Engraving and Awakening – Quick start guide


Engraving and awakening are a new way to improve your character's stats after they reach Lv 100. In the "Growth Preview" characters tab, you can now check the max stats before and after engraving and awakening.

The materials required for engraving and awakening are both time gated.

Comparison stats before and after engraving and awakening

What is Engraving?

Engraving is unlocked when your character reaches Lv 100. Engraving further improves your character's stats.

There are three different kinds of engraving: HP, ATK/M.ATK, and DEF/M.RES (depending on whether the character is physical or magical type).

In order to engrave, you will need:

  • Gold
  • Engraving Scrolls
  • Essence of Life (for HP), Essence of Strength (for ATK/M.ATK) or Essence of Perserverance (for DEF/M.RES)

Scrolls and Essence for engraving can mainly be found in the Evil Castle Shop and Event Shop. They are time gated in that the currency you can earn from Evil Castle seasonal rewards and event rewards are limited. They can also be found in the Golden Thread shop and the Powder shop, though it's generally not recommended to use Golden Thread or Powder for engraving materials (since Tears, costumes and tickets are generally more valuable).

Evil Castle Shop
Example event shop

The costs for engraving increase significantly as the levels go up:

ResourceLv 1 EngravingLv 10 Engraving

To fully engrave a character, you need 1,110 Scrolls and 300 Essence (100 of each kind). For players who can clear most event content and all floors of the Tower of Pride, there should be no difficulty in fully engraving at least 1 character in every 2 week season. This is calculated on the following basis:

  • If you were purchasing all engraving materials from the Evil Castle Shop with Devil Coins, you would need a total of 12,150 Devil Coins.
  • Tower of Pride gives you 1,000 Devil Coins per floor clear (total 6 floors) plus seasonal rewards of at least 3,000 Devil Coins for just participating. Just clearing 6 floors should therefore earn you at least 9,000 Devil Coins per 2 week season.
  • If you can spare around 3,150 event currency to buy around Scrolls and Essence from the Event Shop (which is not too difficult to achieve if you do all the event activities every day), you can use your Devil Coins to buy the remaining required materials. This way, you should be able to afford to enough materials to fully engrave a unit once every 2 weeks.

Scrolls and Essence will also be available from the Guild Shop (100 of each Essence per month) once Guild Raids are released.

What is Awakening?

Once you have fully upgraded all 3 engravings, the Awakening option becomes available.

Awakening is basically the final stage of engraving, and will provide a further final upgrade to the character's stats. Awakening is very expensive: it costs 500,000 gold and 200 Awakening Elixir.

The ways to obtain Awakening Elixir are as follows:

  • Daily Last Night rewards: The maximum rewards are 5 Elixir per day.
  • Tower of Salvation seasonal rewards (once a month): 100 Elixir per season.
  • Guild Shop: Up to 100 per month.
  • Powder of Hope: It is generally not recommended to use Powder for Elixir unless you are a very big spender. Powder is scarce (it is only earned from gacha pulls), and it's usually better to use it to buy costumes. It costs 2 Powder per 1 Elixir, so it would cost 400 Powder (i.e. the cost of 2 costumes) just to awaken 1 character.

Thankfully, Awakening stat boosts are relatively small, and not game breaking. There are 5 different kinds of awakening (you cannot choose the awakening type, as the awakening type that is available depends on the character). Details of the stat boosts for each type are below:

Awakening typeStat Boosts
Strength12% ATK, 10% property dmg (elemental dmg)
Magic12% M.ATK, 10% property dmg (elemental dmg)
Protection4% DEF, 14% HP
Anti Magic4% M.RES, 14% HP
Mind's Eye24% Crit DMG, 4% Crit Rate