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The Blue Beard has arrived... and it seems to be looking for a marriage partner? In order to break free from these vows, we'll need to strike at its head and hunt it down.

Key Points
- Fiend Stats: 0 DEF & MRES, 0 Dark DMG, 0 Light RES.
- Do keep in mind that the Fiend gains 100% Dark DMG after S2.
- Weak spots take 200% more damage.
- 10 Initial SP, 3 SP gained per turn.
- You can use the turns after the nuke turn to generate SP for the following team.
- Build DEF gear.
- This Fiend isn't really that threatening, however, so no need to go that hard into defensive gear.
- Remove the energy guard on tiles you plan to hit on the nuke turn right after S1.
- Trigger C1 after S2, then unleash your nuke abilities after C1.
- This fiend has a 69.2M level 10 DMG threshold.

Skill Rundown
S1 — Marriage Declaration

The fiend creates an Energy Guard for all of its parts, lasting for 5 hits. If any part still has an energy guard when it casts S2, that tile will gain an advantage buff (and not gain its chain debuff).
You need to remove the energy guard of tiles you plan to hit on the nuke turn, so that it will debuff itself with additional chains per hit. You can do this either by hitting the tiles 5 times or dealing enough damage to the tiles (see table above). Hitting 5 times is much easier, however.
S2 — Wedding Preparation

The second part of this skill is actually a replacement effect, meaning that tiles with an energy guard will get a property DMG boost, while tiles without an energy guard will gain a chain stacking debuff. You need to have had removed the energy guard on relevant tiles the previous turn.
Trigger C1 after this turn.
C1 — Bent Mustache

Trigger: Stack 5 chains on the highlighted area.
Unleash your highest damaging skills after this turn.
S3 —Bride Assessment

Simply tank this skill with a non-light unit like so.
S4 — Disqualification
A team wipe! Your next team then takes the stage as the Fiend loops back to S1 and resets its conditional skills.
Hunting the Fiend
S1 → S2 → C1 → S3 → S4
Simply stack the debuffs the fiend gives itself by triggering C1 after S2, then lining up your buffs so that you can nuke the fiend after C1.
Team Building
Example Magic Composition:

Angelica (Magic DPS) — Angelica will definitely struggle to clear level 10 on her own, but if you don't have any other options, here's how to best make use of her.
Refithea increases the number of chains Zenith and Celia do. You can get a total of 46 chains on the tile Zenith hits, and 28 chains on the tile behind it with all three combined. Zenith also enables Pool Party Angelica to hit two weak points chained by Celia.
Example Physical Composition:

Ventana (Physical DPS) — Ventana should have the highest ceiling this Hunt, just use Comeback Idol after S2, and Snow White after C1.
If you have a well invested Yuri, you may use her instead. Zenith can be replaced with Rigenette (tho she has much less chains), Refi can be replaced with Diana, and Teresse can be replaced with any of the physical buffers.
Liatris Team:

Just in case you forgot about Liatris, this team should be good (when is it not, really?) for a second or third team in Fiend Hunt. Gray and Rubia are really just there for extra chains.
Closing Thoughts
Angelica really struggles this Fiend Hunt compared to Yuri and Ventana, which is to be expected since the last dark fiend we faced had 50 DEF and 0 MRES to close the gap between her and the physical light units.