Fiend Hunt Guide — Mother Crab

An overview to the Fiend Mother Crab.

Key Points

  • Level 10 DMG Threshold: 126M.
  • 100 Fire DMG, 50 Wind RES, 50 DEF, 0 MRES.
    • Physical teams will have end up triggering C2 if they want to shred the fiend's DEF.
  • 10 Initial SP, 4 SP gained per turn.
  • Skill sequence: (C2 →) C1 → S1 → S2 → S3 → S4.
    • You will have to trigger C1 if you're using Diana or Refithea.
    • You will have to trigger C2 if you're using Celia or a DEF Shredder.
    • There are no nuke turns! Get the conditional skills out of the way first, then deal your damage.
  • Bring DEF Gear and a healer for the DoT (Helena or Teresse).

Skill Rundown

Firm Crab Legs

Trigger: Any unit activates an aura.

If you're using Diana, simply use either of her skills before S1 to get this conditional skill out of the way. If you're using Refithea, use Gluttonous.

If you're not using either of them in your team, then you won't need to worry about this conditional skill.

Determined Crab Legs

Trigger: Weaken any tile.

Weaken refers to any stat reducing debuff. This include M/ATK debuffs (Celia), and DEF/MRES shred debuffs. This means that if you're using Celia, or if you're using a DEF shredder in a physical team (the Fiend has 50 DEF), then you'll have to face this conditional skill.

7 evasions on each Fiend tile are a massive wall to face. You'll likely have to use Celia to clear these evasions away.

If you have to trigger this skill, trigger it at the start of battle, then trigger C1 afterwards to give yourself an extra turn to remove the evasions.

Piercing Pincers

Have your water units take this hit since they are more resistant to this damage, but if your team is tanky enough, you can have them all take the hit. This is so that they don't lose their buffs to S3.

Diana takes double damage from this Fiend, so you may want her to tank S2 instead.

Killing Strike

If there are units that didn't take the hit from S1, have them take this hit. You want every unit to have a DoT so that S3 doesn't dispel their buffs.

Deadly Crab Foam

If you had every unit tank either S1 or S2, nobody should be getting dispelled off of this.

If you're using Sylvia, this turn is a perfect time to have Desert Flower's counters active.

Spinning Death

A team wipe! Your next team then takes the stage as the Fiend loops back to S1 and refreshes its conditional skills.

Hunting the Fiend

(C2 →) C1 → S1 → S2 → S3 → S4

You will have to trigger C1 if you're using Diana or Refithea, and you will have to trigger C2 if you're using Celia or a DEF shredder (magic teams don't need shred). So if you have to trigger the conditionals, trigger them at the start of battle, prioritizing C2 over C1 to give yourself more time to break the evasions. Do note that this may mean delaying aura skills until after C2.

This Fiend has no nuke turns, so simply line up your buffs as best as you can. If you're using Sylvia, you will want her counter to be active when the Fiend uses S3.

DPS Review


Roxy (×15 AoE) — By far the best DPS for this Fiend Hunt (unless Morpeah is somehow better). Magic teams don't have to deal with MRES, so they won't have to trigger C2 at all. Just make sure to use Beachside Angel Teresse over Celia for Roxy, to avoid triggering C2. Levia chains for 4, which means Roxy even gets the benefit of vulnerable on top of Teresse's buffs. Also make sure to put Roxy on the side lane, so her main target damage is applied on the 5× weak point.

Example Team → Roxy, Levia, Teresse, Diana, Helena

Morpeah (???) — We don't know for sure what Morpeah's kit will do, so I will leave her section blank for the mean time.

Schera (×6 AoE) — Schera's patterns are not great for this Fiend Hunt, but you can try using her if you don't have other options.

Sylvia (×13 AoE) — Sylvia's busted, but the odds are a bit stacked against her favor. The fiend has 50 DEF, but if you try to shred it, you will trigger C2. You will have to put in work in order to maximize her damage this Hunt.

Rafina (×14 AoE on Steel Engine, potted) — Steel Engine is a great sub DPS for Sylvia, Code A allows her to shred the leg weak points, and Game Club gives vulnerable. All around great! Except for the fact that Code A triggers C2. You may want to have Celia on your physical team if you want to clear out the evades. Alternatively, you may want to instead not use Code A at all so you can use Teresse on your physical team instead. Try both strats out!