Palworld – How to Get Legendary Pals

In Palworld, there are these awesome legendary Pals, and get this—they're actually classified as legendary variants! I'm super excited to share all the details with you in this complete guide. We'll be covering the locations of each legendary Pal and how to capture them.

How to find and catch Jetragon

Alright, first things first – location is key. As Legendary Pals, we can only find Jetragon in one very specific location on the map. Let's head West to the Obsidian Mountain, then to the far North-West tip of the island, as the map marker below illustrates.

Now, preparation is crucial. Jetragon is no joke – level 50, super fast, and packs a punch. Make sure you've got heat-resistant armor because the area is scorching hot. And don't forget your ice element Pals – they'll give you the upper hand against this dragon type.

When it comes to assembling a top-notch team of ice-type Pals, Chillet and the ice variant of Reptryo are solid choices. And if you're lucky enough to have Frostallion in your roster, it's definitely a game-changer.

Ice Reptyro

Legendary spheres are your secret weapon. They offer better results, and trust me, you'll want every advantage when dealing with this powerful creature. So, make sure you're stocked up and ready to roll.

Approach the encounter with patience. Jetragon is a tough nut to crack, and it might take some time to bring its health down to a capture-friendly level. Keep an eye on the surroundings, too – we wouldn't want our Pal flying off cliffs, right?

Some players swear by attempting the capture at nighttime. The dragon might be a bit less aggressive or even catch some Z's, making your job a tad easier. It's worth a shot!


Look over the island of Palpagos from the ends of the sky. When the calamity awakens again, splitting the earth and setting the heavens on fire, he will destroy it with a glare of complete obliteration.
TierSS Tier
Melee/Shot ATK100/140
Work Speed100
TimeWhole day

Jetragon Skills:

Skill NameLevelDescription
Aerial Missile-Partner Skill: Can be ridden as a flying mount. Can rapidly fire a missile launcher while mounted.
Spirit Fire1The fireballs explode after a short distance, generating smaller fireballs that spread forward.
Dragon Burst7Quickly discharges draconic energy, damaging those around it.
Flare Storm15Generates two flaming tornadoes on either side before launching them at an enemy.
Draconic Breath22Exhales breath imbued with draconic energy, dealing continuous damage to those in front of it.
Beam Comet30Flies at enemies on illuminated wings while firing innumerable beams. The beams explode on impact.
Fire Ball40The ball explodes over a wide area upon impact.
Dragon Meteor50Calls down numerous small meteorites and launches them at an enemy.

Work Suitability:

| Gathering Lv3 |


  • Pure Quartz
  • Polymer
  • Carbon Fiber
  • Diamond

How to find and capture Frostallion

The Frostallion is no ordinary steed; it's a mythical horse-like beast, boasting a stunning appearance and some seriously powerful abilities. As a level 50 Pal, it's not to be taken lightly, making its capture a true badge of honor in the game.

Head to the top-left region of the Palworld map to track down Frostallion. It can be found east of the Land of Absolute Zero teleport point.

Gear up for the icy environment by donning cold-resistant armor to withstand those freezing temperatures. And don't forget your legendary spheres – you'll want a solid supply as they significantly boost your chances of capturing high-level Pals like the Frostallion. They offer higher success rates compared to the regular ones, and trust me, you'll need that extra edge for a Pal of this caliber.

Know your enemy! Frostallion has a vulnerability to fire element Pals. Bring along a mounted fire Pal to exploit this weakness during the encounter. Jormuntide Ignis and Reptyro are the best fire Pals to bring to this fight.

Jormuntide Ignis

Approach with caution and patience – Frostallion is no pushover. Brace yourself for a challenging battle, and if you're releasing your Pal to fight, mix up your attack angles. Use the terrain to your advantage and minimize risks.

Consider trying your luck during the nighttime hours. There might be changes in the creature's behavior at different times during the day. Experiment with different times to discover what works best for you under the moonlit sky.


Guardian deity of Palpagos Island, known as the Winter Caller. In the past, when a calamity struck the land, it soared into the sky and sealed away the threat by casting the island into an eternal winter.
TierSS Tier
Melee/Shot ATK100/140
Work Speed100
TimeWhole day

Frostallion Skills:

Skill NameLevelDescription
Ice Steed-Partner Skill: Can be ridden as a flying mount. Changes the player’s attack type to Ice and enhances Ice attacks while mounted.
Air Cannon1Quickly fires a burst of highly pressurized air.
Ice Missile7Creates ice lances in the air that fly towards enemies.
Icicle Cutter15Creates a crescent blade of ice and hurls it forward.
Iceberg22Summons a sharp ice lance under an enemy.
Crystal Wing30Dashes forward while creating frigid air around its wings, using them to slash enemies.
Cryst Breath40Enshrouds an enemy in a frigid blast of air, dealing continuous damage.
Blizzard Spike50It deals damage to those in the surrounding area upon impact.

