Granblue Fantasy: Relink – Ultimate Beginners Guide

We're excited to present you with the Granblue Fantasy: Relink ultimate beginner's guide, bringing together all the things we wish we knew sooner. With this guide, you can walk away with a good understanding of what to expect, what the game is about, and how Granblue Fantasy: Relink plays.

Here are some tips to make your gameplay more enjoyable:

Understand the Story

As a player, you step into the shoes of the main character, either Gran or Djeeta, and embark on a journey to find the legendary island of the Astrals called Estalucia. Accompanied by a crew aboard the grand airship known as the Grand Cipher, you traverse the skies, encountering charismatic characters and unraveling the mysteries of the Primal Beasts—giant monsters created by the Astrals with godlike power.

Granblue Fantasy: Relink has a rich and detailed storyline. Take your time to understand the lore, characters, and the world as you progress through the main story quests.

Explore Town Hubs

Town hubs house various shops and vendors, each serving a specific purpose. The Knickknack Shack and the blacksmith, for example, offer services related to your character's progression. The Knickknack Shack might provide items, while the blacksmith allows you to upgrade and enhance your weapons.

Town hubs also feature quest counters where you can initiate different types of missions. These quests can vary from standard story quests to side quests that offer additional challenges and rewards. Engaging with the quest counter is essential for progressing through the game and acquiring valuable resources.

Throughout the town hubs, you'll encounter non-playable characters (NPCs) with whom you can interact. These interactions can provide valuable information about the world, its lore, and even hints about hidden quests or items. Some NPCs may offer you side quests or share stories that add depth to the game's narrative.

Exploring town hubs is not just a side activity but an integral part of the gameplay experience. It enriches your understanding of the game world, provides avenues for character progression, and offers opportunities for unexpected discoveries that can significantly impact your journey through the skies.

Side Quests

Engage in side quests to earn rewards, including money, Mastery points, and materials. Additionally, explore the town hubs to discover hidden materials and quests, providing extra goodies for your journey. Acquire mastery points to boost your characters, and gather materials with versatile uses to further enhance your character's strength.

Assist Mode

If battles seem challenging, consider using Assist Mode. It offers accessibility options, including a mode where you can focus on moving while the game handles combat.

There's the initial assist mode where you can relish the battle by just pressing X, and then there's the complete assist mode that frees you to concentrate solely on navigating the game, handling everything else automatically.

There's no disadvantage to using these modes, making them great for players who need assistance.

Diverse Characters

Granblue Fantasy: Relink features a variety of characters, each with unique playstyles, abilities, and mechanics. Experiment with different characters to find the one that suits your preferred combat style. Understanding character stances and abilities is crucial. Pay close attention to each character's unique features, stances, and mechanics. Some might have special attributes like the ability to switch stances, counter attacks, or summon pets. Mastering these intricacies will undoubtedly elevate your gameplay experience.

Here is a list of playable characters:

Gran or Djeeta

The main character, versatile Wind character with a balanced skill set suitable for various situations.



Water Melee character, a knight whose duty is to protect Lyria, wielding a magical sword and having both offensive and supportive skills.



Fire Ranged attacker, the helmsman of the Airship, excelling in both close and long-range combat with guns.



Light Mage, a mage with access to various long-ranged elemental magic and recovery spells, creating Mystic Vortex orbs for powerful attacks.



Ranged Earth character, an experienced Skyfarer using a sniper rifle for long-range attacks and manual shooting.



Dark character, the Incarnation of the Primal Beast Rose Queen, using unique magic to summon roses, control the battlefield, and buff allies.



Earth character with a large greatsword, dealing additional damage with timed inputs on attacks and having skills for self-buffing and enemy debuffs.



Fire character with a spear, excelling in aerial combat with fast attacks that chain into constant aerial hits and counter-attack abilities.



Light character with a greatsword, the captain of the Order of Holy Knights, dealing rapid hits that enhance her attacks and having counter abilities.



Fire character, the founder of the Eternal Rage style, using fists and gauntlets to build up rage for powerful attacks and damage-inflicting skills.



Light character, a ghost accidentally summoning the Primal Beast of Death, using ghost pets and a whip for close and medium-range damage.



Dark swordswoman with two stances, combining martial arts and magic, switching between Speed and Range stances for different attacks.



Water character with dual swords, dealing rapid attacks coated in ice, with a special dodge leading into combos and self-buffing skills.



Water character, vice captain of the Order of the White Dragons, using a halberd for wide-sweeping attacks, building and consuming a beatdown gauge for powerful combos.



Fire Knight, Lord of Flames, using fire abilities to control and enhance attacks, dealing uninterruptible charged hits and causing burning.



Earth Mage, founder of Alchemy, virtually immortal, transmuting weapons in combo attacks, and using magic for recovery, damage, and battlefield control.



Wind sword master, famous in the past, dealing super-fast rapid attacks, counters, and shock waves, enhancing attacks with triple shroud marks.



Dark warrior similar to Zeta, part of the society hunting Primal beasts, using a great scythe, building attack and defense with timed attacks.


Save Crewmate Vouchers

Save crewmate vouchers and redeem them later in the game. This ensures that the unlocked characters will start at a higher level with more masteries unlocked, saving you time on farming.

Weapon Upgrades

Forge and upgrade weapons for increased combat effectiveness. Each weapon has its own level and trait, so upgrading and uncapping are essential. Create a wish list for materials in the blacksmith menu to make farming easier. Focus on one or two characters at a time to avoid quickly running out of materials.

Character Customization

Masteries function as skill trees with stat upgrades, new skills, buffs, and effects. Sigils are gear items granting levels to various traits; higher rarities offer more levels. Sigils can be upgraded based on their rarity and are crucial for character customization. Keep an eye out for the fast learning sigil for an additional XP boost when leveling up.

Combat Mechanics

Learn and master different combat mechanics, character timings, attack combos, and skills:

  • Utilize the training room to practice and master new characters and their abilities.
  • Guarding, dodging, and perfect guarding/dodging are crucial defensive strategies.
  • Link attacks build a stun gauge; executing them raises the party's link level to 100%.
  • Skybound Arts are unique character attacks that deal high damage; use them strategically. The SPA gauge, filled by dealing or taking damage, is needed for executing Skybound Arts.
  • Critical hits always deal full damage; building a high critical hit chance is beneficial.
  • Understand different damage types and colors to assess your attacks' effectiveness. Match a character's element to the enemy's weakness for optimal damage output.

Status Effects and Boss Strategies

Status effects, buffs, and ailments play a significant role in character and enemy interactions. Some bosses have specific weak points that, when exploited, yield additional loot. Bosses may enter overdrive, becoming more dangerous; deplete their gauge to break them.

Bloodthirst is a temporary buff making attacks, including Skybound Arts, less effective. Some bosses have breakable parts that yield extra loot and change their behavior.

Multiplayer Strategies

The game can be enjoyed solo or in multiplayer with up to four players in a party. Use stickers, quick chat options, and emotes for easy communication in multiplayer. Customize your character profile with your favorite character, bio, and availability times.

Final Worlds

Remember to enjoy the journey through the skies of Granblue Fantasy: Relink, and may your adventures be filled with excitement and discovery!

Look forward to more guides and tier lists in the coming days as we conquer further into the game!


Dirk is a devoted stay-at-home dad. His days are filled with the joyful chaos of raising two amazing sons. When he's not in full dad mode, you often find him diving into the world of video games, where he can escape into fantastic adventures and challenges.

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