Character Guide — Scheherazade

Scheherazade, or Schera, is a Magic Water DPS who specializes in her dispels that render all buffs null. She has dispel on ALL her costumes, making her an answer to most buff mechanics in Mirror Wars.

The Lapis Witch
Code Name S
Magic School Professor
Pool Party
Base Stats [Level 100]

Scheherazade, or Schera, is a Magic Water DPS who specializes in her dispels that render all buffs null. She has dispel on ALL her costumes, making her an answer to most buff mechanics in Mirror Wars.

Dispels remove all buff effects on the enemy hit.
• Dispels take place before a counterattack can be made.
• Dispels cannot remove buffs granted by an aura, unless the source of the aura is dispelled.
Note that there are also limited dispels on other units that only apply to certain classes of buffs.

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Strengths and Weaknesses

Schera has good damage as a DPS, and all of them can dispel.
[PvP] Schera having 100% uptime on dispels means that she is never at risk versus counters. She can also deal with units with other troublesome buffs, such as taunt and revive.

[PvP] Schera is likely to get brute forced by high end units even with 90 RES.


Schera currently has 4 costumes, all of them having a dispel. Code Name S has a silence on top of that, The Magic School Professor has a bit of shred from potentials, while The Lapis Witch and Pool Party are vanilla dispel skills.

The Lapis Witch

Very Front

Aqua Break
SP ◆ 4 — CD ● 5 Turns
Attack 3 Times, each attack deals Magic DMG based off of 75% of Magic ATK. Remove the target's Buff Effect.

Skill Potential 1
DMG +30%

Skill Potential 2
CD -2 Turns

Skill Potential 3
DMG +30%

Magic DMGMagic DMGSPMagic DMGMagic DMG
75% ▸ 100%100% ▸ 125%4 ▸ 3125% ▸ 145%145% ▸ 165%
Costume Designs

The Lapis Witch is given for free during the story in Story Pack 2 — The Lapis Witch. This costume is also available in Infinite Reroll.

This is a really good costume, with lots of damage while also dispelling. Not much to say here, besides the fact that this skill has a better pattern compared to Code Name S and Pool Party, while having much more damage than Professor.

Key Upgrades: Design +3, Skill Potential 2, DMG upgrades are nice to have.

The Magic School Professor

Very Front

Aqua Silence
SP ◆ 6 — CD ● 5 Turns
Attack 5 Times, each attack deals Magic DMG based off of 20% of Magic ATK. Remove the target's Buff Effect.

Skill Potential 1
NEW: Decrease Magic Resist by 15%

Skill Potential 2
DMG +15%

Skill Potential 3
SP -1

Magic DMGMagic DMGSPMagic DMGMagic DMG
20% ▸ 28%28% ▸ 37%6 ▸ 537% ▸ 43%43% ▸ 50%
Costume Designs

This costume has issues. The damage is below par, and the pattern being front means that its coverage won't be as good as a skip . It is also really expensive for what it does. The shred from potentials is also not good enough to make up for these deficits.

There may be some very specific scenarios where having this costume would be nice, but for the most part, the only relevant use case for this skill is to complete Schera's skill cycle if you don't have Pool Party.

Key Upgrades: Skill Potential 1 and 3, Design +3.

Code Name S

Very Front

Sapphire Boomerang
SP ◆ 4 — CD ● 5 Turns
Attack 3 Times, each attack deals Magic DMG based off of 80% of Magic ATK. Remove the target's Buff Effect. Apply Silence to the enemy for 2 turns.

Skill Potential 1
DMG +30%

Skill Potential 2
DMG +30%

Skill Potential 3
Silence +2 Turns

Magic DMGMagic DMGSP CostMagic DMGMagic DMG
80% ▸ 105%105% ▸ 130%4 ▸ 3130% ▸ 150%150% ▸ 170%
Costume Designs

This costume has very good damage as well, and it has a silence on top. To compensate for this much utility, Code Name S is given a weird pattern that may hurt her tile coverage in some scenarios.

The problem with this is that since this is a DPS costume, Schera is expected to kill, which means that the silence isn't really relevant in PvE. Most enemies that you would struggle to kill will also be immune to silence. So in PvE, this is more or less another Lapis Witch with a slightly inferior pattern.

In PvP, however, the silence is massive, since there will be enemies with 90 MRES built that Schera may not be able to brute force. The silence upgrade on her potentials make it even more debilitating.

Key Upgrades: Design +3, Skill Potential 3, DMG upgrades are nice.

Pool Party

Very Front

Midsummer Heat Wave
SP ◆ 3 — CD ● 5 Turns
Attack 5 Times, each attack deals Magic DMG based off of 30% of Magic ATK. Remove the target's Buff Effect.

Skill Potential 1
DMG +10%

Skill Potential 2
CD -2 Turns

Skill Potential 3
DMG +10%

Magic DMGMagic DMGSP CostMagic DMGMagic DMG
30% ▸ 38%38% ▸ 46%3 ▸ 246% ▸ 53%53% ▸ 60%
Costume Designs

This is Schera's cheapest skill, and one of the two only skills with a 2 SP omni-dispel, the other being Eleaneer. Because of this, this costume sees play in PvP, where she is used in the attack opener to dispel Granhildr's Idol preemptive, leaving you with 3 SP to use on other things.

Damage wise this costume is also not that great—only decent at best with all the upgrades combined.

Key Upgrades: Design +3.

Building Schera

Schera has slightly different gear depending on whether you're using her in PvP or PvE.

Exclusive Stat — 45 MATK%
Correct Main Stats — MATK + CDMG
This exclusive weapon is a decent boost to Schera's DMG. It's definitely nice to have, but not strictly necessary.

Engraving: LIF
243 HP

Engraving: STR

Engraving: PSV

Awakening 1
12% MATK

Awakening 2
10% Water DMG

Bond Potential

The Lapis Witch
Water DMG30%
The Magic School Professor
Crit Rate4.6%
Water DMG30%
Code Name S
Pool Party

Use Lapis Witch bonds for PvP and general PvE. Code Name S bonds are slightly better against fire enemies, but the former is more than fine for that too.

Optimal Build [PvE]


Optimal Substat Spread (Assuming BBS Refinements) — 4 MATK% substats + 11 CDMG substats

Use full DEF gear or full MRES gear depending on the enemies you're facing.

Optimal Build [PvP — No Helena]

Optimal Substat Spread (Assuming BBS Refinements) — 8 CR + 7 CDMG substats

Schera does not need DEF gear since she is not at risk against counters, so she can build MRES (you can still build DEF if that's what you want her to tank). MATK% subs are fine on this build, and you don't necessarily have to get 100 crit rate on her since she's a multi attacker.

Venomous Touch is also a decent alternative accessory, provided that you change her substat spread.

Optimal Build [PvP — With Helena]

Optimal Substat Spread (Assuming BBS Refinements) — 6 CR + 9 CDMG substats

If you're using either Helena or Elpis on your team, this build is better in making Schera capable of brute forcing non tanks.