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PVE Story | PVP | Fiend Hunt (all) |
A | SS | D |
Last Night | Tower of Pride | Tower of Salvation |
D | C | A |
+ The PVP Prodigy: One of the best characters for PVP
+ Big knockback damage and big burn damage
+ Doesn't need a huge investment to be good: +3 no potential is already very strong
+ The only costume so far that can knock back 3-tiles (the full length of the field)
+ Rou's other costumes are also excellent
- Niche uses outside of PVP
- Evasion is partially luck based
- +3 is required to be useable effectively in PVP
Rou for PVE
Although WC.Rou is mainly a PVP costume, she is still useful to have in certain PVE battles for her knockback ability.
Firstly, her knockback range is unique, because it's the only knockback that pushes back the target 3 tiles (to the very back of the field). Teresse and Kry, on the other hand, push more targets, but the targets are only pushed back 2 tiles.
Secondly, Rou's knockback damage is by far the strongest. The table below shows how Rou, Teresse and Kry compare. Note that, even though Teresse's burn damage seems higher, it's actually very very low because Teresse has a pitiful base ATK of only 132 (compared to Rou's base ATK of 308).
Character (+5 full potential) | Collision damage | Burn damage |
WC.Rou | 212% max HP of target | 215% ATK, 6 turns |
AOD.Teresse | 150% max HP of target | 225% ATK, 6 turns |
VS.Kry | 100% max HP of target | 130% ATK, 6 turns |
Rou's strong knockback damage can be very useful for taking out tough opponents. Bear in mind that the collision damage and burn damage can both crit.
Thirdly, Rou's evasion is very useful in tough battles that you can't complete in one turn. Rou can completely evade strong lethal enemy attacks, as long as the hit count is not too high.
Where Rou is weak is against large mobs, single enemies (nothing to knock back into) and enemies immune to knockback. This makes her a poor choice for fiend hunts, Last Night and Tower of Pride.
Rou for PVP
Where Rou really shines is in PVP. WC.Rou only costs 1 SP, and is arguably one of the highest value 1 SP skills in the game.
Firstly, Rou is a reliable killer. In PVP, Rou has a high chance of connecting for collision damage. If she crits, it's near guaranteed lethal for the unit in the back. If the main target has low DEF, the main target may also die from burn. That's up to 2 kills with only 1 SP.
Secondly, on top of her offensive power, WC.Rou then gets an evasion buff, making her very annoying to kill. Rou's survivability can often win games. Note that buff removers are not very effective for dealing with WC.Rou, because they have to hit her first to remove her evasion.
Normally, the biggest threat to a dark-type tanky character in PVP would be a light-type: i.e. Justia. Ironically, WC.Rou matches up well against Justia, because most of Justia's skills have a low hit count, and are therefore vulnerable to Rou's evasion.
Thirdly, WC.Rou has top tier options with her other costumes. Red Hat Rou is one of best hybrid (offensive + defensive) PVP buffs, and Nature's Claw Rou is a very high damage tank breaker.
Fourthly, since Rou's collision damage is not based on her ATK, you can easily build Rou for crit stats or tank stats without sacrificing much of her power.
Since BD2 was launched, White Cat Rou has consistently been one of the best PVP costumes, which itself is a testament to BD2's good game design and powercreep management.
If you don't have her already, she's not a priority to start investing in, as good PVP units will no doubt continue to be released. However, if you have at +1 or +2, you may want to invest a little to get her to +3 (where her SP cost drops to 1 and she becomes useable in PVP).
Beyond +3, the upgrades are nice for improving her lethal consistency, but are not essential. The power at +3 is already strong enough to deal lethal collision damage most of the time.