New Version (1.45.14) Update Notice (AOS/Windows)

A new Version (1.45.14) which fixed some known issues is available.

[Applied Changes]

- Fixed an issue where the app was forced to close intermittently when adjusting the difficulty of Hunting Request.
- Fixed an issue where the Newbie pass Day 1's quest ""Open a Treasure Chest"" counts are not reflected properly.
- Fixed an issue where the combat UI and the UI was displayed together when return to the game after switching to the home screen with the home button on the device during the battle.
- Fixed an issue where the error message pops up when attempt to change the gear of a character.
- Fixed an issue where the icon of Hunting ground / Goblin Ruins / Slime Empire is not highlighted on Hunting Requesting page
- A change that PV will not be displayed when downloading resources. 

If you are experiencing the issue mentioned above, please update the App to version 1.45.14 for your convenience.

※ Required download for the app update is quite sizable, so we recommend downloading the update using WiFi.

New iOS version will be available from the Apple App Store as soon as the app review process is complete.
We will make another announcement when the iOS version is available.

We will do our best to provide a stable gaming service.

Thank you.


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