a wind attacker, her role overlaps with Summer Dalvi and DJ Venaka
- AOE not as good as Dalvi, damage not quite as good as Venaka (on average)
- The effect of her buffs is diminished if you have other buffers
- No second costume (yet)
Nebris for PVE
Base stats
Before looking at Nebris' skill damage, let's first look at Nebris' character stats.

Nebris is a classic glass cannon with low HP and no base DEF/M.RES but huge attack. Nebris has a base ATK of 396, the second highest base ATK in the game after Alec. To compare with other characters:
- 418: Alec
- 396: Nebris
- 374: Anastasia, Eris
- 363: Yuri
- 352: Justia, Liatris, Rubia, Sylvia.
Alec however cannot really make full use of his high base ATK in PVE (since he can't crit), so really that leaves Nebris as one of the most powerful physical attackers in the game.
What's more, Nebris has a base crit damage of 75%, whereas most other characters have base crit damage of 50%. This is another reason that Nebris has top tier offensive stats.
Buff analysis
Nebris' skill comes with two buffs: a 50% ATK buff and a 50% property buff. The two cannot activate at the same time. If she has no stat buffs active, she gets +50% ATK. However if she has stat buff active from another source, she gets +50% property damage instead. This is shown in the tests below.

Although a 50% ATK buff or 50% property buff this seems strong on the surface, they are in fact somewhat awkward buffs to use effectively in PVE.
It's always important to keep in mind that buffs of the same type will stack additively. For example, AOTU.Diana's buff at +5 full potential will grant +220% property damage. When Diana is combined with Nebris' skill buff, the total property damage buff becomes +270%. This brings her total property damage to 450 (100%+270%+80%, since Nebris at full potential has 80% base wind DMG).
Therefore, if Nebris is already buffed by AOTU.Diana, her skill buff only increases her effective damage by 12.5% (i.e. 450 divided by 370).
On the other hand, if Nebris is buffed only by an ATK buffer like H.Lathel, then her skill buff only increases her effective damage by 27.8% (i.e. 230 divided by 180)
In PVE, you are almost always want to use Diana as a property buffer. When this is taken into account, you can see that Nebris' skill buffs don't scale very well in PVE, and have a lower impact than what it looks like on the surface.
Even so, Nebris is no slouch when it comes to PVE damage. Assuming that Nebris is buffed by AOTU.Diana (all+5 full potential), Nebris's effective damage multiplier including chain damage works out to be around 496%, which is still good. When this damage multiplier is combined with Nebris' naturally high base stats, you get a good PVE costume.
Overlap with Dalvi and Venaka
Despite being a good PVE costume, Nebris' release timing is somewhat awkward, because she follows the release of two other very good wind costumes.
Summer Dalvi (who has been distributed to +5 for free) has big 3x3 AOE and good wind magic damage (345% initial damage, plus 105% burn). Dalvi is great for PVE battles against large groups of enemies.
DJ Venaka has more focused AOE, but much higher wind magic damage (700%). Unlike Dalvi, Venaka's single-hit high damage nuke is great for getting high scores in game modes like Tower of Pride and Last Night. Venaka also works fine against high M.RES enemies thanks to her M.RES shred ability.
Nebris' kit sits somewhere in the middle between those two. Nebris has less AOE than Dalvi, but is also not quite as good for high scoring as Venaka. Nebris is different to Dalvi and Venaka in that she's a wind physical attacker rather than a magic attacker, but there are relatively few battles where physical wind damage instead of magical wind damage is required (especially since Venaka comes with M.RES shred).
Therefore, even though Nebris is good for PVE, when you already have Summer Dalvi, there's not a lot of immediate incentive for investing in another good wind costume.
Nebris for PVP
Nebris is not bad at all for PVP, but is unlikely to see competitive play in the current streamlined meta.
Nebris has better than average AOE for a 3 SP attacker, and pretty good damage. However, that's not good enough for the competitive scene. Compare with other hard hitting 3 SP attackers like GC.Rafina and GM.Anastasia: pretty good damage is no longer enough for competitive play.
In addition, Nebris has no secondary costume, meaning that she has nothing to do whilst her Lifeguard costume is on cooldown.
There are not a lot of wind characters yet, so for whales wanting to fill 3 wind teams to high score on the fiend boss, having Nebris is a must.
For everyone else, if you already have Summer Dalvi, Nebris does not offer a lot of new value to your team for now. Having said this, she does have potential as a long-term investment. Her very high offensive stats mean that there's a good chance she will get stronger in the future as more costumes release.