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Warning: this is not a Justia costume. Sacred Justia is a new character!
- Huge range with potential upgrade
- No cooldown from +4 onwards (no second costume required!)
- Insanely high damage against mobs and in fiend hunts. Very good for high scoring in Tower of Pride and against dark fiend bosses.
- Unlike base Justia, Sacred Justia can crit!
- High SP cost + no cooldown = very expensive upkeep, SP battery on the team is most likely required
- Not so effective against single target bosses (300% damage on its own is mediocre)
- Requires a lot of investment: range potential upgrade is a must-have, cooldown reduction not unlocked until +4.
Sacred Justia for PVE
Sacred Justia is a new character, not a new costume for Justia. Sacred Justia currently has only one costume, which is this Reclaimed Destiny costume. Sacred Justia has exactly the same base stats as normal Justia.
You are allowed to use both Sacred Justia and Justia in the same battle team.
Sacred Justia is great for 3 different kinds of PVE battles.
Firstly, she is great for clearing large mobs in story battles and challenge battles. At +5 full potential, if she hits a "full house" of 10 targets, her skill damage multiplier is an insane 1300%. Even if she hits only 4 targets, her skill damage multiplier is still 700%, which is still higher than most AOE costumes. What's more, Sacred Justia is light type, so there are no enemies that resist her. This makes her perfect for clearing mobs in story battles.
Secondly, she is great for fiend hunts, especially dark fiend hunts. Against most fiend formations, she should be able to hit between 6 to 9 targets, resulting in very high damage. No other light unit has such large AOE. She also has no cooldown from +4 onwards, meaning that you can use her skill repeatedly for a big total damage output. However, a drawback is that you'll need to manage your SP carefully. Sacred Justia's high SP cost (5 SP per turn), and when combined with the SP needs of your other team members, you'll most likely need an SP battery (like NB.Eclipse or FS.Olstein) to be able to use Sacred Justia continuously.
Thirdly, she is great for high scoring on Tower of Pride. Light attackers are required for 3 out of the 6 Tower of Pride floors. Whilst it's already possible to get a perfect score on the light attacker level with BG.Justia and CI.Yuri, Sacred Justia now provides a new easy path to get a perfect score on those levels.
Where Sarced Justia falls short is in battles against single targets. For example, there are some story and challenge battles where there is a strong boss that cannot be killed in one turn: Justia struggles to do high damage after you clear any mobs on the first turn. She is also a poor choice for Last Night.
Sacred Justia for PVP
Needless to say, Sacred Justia's 5 SP skill is very expensive for PVP. For most high SP cost costumes, the impact is not worth the SP cost. Nevertheless, for Sacred Justia, her damage and range are big enough that it can be viable for PVP defense teams.
Defense teams start with up to 12 SP, but this can be reduced down to a minimum of 6 SP if your opponent has SP drainers (e.g. NB.Eclipse) or if you are running pre-emptive skills (e.g. CI.Granhildr).
As an example, assuming you have a minimum of 6 SP to start with on defense, this would be enough for H.Lathel or knockback (1 SP), Zenith (0 SP), and Sacred Justia (5 SP) for a fairly reliable AOE nuke. This combo has the potential to team wipe, in which case the high SP cost would be worthwhile. However, it's an "all or nothing" strategy: e.g. if you miss lethal on Sacred Justia (e.g. against RH.Rou Energy guards, high DEF enemies, evasion or good enemy positioning) you may have insufficient SP for any follow up attacks.
Base Justia's speciality is mainly dealing low-cost, low-range fixed damage, like a surgical knife. Sacred Justia, on the other hand, is the complete opposite. Sacred Justia hits like a rocket launcher: big cost, big range and big damage. She firmly ranks as one of the best light attackers, and is a great unit to have in any roster.