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- New top tier PVP unit
- Combined with BG.Justia, makes Justia a formidable force in PVE
- Long lasting buff
- Needs +3 to reach 1 SP, +5 to reach the 4th dodge (and she's limited!)
- Needs other good Justia costumes to make her worthwhile
- Not good for PVE battles that you want to finish quickly (e.g. Tower of Pride).
Justia for PVE
Pool Party Justia's rework comes with a sizeable upgrade to her ATK buff, from 180% (old version) to 300% (new version).
In the past, Justia has been considered a poor choice for PVE due to her inability to crit. However, now that she has access to an improved ATK buff from Pool Party and an improved property damage buff from Blood Glutton, she is now actually quite good for PVE if you can afford to wait enough turns for the set up. The calculations below demonstrate this.
All damage analysis below assumes +5 full potential costumes.
Damage analysis: No external buffers
For this example, we'll assume that Justia has 2600 ATK (moderate but not optimized UR IV gearing) and is attacking a dark-type unit with base +50% property damage.
The combo from Pool Party > Blood Glutton > Kendo Club results in the following damage output.
T1: Pool Party | T2: Blood Glutton | T3: Kendo Club | |
Skill multiplier (inc chain) | N/A | 340% | 759% |
ATK | 400% | 400% | 400% |
Property DMG | 150% | 550% | 550% |
Crit DMG | 0% | 0% | 0% |
Total multiplier (%) | N/A | 7,480% | 16,698% |
Total DMG (2600 ATK against dark-type) | N/A | 194,480 | 434,148 |
This is approximately on par with the current best Light attacker, CI.Yuri. Assuming Yuri has 2200 ATK and 600% C.DMG from gears, CI.Yuri's damage (after being buffed by WB.Yuri) would be 780% (skill) x 210% (ATK) x 150% (Property) x 800% (C.DMG) x 2200 = 432,432.
For further comparison, PP.Angelica (assuming 700% C.DMG and 50% base Property DMG) does "only": 3 x 29% x 20,000 (HP Cap) x 110% (Chain) x 150% (Property) x 800% (C.DMG) = 229,680. This is still very high, but not the best of the best.
Therefore, assuming there are no external buffs applied, Pool Party Justia allows Justia to reach top tier PVE damage, rivalling even the best light attacker, Comeback Idol Yuri.
Damage analysis: Diana and Lathel buffs applied
However, most of the time in PVE, it would not be correct to assume that no external buffs are applied. Typically, a physical Light PVE team battling against dark enemies would bring AOTU.Diana and H.Lathel. Since buffs of the same kind scale additively, the calculations below show that Yuri performs much better than Justia after AOTU.Diana and H.Lathel are applied.
Justia's performance with AOTU.Diana and H.Lathel's buffs is shown in the table below (assuming H.Lathel activates on the Kendo Club turn):
T1: Pool Party | T2: Blood Glutton | T3: Kendo Club | |
Skill multiplier (inc chain) | N/A | 340% | 759% |
ATK | 400% | 400% | 560% |
Property DMG | 370% | 770% | 770% |
Crit DMG | 0% | 0% | 0% |
Total multiplier (%) | N/A | 10,472% | 32,728% |
Total DMG (2600 ATK against dark-type) | N/A | 272,272 | 850,930 |
On the other hand, with AOTU.Diana and H.Lathel's buffs applied, CI.Yuri (buffed with WB.Yuri, same stats as before) deals 780% (skill) x 370% (ATK) x 370% (Property) x 800% (C.DMG) x 2200 = 1,879,363.
For further comparison, PP.Angelica buffed with AOTU.Diana deals 566,544.
Conclusion on PVE performance
Overall, for battles where you can afford to wait for Justia's buff set up (e.g. fiend hunts), PP.Justia now enables Justia's other costumes to deal very strong damage against dark-types. Although she deals no damage on your first turn and relatively low damage on your second turn, by your third and fourth turns Justia can deal damage that matches and even exceeds that of other light attackers with crit.
Although Justia still can't reach the monstrous damage output of Yuri (who can cycle between Whitebolt and Comeback Idol without any downtime), Justia now makes a very good choice for a Team 2 attacker in dark fiend hunts.
Finally, don't sleep on PP.Justia's evasion: a 4-hit evasion can be lifesaving against tough PVE bosses.
Justia for PVP
Let me start by saying that, even before the rework, I was a fan of PP.Justia for PVP. For a while, before RH.Rou openers rose up in popularity, I ran with a 90% win rate attack team with Turn 1 PP.Justia setting up a big Turn 3 BG.Justia. Old PP.Justia had a large energy guard which made her very tanky, but one of her biggest weaknesses is buff removers. Sadly, as RH.Rou rose in popularity, so did defense teams with buff-removing openers, so I retired PP.Justia to match the moving meta.
With the new rework though, the new PP.Justia is much, much better. Unlike the old Energy Guard, evasion cannot be removed by buff removers. Being able to reliably evade 4 hits is incredibly strong, because many popular costume skills deal only 1 to 3 hits. To put things into perspective, the odds of WC.Rou dodging 4 hits in a row is only 20.5%.
For only 1 SP, Justia becomes a sturdy tank that can hold the line against at least 2 skill hits. She is very effective when placed in the front line in the offlane. What's more, on your next turn, BG.Justia becomes powerful enough to take out pretty much anything that doesn't have evasion in a huge 3x3 AOE.
PP.Justia's very existence will really shake up the meta, because she is an indirect nerf to all single hit costumes for defense teams, like WC.Rou and DJ.Venaka. Given that Justia is already dominant in the current meta, there's no doubt we will see a fair amount of PP.Justia in competitive PVP play.
The rework to Pool Party Justia is a very welcome change. In PVE, Justia now becomes a viable main attacker with the Pool Party buff. The biggest impact, though, will be in the competitive PVP scene. My pre-release prediction is that PP.Justia will be a top tier PVP unit.
Since she is only available on a limited banner, if you're going to invest, be prepared to invest big. +3 is needed for PVP use (to get her cost down to 1 SP), and +5 is preferred (to get access to the 4th dodge).