Character Guide — Rubia

Rubia is a Physical Fire DPS that with all sorts of damaging skills. She does not need dupes to function, with most of her combat power being locked behind potentials. She struggles however to find content to shine in with the plethora of Fire DPS units in the game.

Thorn of the Desert
Empress of the Ocean
Maid Name C
Base Stats [Level 100]

Rubia is a Physical Fire DPS that with all sorts of damaging skills. High damaging DoTs, DEF shred, and evasion makes her a versatile DPS. She does not need dupes to function, with most of her combat power being locked behind potentials. She's a decent DPS with various utilities, but keep in mind that she needs a lot of tears to be good.

Check out my other Character Guides:

Strengths and Weaknesses

Rubia is a decent DPS, and most of her combat power is unlockable through potentials instead of dupes.
Rubia has the best AoE for a DEF shred costume.
[PvP] Rubia is a scary DPS in PvP defense.

Empress of the Ocean requires 3 tears to be usable for the shred utility.
Rubia is generally outclassed by Liatris as a DPS, and her shred isn't that big an upgrade over Elise, who can shred for 50% without potentials. There is currently no strong justification to invest in her potentials over other Fire DPS units.


Rubia currently has 3 costumes. The Thorn of the Desert is a DoT skill, Empress of the Ocean is a wide AoE attack with DEF shred, and Maid Name C is a damaging costume with both a self-buff and evade utility.

Thorn of the Desert

Very Front

Dagger Dance
SP ◆ 4 — CD ● 5 Turns
Attack 3 Times, each attack deals Physical DMG based off of 40% of ATK. Deal Physical DMG based off of 75% of ATK every turn for 3 turns.

Skill Potential 1
Initial DMG +25%

Skill Potential 2
DoT DMG +50%

Skill Potential 3
DoT DMG +50%

Physical DMGPhysical DMGSPDoTDoT
40% ▸ 60%60% ▸ 75%4 ▸ 375% ▸ 120%120% ▸ 165%
Costume Designs

Thorn of the Desert is recruitable in the pub of Story Pack 5.

This costume deals more damage than [Rodev's Star] Liatris, however the pattern is worse than Liatris's pattern. The massive multipliers coming from the skill potentials also make this costume more usable at +0.

Key Upgrades: Skill Potential 2 and 3, Design +3, others are nice to have.

Empress of the Ocean

Very Front

Break Bullet
SP ◆ 5 — CD ● 5 Turns
Attack 6 Times, each attack deals Physical DMG based off of 25% of ATK. Reduce DEF by 25% for 4 turns.

Skill Potential 1
DMG +7%

Skill Potential 2
DEF Shred +10%

Skill Potential 3
DEF Shred +10%

Physical DMGPhysical DMGSPPhysical DMGPhysical DMG
25% ▸ 32%32% ▸ 39%5 ▸ 439% ▸ 45%45% ▸ 50%
Costume Designs

The biggest DEF shred AoE in the game, compared to [Lovely Lady] Elise's skip pattern. However, given that shred is only required against elite enemies a lot of the time, the only advantage this costume has over Elise in PvE really is the chain utility. Additionally, you need to use 3 tears to get to 45% DEF shred, since Skill Potentials 2 and 3 are locked behind Skill Potential 1.

This costume is really scary in PvP, however the high SP cost makes it unsuitable for an attack opener. It also completely whiffs its AoE if she targets a backline enemy.

Key Upgrades: Skill Potentials 2 and 3, Design +3, others are nice to have.

Maid Name C

Very Front

[Secret Service] Enhancement
SP ◆ 3 — CD ● 5 Turns
Evade enemy attacks with 100% chance for until 2 successful evasions. Increase ATK by 50% for 4 turns. Attack 2 Times, each attack deals Physical DMG based off of 120% ATK.

Skill Potential 1
DMG +20%

Skill Potential 2
ATK Buff +2 Turns

Skill Potential 3
Evade +1

SP CostPhysical DMGPhysical DMGPhysical DMGPhysical DMG
3 ▸ 2120% ▸ 140%140% ▸ 160%160% ▸ 180%180% ▸ 200%
Costume Designs

Maid Name C's is a cheap skill that offers utility more than damage. Her ATK buff isn't that strong, but it has 100% uptime with skill potential 2. Her evade is also really neat, allowing her to completely evade strong enemy skills, especially those that deal high Fixed or Pure DMG. This evasion is also very annoying to deal with in PvP.

NOTE: Evade does not work in Fiend Hunt!

Key Upgrades: Design +1, Skill Potential 2 and 3

Building Rubia

Rubia has slightly different gear depending on whether you're using her in PvP or PvE.

Exclusive Stat — 45 ATK%
Correct Main Stats — ATK + CDMG
This exclusive weapon is a decent boost to Rubia's DMG. It's definitely nice to have, but not strictly necessary.

Engraving: LIF
243 HP

Engraving: STR
34 ATK

Engraving: PSV
8% DEF

Awakening 1
12% ATK

Awakening 2
10% Fire DMG

Bond Potential

Thorn of the Desert
Empress of the Ocean
Fire DMG30%
Maid Name C

Thorn of the Desert is Rubia's best bonds for PvP and general PvE. If you want a slight edge against wind enemies, you can use Maid Name C for the Fire DMG.

Optimal Build [PvE]


Optimal Substat Spread (Assuming BBS Refinements) — 4 ATK% substats + 11 CDMG substats

Refer to the Defensive Gearing section of my gear guide for what body and head pieces to use.

Optimal Build [PvP]

Optimal Substat Spread (Assuming BBS Refinements) — 5 CR + 10 CDMG substats

Use full DEF gear so Rubia won't immediately die to counters.

Using Venomous Touch as your accessory is an okay alternative to Warmth of the Brazier if you already have it for her PvE build, since her costumes are multi-hit skills. It is also completely fine if you have some ATK% substats in place of CDMG substats.