Character Guide — Dalvi

Dalvi is a Magic Wind DPS who transforms her own skill, allowing her to continuously cast across turns. This makes her an easy-to-invest-in DPS, as she is not as reliant as others about having multiple costumes.

Bright Moon
Summer Vacation
Base Stats [Level 100]

Dalvi is a Magic Wind DPS who transforms her own skill, allowing her to continuously cast across turns. This makes her an easy-to-invest-in DPS, as she is not as reliant as others about having multiple costumes.

Transformations alter the costume and its skill, gaining an additional effect. This transformation cannot be dispelled.

For the duration of a transformation, the skill ignores its own cooldown (which starts counting down upon cast), and it can be used without consuming SP.

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Strengths and Weaknesses

Dalvi's transform allows her to get multiple skill casts off with only one costume.
Very cheap in terms of SP usage.
She has solid damage.

Dalvi's delayed DMG (both her DoT and transform) may not be ideal for hard content that you need to clear quickly.
If you don't have Summer Vacation, Dalvi has significant skill downtime in longer content.


Dalvi currently has two costumes. Bright Moon grants her a transformation that lasts for 6 turns, allowing her to use her skill thrice in a row. Summer Vacation is a Skip that applies chains and a DoT.

Bright Moon


Moonlit Fox's Tale
SP ◆ 5 — CD ● 9 Turns
For 6 turns, transform by releasing the power of the Nine-tailed fox. Attack 2 Times, each attack deals Magic DMG based off of 160% of Magic ATK.

Skill Potential 1
DMG +15%

Skill Potential 2
SP -1

Skill Potential 3
DMG +15%

SP CostMagic DMGMagic DMGMagic DMGMagic DMG
5 ▸ 4160% ▸ 185%185% ▸ 230%230% ▸ 255%255% ▸ 300%

For 2 turns, create an Energy Guard equal to 150% of Magic ATK.
Costume Designs

Bright Moon is a solid DPS costume, and it can be used thrice in a row! This gives her the flexibility of either using her skill to deal with a large AoE of smaller enemies or concentrating her skill casts on a beefier foe.

Since her cooldown starts counting down after her initial cast, this means that after she's casted two more times, she'll effectively have just a 5 turn cooldown by the time she does her third cast.

At +5, she gets access to an energy guard that she can refresh. However, this extra utility isn't generally impactful outside of PvP. Her SP upgrades are nice since it's the first turn that matters the most in a lot of PvE content.

Key Upgrades: Design +1, Skill Potential 2, DMG upgrades are nice to have.

Summer Vacation


Spirit Storm
SP ◆ 5 — CD ● 5 Turns
Attack 4 Times, each attack deals Magic DMG based off of 30% of Magic ATK. Deal Magic DMG based off of 50% of Magic ATK every turn for 4 turns.

Skill Potential 1
DoT +10%

Skill Potential 2
Initial DMG +15%

Skill Potential 3
DoT +10%

SP CostMagic DMGDoT
DoT Duration
Magic DMGDoT
5 ▸ 430% ▸ 45%50% ▸ 65%
4 ▸ 6
45% ▸ 60%65% ▸ 85%
Costume Designs

Summer Vacation is a limited free costume given out during the game's First Anniversary.

This costume is a solid costume for mob clearing and longer content such as Fiend Hunt. Skip is a premium pattern, and she can use Bright Moon while the DoTs are ticking. This costume doesn't really have any synergy with transform, but that's alright.

Key Upgrades: DMG Upgrades add up.

Building Dalvi

Dalvi has slightly different gear depending on whether you're using her in PvP or PvE.

Thousand-Year-Old Hairpin
Exclusive Stat — 45 MATK%
Correct Main Stats — MRES + MRES
This exclusive weapon is a decent boost to Dalvi's DMG, however it is not ideal if you need to build DEF on her.

Engraving: LIF
243 HP

Engraving: STR

Engraving: PSV

Awakening 1
12% MATK

Awakening 2
10% Wind DMG

Bond Potential

Several bond nodes are locked behind a skill potential.

Wind DMG30%
Bright Moon
Wind DMG30%
Summer Vacation

Summer Vacation bonds have full offensive stats, so it is the superior option in all cases. If you missed out on this free costume, then just use Bright Moon.

Optimal Build [PvE]


Optimal Substat Spread (Assuming BBS Refinements) — 4 MATK% substats + 11 CDMG substats

Use full DEF gear or full MRES gear depending on the enemies you're facing. Dalvi will want more MATK% subs if she's not using her exclusive gear.

Optimal Build [PvP — No Helena]

Optimal Substat Spread (BBS Refinements) — 7 CDMG + 8 CR
Bond Potentials — Summer Vacation

Dalvi may be at risk against counter tanks with this build, but that shouldn't be a concern if you are also using Schera. MATK% subs are fine on this build. Venomous Touch is also a decent alternative accessory, provided that you change her substat spread.

Optimal Build [PvP — With Helena]

Optimal Substat Spread (BBS Refinements) — 4 MATK% + 5 CDMG + 6 CR
Bond Potentials — Summer Vacation

If you're using either Helena or Elpis on your team, this build is better in making Dalvi capable of brute forcing non tanks.