22nd Developer Notes: Tower of Salvation Update Notice

Hello. This is Brown Dust 2 PD Jun-hee Lee.                    
Today, I'm here to introduce everyone to the much-anticipated roguelike content, the "Tower of Salvation,"                    
as well as the other upcoming updates in July.                    
Tower of Salvation                    
There is a lot to cover with this update due to the sheer volume of the Tower of Salvation, so we prepared a special video.                    
This informative clip features Jon Ho, the Guardian of the Two Sisters, Sylvia and Rubia, and Hyun Mu, our combat balance specialist and main developer of the Tower of Salvation.                    
It was supposed to be a short guide, but they had so much fun climbing the tower that they ended up shooting an hour-long video. 🙂                    
It may seem like this video is about them just enjoying the new mode rather than a guide,                    
but it still provides a detailed introduction to our new roguelike content. So, we decided to release the full-length version to help you better understand the new mode.                    
If you want to skim through the details, we recommend you boost the video's speed!    

* If you wish to read the brief summary about the Tower of Salvation, please refer to the previous Developer Notes as well! (Link)                    
* The video includes content that is still under development, and details are subject to change upon release.


New NPC Quest: Our Finish Line!            

신규 NPC 퀘스트.png

Quest 1 Early Part Screenshot        

A new story unfolds out in the Athletic Field of the Brown Secondary High School from Character Pack 1.                    
The new NPC Quest, "Our Finish Line!" will be updated.                    
In "Our Finish Line!," Levia and Glacia make a bet with the Track and Field Team's life on the line. Loen, the opposite of any athletic talent, is entangled in their bet and must take first place in the Sports Gathering.                    
Track and Field Team Captain Levia is out to help her, but will they succeed? Come and witness their thrilling training sessions!                    
* The new NPC Quest can be accepted from the Gentle School Nurse NPC in Character Pack 1.

New Seasonal Event: DIET RUSH

신규 시즌 이벤트_다이어트 러쉬1.png

Rou begins her diet journey out on the Athletic Field of the Brown Secondary High School, where the new NPC Quest takes place.                    
"DIET RUSH" will be updated as a new seasonal event.                    
In DIET RUSH, you'll run into Loen as she trains for the Sports Gathering contest.                    
Immerse yourself into the story as she takes time off here and there to help the weight loss of Rou,                    
the chonky cat beloved by every student in school.                    
Fiend Hunter Boss "Giant Rou"                    
DIET RUSH's Fiend Hunter Boss will be "Giant Rou," who has grown into a gargantuan yet adorable chonky cat                    
after her excessive workout routine and protein intake.                    
She might have grown, but her heart's the same!                    
Well, she might have grown just a bit too much, but her naive and cuddly nature is forever unchanging. Come and witness her massive performance!        

Run, Loen!                    
During the DIET RUSH event period, you'll be able to enjoy the new field quest, "Run, Loen!"                    
In this quest, you'll help Loen, the hurdle jumper, jump over obstacles to get to the finish line as soon as she can.                    
The shorter your record, the more currency you'll obtain. So, do your best in the hurdle race!      

신규 시즌 이벤트_다이어트 러쉬2.png      

- [RUN] button: Tap repeatedly to increase the speed gauge and boost Loen's run speed.                    
- [JUMP] button: Tap at the right time to make Loen jump over hurdles.                    
- Start Dash: During the 3, 2, 1 countdown, tap the [RUN] and [JUMP] buttons                    
simultaneously when they flash to activate a Start Dash. This will immediately fill the speed gauge to level 4.                    
- Pacemaker: When Loen starts running, the record of 1st place becomes the pacemaker and runs with Loen.                    
- You lose 100 HP when colliding with the hurdle. You lose the game when Loen's HP reaches 0, so make sure to avoid the hurdles by jumping and reaching the end goal.                    
- There are various items available along the tracks to help Loen run.                    
- Chocolate Cream Pastry: Recovers Loen's HP by 200.                    
- Beverages: Activates a booster effect for 3 seconds, making Loen run rapidly. 

