November 23rd Known Issue Notice (Edited)

Hello. This is BrownDust2.
We are here to inform you about the issue found on November 23rd (UTC).

Please refer to the information below.

[Known Issue]
- An issue where when using the dash during some quests, the quests intermittently do not progress properly.
- An issue where the quantity of Top-quality fabric required for crafting the Hero Circlet has not been adjusted.
* The quantity will be adjusted to be the same as that of other gear crafting materials of the same grade.
- An issue where Character Pack 6 temporary companion's voice is output incorrectly
- An issue where the remaining time information for the World Buff Water Season is displayed incorrectly.
* World buff will be applied properly during the scheduled period as it is just a display issue.
- An issue where Korean is exposed in some product pop-ups. (Added on Nov. 23rd 6:20 am)

We will strive to quickly fix the identified issues.

Thank you.


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