Work Suitability:

| Cooling Lv4 |


  • Ice Organ
  • Diamond

How to find and capture Necromus and Paladius

Necromus is a dark-type pal, adding an element of mystery and intrigue to its character. As a ground-mounted creature, it doesn't take to the skies but still poses a formidable challenge. Being a level 50 pal, it requires careful planning and strategy to successfully capture.

On the other hand, we have Paladius, a neutral-type pal. With a distinct appearance and being ground-mounted as well, Paladius offers a different dynamic in battles. Like Necromus, it is also a level 50 pal, making the encounter a substantial challenge for players.

Both Necromus and Paladius are found in the desert region of Palworld.

Given the desert environment, prepare with heat-resistant armor. The area is extra hot, so equipping the right armor is essential for your survival. Additionally, ensure you have a stock of legendary spheres to maximize your chances of capturing these level 50 pals.

The unique aspect of capturing Necromus and Paladius is that they can be fought simultaneously. To make the encounter more manageable, consider approaching the area during nighttime. At night, one of them may fall asleep, allowing you to engage and capture them one at a time.

Necromus being a dark-type pal is weak against dragon-type pals. Paladius, being a neutral type, is weak against dark-type pals. Bringing a balanced team with a mix of these elements can give you a strategic advantage in the battle. Choosing a Dark/Dragon-type is the most effective strategy to counter both elements. Astegon stands out as the obvious choice since it's the only Pal in the game that meets both requirements.


Ensure your character is at a high enough level, ideally 45 or higher, and bring along powerful allies with effective attacks. Both Necromus and Paladius can be challenging, especially when fought simultaneously.

As with any legendary encounter, persistence is key. If you don't succeed in capturing Necromus and Paladius on your first attempt, don't be discouraged. These legendary pals will respawn after a day cycle in the game, providing you with additional opportunities.


Once he and Paladius were a single species. They say it is the manifestation of negative feelings, but the depths of their eyes contain traces of compassion.
TierSS Tier
Melee/Shot ATK100/145
Work Speed100
TimeWhole day

Necromus Skills:

Skill NameLevelDescription
Dark Knight of the Abyss-Partner Skill: Can be ridden. Can double jump while mounted.
Shadow Burst1Quickly discharges dark energy, damaging those around it.
Spirit Fire7The fireballs explode after a short distance, generating smaller fireballs that spread forward.
Spirit Flame15Fires three balls of malice that relentlessly pursue an enemy.
Nightmare Ball22Quickly discharges draconic energy, damaging those around it.
Rock Lance30Generates a sharp rock spear under an enemy.
Twin Spears40Clads its twin spears with vicious whirlwinds and charges forward, thrusting them one after the other.
Dark Laser50Charges dark energy before blasting enemies with a powerful beam.

Work Suitability:

| Lumbering Lv2, Mining Lv2 |


  • Pal Metal Ingot
  • Large Pal Soul


In the past, he and Necromus were a single species. They say that they are an existence that has freed themselves from all negative feelings, but the depths of their eyes harbor traces of resentment.
TierSS Tier
Melee/Shot ATK110/120
Work Speed100
TimeWhole day

Paladius Skills:

Skill NameLevelDescription
Holy Knight of the Firmament-Partner Skill: Can be ridden. Can triple jump while mounted.
Power Shot1Charges energy into a focused blast.
Ice Missile7Creates ice lances in the air that fly towards enemies.
Iceberg15Summons a sharp ice lance under an enemy.
Power Bomb22Charges a massive amount of energy before firing a large destructive ball.
Blizzard Spike30It deals damage to those in the surrounding area upon impact.
Spear Thrust40Clads itself in holy power before charging forward with its spear. The shield in its other hand protects from attacks during the charge.
Pal Blast50Charges destructive energy before firing a high-powered beam forward across a wide area.

Work Suitability:

| Lumbering Lv2, Mining Lv2 |


  • Pal Metal Ingot
  • Diamond

Dirk is a devoted stay-at-home dad. His days are filled with the joyful chaos of raising two amazing sons. When he's not in full dad mode, you often find him diving into the world of video games, where he can escape into fantastic adventures and challenges.

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