New Character and Costume: "Track and Field Captain Levia"                    
Levia was one of the most beloved characters in our previous title, and now she will make her first appearance from the Dominus Octo.                    
Like Nebris, who first appeared in her swimsuit costume,                    
we've decided to introduce Levia with a costume in line with the NPC Quest's release.                    
Levia will be a Magic character with a Fire property, and her skills                    
will create a formidable synergy effect when used with other Magic property characters.                    
We hope you look forward to meeting Levia, who will exert her confident charms as the captain of the Track and Field Team.                    
New Costume for Loen: "Track and Field Team"                    
First making her entrance as an NPC in the "Last Night," Loen boasted her status as a ★5 character upon release, thanks to her popularity.                    
Now, we'll release "Track and Field Team" to bring a new addition to her costume collection.                    
Just like her original version, Track and Field Team Loen                    
features a skill that inflicts powerful Magic DMG within her range.                    
Loen will be drenched in sweat in her efforts to run, so make sure to cheer for her.                    
July Pickup Information                    
Costume Pickup Schedule        

 화면 캡처 2024-07-12 145059.png

* A new cutscene will be added for White Cat Rou                

화면 캡처 2024-07-12 145041.png

Next, we'll walk you through user convenience improvements.                    
We'll improve the elements new players find difficult to grasp,                    
such as understanding the Hunting Request system and changing the difficulty of Hunting Ground.                    
Change Difficulty Button for Hunting Ground                    
Changing the Hunting Ground's difficulty used to be inconvenient, as you had to exit the field first.                    
However, after the improvement, you will be able to change the difficulty within the Hunting Ground directly.                    
Improvement to Hunting Request System Recognition                    
We've noticed cases where players kept using Repeated Battles in the Hunting Ground even after clearing it because they couldn't realize the existence of the Hunting Request system.                    
After the update, you will be sent directly to the Hunting Request menu and tutorial after clearing the Hunting Ground on Normal Difficulty.                    
Subsequently, a red dot will appear on the Field page > Hunting Request menu when a Hunting Request becomes available.                    
Entering Hunting Ground from Hunting Request Menu                    
The Hunting Ground has been improved so you can go directly to the Hunting Ground or Path of Adventure                    
when you select a difficulty that you haven't entered or cleared at the Hunting Request menu.                    
Changes to Hunting Request's Name and Icon                    
Hunting Request was updated during the early stages of release.                    
It was initially completed after a certain period of time when the player sent a request, but changes have been made to complete the process immediately.                    
However, the continuous use of old system terminologies has caused confusion among players.                    
Therefore, we will change the name to "Quick Hunt" to reflect the current system of skipping the hunting process quickly.                    
In addition, the icon design will be changed to fit the new name, and its position will be moved to the bottom left side of the minimap.                    
Minimap Improvements                    
An auto move feature will be added to get the checkpoints of the pack you're playing.                    
You can either select locations from the auto move list on the side of the minimap                    
or select a location from Minimap > World Map to use the auto move feature.                    
You can also adjust the minimap's size in two ways: by keeping its default size or enlarging it.                    
Last but not least, here's a sneak peek of a certain character's cutscene illustration.



That is all we have today for the upcoming update.                    
But we have one more exciting piece of news to share.                    
We're thrilled to share our plans to create figurines with you.                    
We're collaborating with APEX TOYS, a company well-known for producing high-quality figurines,                    
to craft the models for Brown Dust 2.                    
I'm sure many of you are eager to find out who will become our first figurine.                    
After consulting with APEX TOYS, we decided that "Code Name S Scheherazade" would receive her first real-life transformation.                    
We also can't wait to see how Scheherazade's dynamic motions will play out in the real world in her figurine state.                    
The figurine will be produced at a 1/7 scale.                    
We expect another year or two before the product's release, as it is still in its early stages.                    
We'll keep you up to date on how things are going with our figurine production.                    
We hope you also show your love and support for the fantastic APEX TOYS staff, who will participate in the Wonder Festival in Japan on July 28th.        



Oh, and there is one last announcement.                    
A special summer livestream for 2024 is scheduled for August.                    
We'll reach out to you with a tapestry of new content,                    
including the new Summer Event Pack we mentioned before, four new swimsuits,                    
news on Guild Raid, and even survey results.                    
The May collaboration and the 1st Anniversary update in June allowed us to greet many players from around the world.                    
We believe the success we've enjoyed is all thanks to the combined effort of the staff and players, who love Brown Dust 2.                    
The game's achievement has also motivated the development team to work in an even more upbeat atmosphere.                    
In some ways, the cycle of an enjoyable game is simple; the development team works hard to create quality content, and the players enjoy the experience, which motivates the development team to prepare for the next content again.                    
Nothing about this cycle is complicated, but it took us a whole year to settle on that path.                    
We want to thank all of you for patiently waiting for us until we could finally shine.                    
We can't wait to see what the 1.5-Year and 2nd Anniversary of Brown Dust 2 will have in store for us.                    
We'll keep our engines going and come up with even better content to answer to your love and support.                    
With that, we will wrap up today's note with a gift.                    
[Developer Note Gifts]                    
- 600 Dias                    
- 40 Cooked Rice                    
※ You can collect your Developer Note Gifts from your Mailbox until MM DD, 2024 (day).                    
Thank you.


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