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A guide to completing specific objectives for the newbie pass!
TIP: If you seem to have already completed an objective but it hasn't been reflected in the pass, try relogging.
Investigate an Object
Investigate an object in the Safe Zone and get a reward.

Walk around a safe zone area (typically buildings in a town) and look for interactable objects. These objects will glow white when you're near them. Simply press the interact button in order to progress this mission.
Catch Twing Glutti
Capture Twing Glutti

Twing Gluttis are those docile blue creatures that can be found in most battle zones. They run away at the sight of danger, so make sure to dash once you're close enough!
Available/Sell at the Safe Zone Shop

You can find shops at towns and other safe zones. Simply look for the lootbag icon and buy/sell items! (Note: Do make sure not to accidentally sell valuables such as your exclusive gear).
Today's Quest Complete
Complete Today's Quest

The quest bulletin board unlocks once you complete the main story of that pack. Navigate to the board by clicking !Today on the quest UI, then accept a quest. Tier 1 quests are much quicker to complete, so I suggest doing those!
Complete Story Pack (Hard/Very Hard)

Once you've beaten the main story of a pack, you can find Elin hanging out in the safe zone. Speak to her in order to start the Hard version of the story (or Very Hard if you've completed Hard). Do keep in mind that the story is exactly the same no matter the difficulty.