Events after the update on August 13th (UTC).

Hello. This is Brown Dust 2.            
We will inform you of the events that will be held after the update on August 13th (UTC).            
Please refer to the details below.            
■ Event updates            
1. New Pickup Event Mission            
- Beachside Angel Teresse Pickup Event Mission will be held.            
■ Event period: After August 14th maintenance – September 4th 11:59 pm (UTC)            
Mission List


2. Summer Special Login Event        
- Summer Special Login Event will be held.        
■ Event period: After August 14th maintenance – Before August 29th maintenance       


3. Summer Special Dice Event                    
- Summer Special Dice Event where various items can be obtained will be held.                    
■ Event period: After August 13th maintenance – Before September 12th maintenance                    
- You can proceed with the game if you have Lucky Dice, which can be obtained from Basic finds within the Beachside Angels pack's Safe Zones.                    
- You can move the number of spaces indicated by the roll of the Lucky Dice, and you will receive rewards corresponding to the spaces you land on.                    
- The dice game can be played automatically. During automatic play, the game progresses at 3x speed, and it will end automatically if you run out of Lucky Dice.                    
- The dice game can be completed multiple times, with rewards given based on the number of completions as follows.                    
Completion Rewards  

'Summer Special Bundle' reward in the completion rewards


4. Beachside Angels Celebration! 30 Days Login Event            
- Beachside Angels Commemoration Login Event will be started.            
■ Event period: After August 14th maintenance – Before September 26th maintenance   


5. Summer Special Login Event I        
- Summer Special Login Event I will be held.        


6. Click! Click! Summer Season Pass                
- Click! Click! Summer Season Pass Event will be started.                
Event Period : After August 13th maintenance ~ Before September 12th maintenance                
- By completing the missions, you can earn pass exp points and various rewards. The mission list and pass rewards are as follows.                
    Mission and Rewards Information     


Pass Reward Information


7. Seir Character Pass                        
- Demon's Daughter Seir Pass Event will be started.                        
By clearing total 7 days of mission,you can acquire Seir 's costume [Demon's Daughter] and her exclusive weapon [SR Arch Demons].                        
Event Period : After August 13th maintenance ~ Before August 29th maintenance                        
    * Mission List                   

8. Click! Click! Summer Season Event Boosting             
- Play season event 'Click! Click! Summer' and earn Dias!            
Event Period : After August 13th maintenance ~ Before August 29th maintenance    



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