Table of Contents

![]() | Exclusive Gear![]() |
PVE | PVP | Fiend Hunt/Guild Raid |
A | D | A |
Last Night | Tower of Pride | Tower of Salvation |
A | B | C |
+ Excels at doing high damage against single target dark bosses
+Outstanding synergy with her other costumes
- As a single target attacker, use cases are still relatively niche
- Heavily dependent on having other Ventana costumes. Long cooldown means it can't be used effectively alone
- Will usually require Zenith to set up, hard to use without Zenith
Ventana for PVE
Ventana's niche
Ventana's niche is dealing super high damage against single targets that have taunt or concentrated fire (concentrated fire is the debuff applied by Zenith and Rigenette). This is a narrow niche: it's already fairly uncommon to have battles against strong single target bosses (outside of a few story mode Very Hard bosses). Even for battles against single targets, it's still usually best to bring a strong element attacker to make use of property damage bonuses buffs. This further narrows Ventana's niche to being used mainly against dark single target bosses.
To date, Ventana has been one of the least popular costumes in terms of battle usage. Although Ventana's previous costumes (Snow White and Comeback Idol) could deal high damage in certain battles, for the average player, Ventana's damage was not quite high enough to justify such a high investment into such a niche character.
Damage analysis
Things have now changed a lot with the release of Onsen Practitioner Ventana. OP.Ventana is similar to Ventana's previous costumes, in that it deals very high single target damage against enemies with taunt or concentrated fire. However, OP.Ventana's biggest new feature is that it adds a damage amplification debuff on the enemy for all light attacks for 6 turns. Note that this is a damage amplification debuff, not a property damage buff. Since the debuff lasts for 6 turns, it this debuff amplifies OP.Ventana's own damage and the damage of Ventana's other costumes used over the next two attacks. It also amplifies the damage of her light teammates.
OP.Ventana can therefore now be used as a setup to Ventana's other costumes to create BY FAR the highest possible single target damage.
To illustrate the power scaling, the table below shows how the various Ventana costumes can now perform if you use all 3 of her costumes together at +5 full potential. To provide a realistic buff scaling scenario, the table assumes that you will first use RH.Zenith and MC.Teresse. RH.Zenith provides a +100% damage amp debuff (i.e. 200% of normal damage), so RH.Zenith + OP.Ventana together provide a +300% damage amp buff (i.e. 400% of normal damage). Similarly, MC.Teresse provides a 2-turn 120% ATK buff (i.e. 220% of normal ATK), so MC.Teresse + CI.Ventana together provide a +195% ATK buff (i.e. 295% of normal ATK).
Costume | Skill damage | Dmg amp | ATK buff | Total dmg multiplier |
OP.Ventana | 750% | 400% | 220% | 6,600% |
CI.Ventana | 800% (pure) | 200% | 295% | 4,720% |
CI.Ventana (buffed by OP) | 800% (pure) | 400% | 295% | 9,440% |
SW.Ventana | 1,300% | 200% | 220% | 5,720% |
SW.Ventana (buffed by CI) | 1,300% | 200% | 295% | 7,670% |
SW.Ventana (buffed by OP + CI) | 1,300% | 400% | 295% | 15,340% |
That damage is absolutely monstrous.
To illustrate how monstrous that damage really is compared to other attackers, the table below shows the damage output of the two next best light attackers, Comeback Idol Yuri and Sacred Justia, in the exact same scenario (buffed by RH.Zenith and MC.Teresse). To account for CI.Yuri's crit damage buff in the total damage multiplier, I've assumed that Yuri is geared to have base crit damage of around 700%.
I've also assumed that Sacred Justia is at her theoretical max damage (hitting 10 enemies), though in most battles that almost never actually occur.
Costume | Skill damage | Dmg amp | ATK buff | Total dmg multiplier |
CI.Yuri | 780% | 200% | 220% | 3,860% |
CI.Yuri (buffed by WB.Yuri) | 780% | 200% | 330% | 5,790% |
Sacred Justia (*at max damage) | 1300%* | 200% | 220% | 5,720% |
You can see that once Snow White Ventana is properly set up (with OP + CI buffs), she hits for more than double (nearly triple!) the damage of her next best light competitor, Comeback Idol Yuri. Note that this comparison does not even take into account the fact that Ventana's base ATK (385) is much higher than Yuri and Sacred Justia (352), which further widens the damage difference when fully geared.
If Ventana is geared to 2000 ATK and 700% crit damage, then Snow White Ventana buffed by OP.Ventana, CI.Ventana, Zenith, MC.Teresse and AOTU.Diana deals over 10 million damage to a dark enemy.
PVE game modes
Ventana works well in any PVE battles where you need strong single target damage, especially against dark bosses.
It seems pretty clear that devs are pushing for Ventana to gain popularity given the recent buffs to Snow White and now the release of Onsen Practitioner. Therefore, there's a fairly good chance that we will get a dark fiend hunt in the near future that has only one weak point (or a main weak point with very high vulnerability) that is perfect for Ventana. Ventana will not be the best for all dark fiend hunts and guild raids though, because AOE is usually preferred for the majority of bosses.
Ventana at +5 is not too bad for Last Night given her high base damage and skill multiplier, but be warned that you cannot apply concentrated fire to the Last Night boss, and you also cannot apply the light damage vulnerability debuff.
In Tower of Pride, OP.Ventana is so strong that it's possible to achieve over 1m damage from a single target strike alone. However, doing so would force you to bring Zenith (off-element) and would also leave you with limited options to clear the rest of the mobs. She is therefore not strongly recommended for Tower of Pride at this time.
Ventana for PVP
Single target attackers are generally not very good for PVP.
The only way that Ventana could be viable for PVP is if she could reliably kill CI.Granhildr. Unfortunately, she cannot do so.
Even if buffed by Zenith and H.Lathel, an OP.Ventana that is geared to 2200 ATK, at +5 full potential deals 2200 x 750% (skill) x 400% (damage amp) x 260% (ATK buff) x 160% (chain) = 274,560 damage without crit. Against a 90% DEF Granhildr, that's 27,456 damage: not enough to overcome Granhildr's energy guard.
Even if Ventana could reliably overcome Granhildr, her other skills are too high cost and too low impact. Ventana is therefore not at all recommended for PVP.
OP.Ventana is, without a doubt, OP! However, to unlock her full power she does require investment to at least +3, together with heavy investment on her other two costumes (Snow White and Comeback Idol). Although Onsen Practitioner works well on her own, she is best used as a setup to Snow White.
Since she is a niche character with a high investment barrier, a big investment is not recommended for new players.