Fiend Hunt Guide — Berserker

Key Points

  • Environmental Effect: Property DMG buffs are reduced by 90% (multiplicatively).
    • There might be a case to use Refithea for her CDMG and chain buffs, but definitely do not use Diana!
  • Level 10 Threshold: 75.2M
  • Fiend Stats — 50 DEF and MRES, 100 Wind DMG, 50 Water RES.
    • Bring a shredder for this fight.
  • Optimal Skill Sequence: S1 → C1 or C2 → S2 → S3 → S4.
  • Build DEF gear and put them on your fire units. Have them tank C1/C2, S2, and S3.

These DMG thresholds are very high considering that you don't get many amplifications from the Fiend.

Skill Rundown

Frenzied Roar

The fiend requires you to have a DoT applied on succeeding turns in order to deal damage. You can also just dispel this buff, but there aren't any sources of dispel that would also fulfill any other role for this Hunt.

Trigger either C1 or C2 after this skill.

Hunting the Fiend

S1 → C1 or C2 → S2 → S3 → S4

The Fiend doesn't amplify your damage besides C1 and C2, and its conditional skills only trigger once per battle (not per team!). Thus, you should trigger C1 on one team, and trigger C2 on another team. C2 is easier to trigger than C1, so it's a good idea to have the team that triggers C2 go first.

If you only have one team for this fiend hunt, then trigger C1 and C2 consecutively (order isn't too important). This Fiend has no nuke turns, so just start dealing damage after triggering the conditional skill(s). Trigger the conditional skill after S1 so that you can survive S3.


  • You need two fire units per team, so that they can get buffed by C1/C2 and not die to S2 or S3.
    • Your Fire DPS units ideally should use bonds with Fire DMG nodes if they have them.
  • You need a shredder to deal with the fiend's 50% DEF/MRES
  • Property DMG buffs don't work.

Example Mixed Composition (C2 Trigger):


Magic teams are in a very rough spot this Hunt since Loen (the only magic fire DPS) only has one costume, and the fact that the Fiend only buffs ATK with C1 and not MATK.

On top of that, Elise, who shreds MRES, is physical. Elise needs the CD reduction potential (or +5) in order to have full uptime on her shred. If you can't make time for this upgrade, replacing Elise with Samay should work (you will have to sacrifice Samay to C2 however).

Zenith + Base Teresse can apply a DoT to all the weakpoints, bypassing the fiend's barrier from S1.

Example Physical Composition (C1/C2 Trigger):


Liatris is likely the best DPS for this Fiend Hunt, since she has a DoT to bypass S1, an ATK buff from C1, and skip is just superior (make sure to upgrade her CD potential). Game Club Rafina is very important for physical teams, since the Fiend has no self-vulnerability debuffs. Rubia has both a shred (you will want to upgrade her shred potentials), and a DoT to cover the turns Liatris can't have them applied.

Gray also works as a chainer + secondary DoT applier if you cannot use Rubia for some reason. However, if you do not need his DoT application, and your Celia isn't being used in your other team, then Celia is a superior option.

Example Eris Composition (C1/C2 Trigger):


If you pulled for Eris, then you can use her in place of Loen in the mixed composition. Eris needs Zenith/Rigenette in order to land her base skill on the weak spots. If your Rafina is occupied in another team, you can use another physical buffer, provided that this team is a C2 trigger team.

Closing Remarks

This is a pretty difficult fiend hunt, given how Diana's buff is all but nullified, and the fact that the fiend doesn't have many amplifications. Loen teams are especially going to struggle.