Character Guide — Eleaneer

Eleaneer is a Physical Dark DPS who offers a lot of damage and a considerable amount of utility. Her skills being cheap SP wise makes her good in both PvE and PvP.

Magic Piercing Bow
B-Rank Idol
Base Stats [Level 100]

Eleaneer is a Physical Dark DPS who offers a lot of damage and a considerable amount of utility. Her skills being cheap SP wise makes her good in both PvE and PvP.

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Strengths and Weaknesses

Solid damage for a DPS, while also having a bit of DEF shred on a high damaging skill.
[PvP] Magic Piercing Bow is one of the two 2SP dispels in the game, and B-Rank Idol's shred makes her hard to survive against.

Her patterns are not very large.
Eleaneer has a gap in her skill cycle with her two costumes having different final cooldowns.
! [PvP] Eleaneer isn't exactly a physical counterpart to Schera, since she doesn't have full dispel uptime. This means that she can still be vulnerable to counters.


Eleaneer currently has 2 costumes, both dealing a lot of damage. On top of that, Magic Piercing Bow has dispel utility, while B-Rank Idol has both a silence and a DEF shred.

Magic Piercing Bow


Triple Arrow
SP ◆ 3 — CD ● 7 Turns
Attack 3 Times, each attack deals Physical DMG based off of 75% of ATK. Remove the target's Buff Effect.

Skill Potential 1
DMG +15%

Skill Potential 2
DMG +15%

Skill Potential 3
CD -2 Turns

Physical DMGPhysical DMGSP CostPhysical DMGPhysical DMG
75% ▸ 100%100% ▸ 125%3 ▸ 2125% ▸ 145%145% ▸ 165%
Costume Designs

Piercing Magic Bow is recruitable in the pub's rotating pool, and in Infinite Reroll.

This costume deals a lot of damage, and on top of that, it costs 2 SP at +3, making her really good in a PvP attack opener. On top of that, Eleaneer is Dark, which means that she deals 1.5× more damage against Granhildr. The dispel and elemental advantage combined makes this costume the ideal counter to either preemptive skill of Granhildr. She won't be able to kill an Idol Granhildr without the help of Zenith, but this is as good as it gets.

Key Upgrades: Design +3, DMG upgrades add up.

B-Rank Idol


Sick and Tired of This!
SP ◆ 5 — CD ● 5 Turns
Attack 3 Times, each attack deals Physical DMG based off of 85% of ATK. Cannot use skill for 2 turns.

Skill Potential 1
DMG +35%

Skill Potential 2
SP Cost -1

Skill Potential 3
NEW: Decrease DEF by 20% for 2 turns.

Physical DMGPhysical DMGSP CostPhysical DMGPhysical DMG
85% ▸ 110%110% ▸ 135%5 ▸ 4135% ▸ 155%155% ▸ 175%
Costume Designs

This costume also has really good damage, although it effectively has a pattern since she targets the front (unless you're using concentrated fire). It also has a silence, which isn't very relevant in PvE since she's a DPS who is expected to kill her targets. In PvP, however, this extra utility is very good in cases where her shred potential isn't enough to kill tanky DEF units.

Her third skill potential gives her shred utility, which is rare for a high damaging skill. This makes her way more likely to kill DEF units in PvP, and in PvE it can be combined with a 50% shredder to completely shred pesky elite enemies that typically have 70% RES.

Key Upgrades: Design +3, Skill Potential 2 and 3, DMG upgrades add up.

Building Eleaneer

Eleaneer has different builds depending on whether she's being used in PvE or PvP.

Exclusive Stat — 45 ATK%
Correct Main Stats — ATK + CDMG
A good upgrade to Eleaneer's DMG, but definitely not necessary.

Engraving: LIF
243 HP

Engraving: STR
34 ATK

Engraving: PSV
8% DEF

Awakening 1
12% ATK

Awakening 2
10% Dark DMG

Bond Potential

Magic Piercing Bow
Crit Rate4.6%
Dark DMG30%
B-Rank Idol

Magic Piercing Bow has more offensive bond stats (crit rate is a consistency stat), so use this for all content.

Optimal Build [PvE]


Optimal Substats — 9 ATK% substats + 6 CDMG substats

Build either full DEF or full MRES depending on the enemies you're facing.

Optimal Build [PvP]


Optimal Substats — 5 Crit Rate substats + 10 CDMG substats

This build puts her at 100 Crit Rate. If you're a budget player, just use a Venomous Touch and risk missed criticals.