Character Guide — Morpeah

Morpeah is a Magic Water DPS who summons allies to the field to do her bidding. She is capable of raising an army to deal massive amounts of damage.
Summer Vacation
Daydream Bunny
Base Stats [Level 100]

Morpeah is a Magic Water DPS who summons allies to the field to do her bidding. She is capable of raising an army to deal massive amounts of damage.

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Strengths and Weaknesses

Morpeah's summons are pretty flexible to use, and she has a 1 turn cooldown with potentials!
[PvP] Morpeah's skill is preemptive, allowing her to summon fodder units in defense.

Pretty expensive skill to spam.
Morpeah's personas inherit her stats, but not her buffs. This is something she has to play around.


Morpeah currently has 2 costumes, Summer Vacation and Daydream Bunny. She can preemptively summon personas or spectres that can self-destruct.

Summer Vacation


Villain Persona
SP ◆ 6 — CD ● 3 Turns
Preemptive Action: Use Allied Zone Summon to create 1 Persona of Worship and 1 Persona of Slander.

Persona of Worship
SP ◆ 0
Self-destruct for 300% Magic DMG.

Persona of Slander
SP ◆ 0
Self-destruct for 300% Magic DMG.

Skill Potential 1
Cooldown -2 Turns

Skill Potential 2
SP Cost -1

Skill Potential 3
NEW: Reduce DMG taken by 30% for 4 turns.

Persona DMGPersona DMGPersona DMGPersona DMGPersona DMG
300% ▸ 380%380% ▸ 460%460% ▸ 540%540% ▸ 620%620% ▸ 700%
Costume Designs

Summer Vacation Morpeah debuts a unique mechanic to the game: Allied Zone Summons. When Morpeah summons, she always prioritizes the allied tile on the front left. If that tile is occupied, she then targets the tile to the right. In other words, she summons on the front most row that is not occupied, prioritizing the left most lane afterwards.

Morpeah will always summon Persona of Worship before Persona of Slander.

The damage on the personas she summons is pretty good (not stellar since Morpeah has lower base MATK than a lot of top DPS units, and her exclusive gear is a crit rate circlet), but the real utility is in how flexible these personas are. They can:

  • Focus on a single enemy, making Morpeah really good in single target (besides Last Night, where her summons do not get a turn).
  • Spread their AoE, having up to 6 tiles of AoE when combined.
  • Be used as meat shields, in the case where the enemy has an ability that is difficult to mitigate.

This flexibility does come with a huge caveat, however—the personas inherit Morpeah's unbuffed stats. This means that you need to cast this skill before your buffer, or they won't be buffed. This also means that because of Morpeah's 1 turn cooldown (skill potential 1), her summons won't always be buffed. This can be played around by stacking the summons, since reusing her skill does not remove any current summons, then have them all kamekaze when the buffer's cooldown is over. This strategy is another highlight for Morpeah—she can set up for massive nuke turns in content like Fiend Hunt.

In PvP, Morpeah's skill being preemptive allows her to create summons that can tank for the rest of your team, increasing the chances of your defense team surviving turn 1. Whether she becomes a great alternative to Granhildr will have to come with time.

Since all of Morpeah's dupes scale just her damage, there is no concrete stopping point with her. Just be sure to get a couple DMG upgrades (+2 or +3) so that her DMG is comfortable.

Key Upgrades: Skill Potential 1 and 2, DMG Upgrades add up.

Daydream Bunny


Daydream's Call
SP ◆ 4 — CD ● 5 Turns
Use Allied Zone Summon to create 1 Bunny Spectre.

Spectre Bunny
SP ◆ 0
Self-destruct for 150% Magic DMG. Reduce target's Magic Resistance by 30%.

Skill Potential 1
SP Cost -1

Skill Potential 2
SP Cost -1

Skill Potential 3
Cooldown -2 Turns

Spectre DMGSpectre DMGSpectre DMGSpectre DMGSpectre DMG
150% ▸ 230%230% ▸ 310%310% ▸ 390%390% ▸ 470%470% ▸ 550%
Costume Designs

Much of Morpeah's strengths and weaknesses detailed in Summer Vacation apply to this costume too. However, because this costume has lower multipliers and only creates 1 summon, on top of the fact that Summer Vacation has no cooldown, there's not much reason to use this costume unless you need to set up some MRES shred. Summer Vacation can be cast preemptively though, so you do have a window to cast this skill on turn 1, the only turn Summer Vacation is on cooldown.

Key Upgrades: SP Cost upgrades, DMG upgrades add up.

Building Morpeah

Morpeah's build depends on whether you're using her for PvE or PvP.

La Hypnos
Exclusive Stat — 45 MATK%
This exclusive weapon is only good if you're using Morpeah for PvP. In PvE content, just use Venomous Touch.

Engraving: LIF
243 HP

Engraving: STR

Engraving: PSV

Awakening 1
12% MATK

Awakening 2
10% Water DMG

Bond Potential

Crit DMG47.2%
Beach Vacation
Water DMG30%
Daydream Bunny

Beach Vacation is Morpeah's best bonds for general content, but if you want an edge against fire enemies, consider Daydream Bunny.

Optimal Build [PvE]


Optimal Substat Spread (Assuming BBS Refinements) — 7 MATK% substats + 8 CDMG substats

Use full DEF gear or full MRES gear depending on the enemies you're facing.

Tank Build [PvP]

Substat Spread — 5 DEF + 7 HP% + 3 CDMG substats
Accessory Main Stats — CR + HP%

This build gives Morpeah 50 crit rate, 90 DEF, and 13,000 HP, allowing her personas to tank physical units on defense. Morpeah builds defense since most of the magic attackers have skip targetting, which would end up missing the personas.

Morpeah needs to have Helena on her team to get 100 crit rate. It is not recommended to use Morpeah without Helena in PvP, because trying to build 100 crit rate from gear would make Morpeah and her personas too squishy.