Guild Raid – Quick Start Guide


  • Join a guild to participate in Guild Raid! Participating in Guild Raid allows you and your guild to earn Mercenary Alliance Deeds, which are the currency for the Guild Shop.
  • Guild Raids run on a weekly cycle, with new challenges every day.
  • Day 1 to Day 3: Invasion Defense (i.e. preparation phase). Battle normal enemies to upgrade the power of Lancelot, the giant mecha!
  • Day 4 to Day 7: Boss Defense. Battle a giant boss in a giant 5x5 field, with a team of 7 units! Borrow up to 2 supporting allies from your guild members. You also get help from Lancelot, whose power level depends on your guild's battle performance during the Invasion Defense phase.

Invasion Defense (Day 1 to Day 3)

During the Invasion Defense phase, the aim is to level up Lancelot to his max level, which is Level 5. In order to gain EXP to level him up, your guild members need to participate in the daily challenge battle. Levelling up Lancelot significantly improves his ATK, which means his skills are stronger during the Boss Defense phase. Levelling up also seems to improve his HP, though there is no known use for his HP stat so far (as Lancelot cannot be attacked during Boss Defense).

Comparison of Lancelot at Lv 1 and Lv 5.

There are 5 different difficulties for the daily battle challenge. You can only battle once a day with no retries, so choose your difficulty carefully! For example, if you defeat the Level 1 difficulty battle, your record will be locked in and you will not be able to attempt any other difficulty levels for the rest of the day.

Every difficulty level has a Repel counter, which records how many times a difficulty level has been completed by your guild. Once the Repel counter reaches max, that difficulty level will be recorded as a "Successful Repel" and your guild's Lancelot will receive a huge EXP bonus.

The most effective way to level up Lancelot is to obtain all of the Successful Repel bonuses. E.g. if your Level 5 is successfully repelled but your Level 4 is not yet successfully repelled, it is better to pick Level 4 than Level 5 (even if you are strong enough to beat Level 5).

Boss Defense (Day 4 to Day 7)


Boss Defense is very unique in that it is the only game mode to be played on a 5x5 field (instead of a 3x4 field). In addition, you are able to deploy 7 characters instead of the usual 5. This includes up to 2 "support characters" that you can borrow from your guild members. This big team formation opens up a lot of new strategic possibilities.

Similar to fiend hunts, crits are guaranteed once you reach a certain number of chain stacks.

Since the boss is so massive, it can be hard to tell where the attack points and weak points are. If you are finding it hard to see what's going on in the field, try using the "Rotate View" button at the bottom, which will give you a clean top down map of the field.

Use Rotate View to see the field better!


Unlike Invasion Defense, which is strictly once per day, in the Boss Defense phase you can play and retry as many times as you like.

Note that you can immediately challenge any difficulty level you want (unlike fiend hunts, you do not need to start from Lv 1).

Also, even though you can play unlimited times per day, note that you can only use support characters from others guild members a total of 3 times per day (i.e. 3 completed runs per day). If you reset, lose or quit before you finish the Boss Defense battle, the attempt will not be counted. However once you have successfully completed Boss Defense 3 times with support characters (regardless of whether you use 1 or 2 support characters), you will no longer be able to use any more supports for the rest of the day.

Boss attack pattern

The boss has two phases.

In the initial phase, the boss uses one of its starting attacks randomly. The attack pattern changes every attempt, so if you don't like the boss's starting attack, you can reset and the first attack may change. On subsequent turns, if you don't like the boss's attack, you can also use Retry > Previous Turn to try for a different RNG outcome.

Once the boss falls below half health, it starts using its Overdrive skills, which are stronger than its normal random skills.

Like fiend hunt bosses, the guild raid boss also has conditional skills which only activate on certain turns or when specific conditions are met.


When you start the Boss Defense battle, Lancelot is inactive. Stacking chains and taking damage charges up his gauge. Once he is charged up, you can deploy him. Choose carefully when you want to deploy him, because you can only deploy him once.

Lancelot lasts only 6 turns (3 player turns), which means he can only ever activate 3 of his 4 skills. The first skill is always Redeeming Strike, which is the skill he uses upon battle entry. On his remaining 2 turns, you can pick use one of the following 3 skills per turn:

  • Arondight Rush: 9x hits attack (good for stacking chains and amplifying your team's damage)
  • Radiant Combat Mastery: Burn damage attack (good to use earlier to get more burn turns in)
  • Blessing of the Lake: Refreshes cooldowns and recharges SP

When Lancelot enters battle with Redeeming Strike, he will apply "Break", which disables the boss's next attack. He will also amplify damage that turn: so choose a turn when you plan to nuke.

Whilst Lancelot is in battle, it seems that he continues to apply break on the boss's conditional skills (even though it does not expressly state this on his skill descriptions). For example, the first guild boss Flame Lord Arc Farlas uses a team wipe skill (instant KO) on Turn 20. If you deploy Lancelot on Turn 15, he will break the boss's Turn 20 skill, allowing you to continue the battle into Turn 23. However if you activate Lancelot too early (before Turn 15), you won't get the opportunity to break the Turn 20 skill and you will miss out on continuing to Turn 23.


Like fiend hunts, guild bosses rotate elements each week, but there are also some guild bosses that have no element. Bear in mind that element damage buffers (e.g. Diana) do nothing against no-element bosses.

Happy hunting!